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- Roger W Hancock

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Roger W Hancock

the PoetPatriot

2002  BLOG Archive

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The current BLOG                            The Faith Blog

Where's the common sense? Addressing traffic problems Issue manipulates freedom
Pam Roach Blatantly liberal (bias) CLONING - Much into taste
Example for Students? Judges usurp authority Keep Super-Majority
Cater to Criminals Warriors of Peace Vote him out in November
 Flag Waver - (The Year After 9-11)  Foundation Heritage ENRON - What about Clinton?
Pledge for liberty   What happened to the Democrats . Lewis thinks about citizens
Traffic Lesson Give us a break Give police needed tools
  Precinct Caucus  

Newspapers listed below the opinion piece are known to have used the letters.
Others may have used the letters without my knowing.


Where's the common sense?                          November, 2002

   The political correctness of "it's somebody else's fault'' is running rampant. The prosecutors in the Teresa Hedlund case are stretching beyond common sense. How far is the blame going? Why not blame the manufacturer of the camera for not placing a notice on the camera? We did blame the cigarette companies for the smoker's stupidity and cigarettes have a warning notice.
   Teresa Hedlund may be guilty of many things, but to say she caused the driver, Thomas Stewart, to act irresponsible because of a camera is absurd. Stewart and the passengers were showing off because they were drunk. They needed no help to be stupid. All chose to drink knowing their responsibility flies out the window with their liquored breath.
   Political correctness is wrongness with lack of common sense to a logical conclusion based upon primary cause and effect. Let's get real.
- Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," 
South County Journal, 11-21- 2002   (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Pam Roach                                                     November, 2002

   Bias — there's no bias here!
   The South County Journal has endorsed Yvonne Ward over Pam Roach because of Pam's character. Character did not matter with Bill Clinton.
   Pam may have some rough edges, but she is working on them. The staunchest Republicans support Pam Roach. The staunch Republicans the Journal refers to, if pegging the individual's right, are more moderate than staunch. I had been Chairman of the 31st District King County Republicans over the past year and have seen improvements in Pam's demeanor.
   Yvonne Ward, a Democrat maverick for what she stands for, probably will not be allowed by the Democratic caucus to be very effective. If she does not conform to their line of thinking she will not be able to get bills onto the floor. Once the extreme liberals gained control of the Democratic Party they changed the direction away from what is good for America. Yvonne Ward is the Democrat of 20 years ago and if elected, and her positions compromised, will be viewed as just another liberal Democrat running as conservative yet governing as a liberal elite.
   We know Pam Roach is a senator who votes for America and who will listen and take action when confronted with her own rough edges. Pam has been good for our community.
- Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor,"
South County Journal - 11-01- 2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Example for Students?                    October, 2002

   The Issaquah teachers are setting an example for the children they teach, a bad example. Civil disobedience is one thing when that individual accepts, and is willing to pay the consequences. When Dr. Martin Luther King exercised civil disobedience, he went to jail.
   The Issaquah teachers are complaining about a judge's ruling to uphold current law. A strike by public employees is illegal. I would think the teachers would be jeopardizing their jobs participating in illegal activities that affected their job performance, but that is an issue for the Issaquah School Board.
   The duty of the judge is to uphold the laws, not to define them as opposite of what they are. If a person wants to have the right to strike, they should avoid public service jobs or lobby to have the existing law changed. They should not have expected the judge to throw the decision to an illegal outcome.
- Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor,"
South County Journal, 10-03- 2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Flag Waver                                                    September, 2002

    I was a flag-waver before the attacks of Sept. 11.
    I now feel even stronger in a strong defense in our military as well as the intelligence agencies. Peace is maintained by a strong military. As long as peace is not the goal of other nations, then we must be prepared to fight to keep the peace we have
   Terrorism, the global nightmare, has come to America. Safety is our goal but cannot in a free society be secure.
   I have learned that total liberty is not possible if security is desired. The balance between freedom and security is fragile. Liberty is maintained by responsible freedom.
- Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor,"
Chicago Tribune (IL), 09-03-2002,  pg. 18;  NY Newsday (NY), 09-03-02;  South Florida Sun Sentinel (FL), 09-03-02;  South, 09-03-02;  Orlando Sentinel (FL), 09-03-02;  The Morning Call (PA), 09-03-02;  Greenwich Time (CT), 09-03-02;  Snohomish Tribune (WA), 09-?-02;  Merge (PA), 09-03-02;  Seattle Times (WA), 09-08-02;  Baltimore Sun (MD), 09-03-02 (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)
Also used on the websites of:
WB2 (CO), 09-03-02;  WB11 (NY), 09-03-2002;  WB39 (FL), 09-03-02;  7cities (PA), 09-03-02;  WXMI FOX17 (MI), 09-03-02


Pledge for liberty                                            July, 2002

It was a bold move to declare even a part of the “Pledge of Allegiance” unconstitutional. This should alert all who have the unbiased sense God gave them as to the direction the liberals desire to direct this country away from freedom
Thomas Jefferson said, “It is a very dangerous doctrine to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions. It is one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy.”
- Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor,"
Local Planet, 7-4-2002 Seattle Press, 7-4-2002    (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Cater to Criminals                                          August, 2002

   They cater to criminals.  Just one barometer that reveals the tactics of Democrat leaders to gain votes are the various protests. The liberal protests against conservative causes and personalities seem to be much more unruly than when a conservative group protests against the liberal causes and personalities.
The Democrats cater to the criminal participants by supporting and enacting laws that are light on criminals. Lighter sentences and decriminalization of illegal activity draws the votes of those who would tend to break our laws and those who would vote illegally (convicted felons are not allowed to vote). It is not surprising that there would be more disruptive participants among liberal protesters considering that criminals are one special interest group that helps to maintain the power of the Democratic Party.
In vying for the criminal vote, today's Democratic Party is making society less safe for the rest of us. Liberal political correctness restricts our peace officers from performing their duties swaying the scales in favor of the criminal.
Votes are more important to the Democratic leaders than a safe America. Watch the protests and you can see the difference. If we keep this up the criminals will be running the asylums, prisons and our lives.
- Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," South County Journal, 8-30- 2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Traffic Lesson                                                August, 2002

   Journal reporter Matt Thompson, in reporting a public interest story, has hit on an a solution to our traffic problems. It is not ``the'' solution, but can make a noticeable dent in the rush hour commute time. No taxes are required, just responsibility of the media and ourselves. Education of the commuters can make a difference. Ignorance of the ``Rules of the Road'' can cause accidents, road rage and death. There are no great drivers; we all make mistakes.
Thompson reported at the end of the article that highway merge lanes should be driven to the full extent making a smooth merge into the main traffic flow. I find it is much easier and less stressful to utilize the full space in picking out an adequate space to merge into. I even have time to choose a backup plan should an inconsiderate driver speed up to close my first choice. I especially enjoy the car behind me illegally zipping across the white frog lines to either drive in my blind spot, or closing the gap that would have allowed me to make a smooth transition into the traffic.
I applaud Thompson for his inclusion of the merging lesson and hope to see the Journal incorporate more lessons into their reporting. This, of course, is assuming the reader will examine his own driving skills, and learn from the information reported. The ultimate responsibility for safety lies with you and me, the driver.
- Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," South County Journal - 8-20- 2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Addressing traffic problems                          August  2002
Look at all options when addressing traffic problems

Transit is one of the most difficult problems to solve in the Northwest. We often look at the subways and trolley systems that operate elsewhere and say that they can be the answer. Most existing subway and trolley systems were installed when construction costs were substantially lower than today. Forget inflation, today we have the added cost of all the added safety measures. We have the cost of the environmental impact statements. Then there is the fact that today we have to pay for the land that once was simply taken.
   Ridership was not much of a problem in decades past as the love affair with the automobile had not yet begun. Mass transit had a greater appeal than today as we simply hop into our cars and drive anywhere our hearts desire. Speed and convenience are essential components in the success of mass transit. Building systems that must slow as they cross existing roads also slowing automobile traffic is self-defeating. It is time to consider the alternatives that would allow higher speeds without crossing existing traffic conduits.
   Underground or overhead are the only common sense approach except for the consideration of cost. But since we are hell-bent on spending the money we move slowly on.
Underground is much too costly as Seattle’s bus tunnels have taught. The only approach that avoids conflicts while achieving higher speeds is the monorail proposals. We must consider all possibilities without ignoring others if we are to achieve any success in the improvement of our traffic woes.
- Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," Enumclaw Courier Herald, 08-9-2002Seattle Press, 08-15-2002Federal Way Mirror, 08-28-2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)

Blatantly liberal                              June, 2002

   In a recent Associated Press article by Paul Queary, the press bias is plainly exhibited ("Millions at stake as national GOP failed to report contributions," Local News, July 23). The bias was expounded upon by the contributions of Times' Olympia bureau reporter Ralph Thomas
   The original story was mainly about irregularities of Democratic contributions by unions, yet early in the article a big play was made to demonize the Republicans. It said it could cost Republicans millions, without giving details. This article basically played down (while still subtly telling the truth) about union contributions to the Democrats.
   Grant it, a small mention that the Republicans were being investigated would have been prudent. However, The Times reporter played up the Republican angle even greater. This article downplayed the facts that the unions and Democrats were investigated and found guilty on many counts of violating campaign finance laws

- Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor,"
Seattle Times, June 30, 2002    (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Warriors of Peace                                            June, 2002

A police officer is killed. A naked man pulled the trigger, but our politically correct society killed the cop. We put our peace officers at risk by giving the criminals rights to which they do not deserve.
Just to serve in these mixed-up liberal times makes an officer a hero, let alone the actual heroic deeds. We restrict our public servants in their ability to protect the public and themselves. Our police officers are warriors of peace. A warrior is less effective when fear is present.
We must allow our officers the necessary tools and discretion to protect themselves, to protect you and me.
-  Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," Seattle Times, 06-25-2002 South County Journal, 06-27-2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Judges usurp authority                  July, 2002

   The liberals have made a great mistake. They have become overconfident in their social victories. In the slow heating of anti-American values they have become impatient, thus showing their true intent: the tearing down of the premise of liberty.
Our judges are usurping their authority. The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has been the testing ground of the liberal agenda's tactics of distorting the meaning of our foundations. The Ninth Circuit Court is the most liberal court in our nation and has been overturned more than any other (Supreme) court in history.
It was a bold move to declare even a part of the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional. This should alert all who have the unbiased sense God gave them as to the direction the liberals desire to direct this country away from freedom.
The liberal elite in their attempts to destroy the fabric of American freedom cannot win without the aid of activist courts ruling against our foundations. We can expect more as the Democrats exert their partisan opposition to President Bush's judicial appointments in favor of these types of liberal activist judicial nominees. We can also expect similar decisions from Clinton's appointments that were ratified by the misguided nonpartisan actions of the Republicans.
The preservation of liberty is being fought on two fronts: The war on terrorism and the war of ideologies. One if by land and two if by court.
- Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor,"
South County Journal, 7-08-2002 The Local, July 04, 2002The Seattle Press, July 04, 2002Federal Way Mirror, 7-3-2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)

Foundation Heritage                                      June 27, 2002

To preserve the foundations of American liberty we must preserve our heritage. It is through these landmarks, the symbols of freedom, that our children learn the value of liberty.
-  Roger W Hancock

Presidents House in Philadelphia - Petition Archive - 6-27-2002


What happened to the Democrats                          June, 2002

   The Democrats were once the "Party of the People." What has happened?
The Democratic Party opposed Republicans when increasing funds for the school lunch programs. They opposed Republicans over increasing the minimum wage. They oppose Republicans about getting tough on criminals to protect the people. They oppose Republicans in attempts to restrain taxation. They oppose Republican talk about requiring accountability in our government.
Democrats are in opposition to whatever the Republicans are promoting at the time, but will later take the opposed Republican issue, rework it, dumb it down, then present it as their own. After the Republican issue receives some acclaim, Democrats will distort and outright lie about it to gain the people's opposition.
   The Democratic Party today exists only to obtain power and with that power to enact laws that abate our freedoms. All you need to do is look at what they support and how they propose to enforce or enact their issues. The Democratic Party -- those who run and control the party -- remind me of the Communist Party and the Cold War. The leaders enjoy the high-life while governing to keep the people oppressed.
   Democratic policies, whether intentional or not, are leading America away from liberties to a new American Socialist way.  Are they the ``Party of the People'' or the ``Socialist Party of the People''? I'm wondering, is this the new Democrat?
-  Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor,"Federal Way Mirror, June 19, 2002;  Seattle P-I, June 24, 2002 South County Journal, 7-14-2002;  Auburn Reporter, 11-13-2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Give us a break                               May, 2002

King County Executive Ron Sims and County Council Democrats are targeting budget cuts on those services that are visible to the public. We are seeing the closure of our parks as one such deliberate act. They should be concentrating on the waste, not the visible. But they have an agenda to grow government to build their power base and to tax
However, when the people have a choice, and are willing to make cuts, it is the visible that suffers. Our schools are the first item to be cut. Not by design, but because it is visible, the easiest vote to say, "no.'' While the liberals seek to tax us into lower income levels, the schools are left as vulnerable targets
The teacher unions that support the agenda of the liberal Democrats are helping to weaken their power to help their members. Support more taxation and the schools will suffer. Taxes are too high.
When will the Democrat representatives get the message? The people vote for initiatives that lower taxes and vote against school bonds and levies. As the people have been attempting more and more to voice their message of "lower taxes,'', the liberal elite continue to ignore and seek new and innovative ways to tax and oppress. All we are saying, is "give us a break.''
-  Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," South County Journal, May 10, 2002;  Auburn Reporter, May 22, 2002   (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


© Copyright 2002, Roger W Hancock


Issue is manipulated to further restrict freedoms      May, 2002

   If Bush is a tool of the polluters, then the environmentalists are tools of socialism. In the guise of environmentalism, prevailing is the restriction of our freedoms. Government is slowly taking over private businesses and our lives one regulation at a time.
   To blame Bush for past failed policies is just plain stupid. Give him a chance; let's see what will come of his efforts. Oh, how stupid of me; it will not matter what he does because it will be wrong. He will be criticized even for the good, for they shall distort the truth and the apathetic will follow, believing every word.
Global warming: Is it true or false? We hear much about it as the media treat it as fact. When supporting information is reported, we get only one side of the issue. There is other information that supports no global warming. We do not hear of those opposing views, facts and opinions; it is not the politically correct position to take. What about truth? What about hearing all sides of an issue?
The environmentalists get so concerned about oil spills and fail to see or purposely ignore the fact that more oil is leaked into the oceans from the bowels of Mother Earth. That oil is assimilated into the mass waters of the deep. Yes, it can be devastating to the beaches when washed up on land. That is why precautions and emergency plans are developed. Even then, if left alone, Mother Nature would correct man's mistake.
   The issue of the environment is being manipulated for the purpose of further restricting our freedoms. Where liberty is suppressed, socialism is able to gain ground, ever slowly. Incrementally, our liberty wanes.
-  Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," Seattle P-I - May 01, 2002   (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


 CLONING - Much goes into taste                 May 01, 2002

   In a recent issue of the South County Journal, an Associated Press article reported that cloning could increase production of high quality meat. We are searching for "pie in the sky.''
Genetics alone does not make the beef. The feed has much to do with the taste of the meat. Wild game usually has a much wilder, somewhat harsher taste than domesticated animals. Stress factors have much to do with the efficiency of an individual animal's metabolism.
Of course, the personality has little to do with the taste as we bite into that tender morsel or seemingly tough shoe leather.
- Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," South County Journal,  May 01, 2002   (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


 Keep Super-Majority                           March  2003

   The School Levy's 60 percent super-majority is necessary to equalize the representation of those who pay the tax. All registered voters can vote for the school levies, but only those who own property will have the tax levied against them. This is taxation with unbalanced representation at best.
   I do not care how badly the money is needed, this is America. This is the country that fought the Revolutionary War in part over "taxation without representation." If we are to give up what created this country and that which has made it great, then let's mandate twice as much for schools and government. The liberals would be ecstatic if they did not need votes over excess taxation.
   To do away with the 60 percent majority to pass a school levy is tactic of fascist style. Reduce the say of the taxpayer to increase the probability of maintaining the tax burden on only the property owners. Were the taxes to be levied upon all citizens, a simple majority would be prudent and fair. When the taxation is levied upon only some and not others with the others having a say, we have inequality.
   America is the country where equality is promoted while inequality is maintained in the lack of representation of the levy payers. The 60 percent super majority helps to strengthen the voice of those who pay while still giving a voice to those with no vested monetary interest.
   Maintain the super-majority or change the levy tax structure so that all who have a say, also pay.

     -  Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," The Seattle Press, Mar. 14, 2002Federal Way Mirror, 4-15-2002   (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Vote him out in November             March  2002

   In subsequent remarks after the recent Legislature's vote on the 60 percent supermajority, Chris Hurst seems to be putting his foot into his mouth again. Let's see, during his tenure as representative, he has demeaned women in his campaign manual, which said they are easily manipulated, as well as being most unflattering to the elderly of our society. In a campaign flier he lied, blaming his opponent for a flier against him, and then in the next paragraph he tells who actually published the pamphlet. It was not his opponent. Hurst has a history of stating lies seemingly without considering how ridiculous it makes him appear.
   Now it seems Chris Hurst, who is a Black Diamond police officer, not only could not tell the difference between two different vehicles, he also did not even attempt to verify his facts. Again he puts his foot into his mouth. In Hurst's usual manner to put down others, he again lies. He claimed seeing Rep. Jack Cairnes behind the wheel of a vehicle that had not been operational for more than a month. He lied about seeing Jack Cairnes and did not even recognize the vehicle he saw as a different vehicle.
   I want a representative who I can trust, certainly one who is not so obviously a liar as Chris Hurst. There is an election coming up next November that can remedy the Hurst situation. Vote for integrity. Vote "no'' on Chris Hurst.

-  Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor,"  South County Journal, Mar 05, 2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Precinct Caucus                           March 2002

   March 5 is the date set for the precinct caucus –– next to voting, the most important activity for you to affect public policy.
   The precinct caucus is for you to express your concerns that will help to develop the platform of the major political parties. This is also where those interested can begin to become a participant in the political process. Whether to become a party volunteer or only to voice your views, caucus night is your chance to be heard. It is the vocal who define the focal point.
The precinct caucus is mandated by the state of Washington to be held every two years. Issues are considered for inclusion into the party platform, as well as voting on delegates to the district and county conventions.
   The precinct committee officer is an official elected office. Each precinct has two precinct committee officers, one for each party. That person is the chairman of the precinct caucus and the grassroots contact for that party. The precinct committee officer has the privilege to be an automatic delegate to the first rounds of conventions.
   The precinct caucus is often held in the home of the current precinct committee officer for that party. Other locations may be at a nearby school or other suitable place.
For information on where your precinct caucus is being held, contact the county headquarters for your party. Contact phone numbers are: King County Republicans, (206) 378-1998; Pierce County Republicans, (253) 383-1795; King County Democrats, (206) 622-9157; and Pierce County Democrats, (253) 535-4769
   Republicans in the 31st District of King County can find their location on the Internet at (click on “Caucus Meetings”). The 31st District includes Enumclaw, most of Auburn and southern parts of Kent.
-  Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," Federal Way Mirror, 3-01-2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


ENRON -                                         February, 2002

   What's with all the attempts to tie Enron to the Bush administration? Top Enron executives contributed substantially to the Clinton Library. What favors were exchanged? What of the other Clinton and Enron connections? Vice President Cheney inherited from the Clinton administration an ongoing connection with Enron, yet the focus is on Cheney.
Enron received a ``no'' when asked for the help of the Bush administration. I've heard very little about the probable favors exchanged between Enron and the Clinton/Gore administration.
The media makes every attempt to make even the normal and legal interchange between Enron and the Bush administration look as though it is wrongdoing. Then they avoid reporting the many connections with the Clinton/Gore administration.
But, no, the media is not biased.

-  Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," The Seattle Press, Feb. 14, 2001 South County Journal, Feb 22, 2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Lewis thinks about citizens            February, 2002

   Auburn Mayor Pete Lewis has been digging right into his new job bringing some common sense with him by taking a fresh look at current projects. A price tag of $27 million should raise an eyebrow to anyone in a city the size of Auburn. Money, often, does not seem to be an issue to many politicians.
Mayor Lewis is showing himself to be a man of the people. He is looking out for our hard earned money that is now in the coffers of our city government.
Auburn may need a public safety building, but no need is so crucial that it be pushed to finalization at all costs.
So many alternatives have been presented by the mayor, one has to wonder how the current plan has stayed on course with the price tag of $27 million.
   Thank you, mayor, for watching out for the citizens of Auburn; for watching out for my pocketbook.
-  Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," South County Journal, Feb 15, 2002; Auburn Reporter - Mar 27, 2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)


Give police needed tools                January, 2003

The high-speed chases on Dec. 29 (Federal Way to Fife) and on Dec. 31 (Algona, Pacific and Auburn) may not have been successful 20 years ago. This is one example where the tools needed to do the job have been provided to our law-enforcement officers.
   Then, listening to my police scanner, I remember a high-speed chase involving a motorcyclist. The cyclist drove closer to Pierce County where King County police had no jurisdiction. The dispatchers became agitated, being unable to reach their contacts with the Pierce County police. The motorcyclist continued within King County, doubling back and finally ending the chase when he dumped the bike near Highway 18.
Since then our police officers have been given commissions allowing authorization to pursue suspects into other jurisdictions. As in the Dec. 29 incident, inter-jurisdiction pursuit has proven to be a valuable enforcement tool.
These days, in being politically correct, we hog-tie our protectorates. Characteristic profiling is being restricted if the suspect's prominent characteristic is, or is representative of, his race. If an officer is a racist it will show in many other ways. Let our police do their jobs without fear that the right decision will be politically incorrect.
   The chases did not require profiling other than gross traffic violations and mismatched ownership of the vehicles. The tools were there to complete the task at hand. Allow them the tools for efficient police work in every aspect of law enforcement. We must not restrict our peace officers from keeping the peace.
-  Roger W Hancock

Printed as a "Letter to the Editor," South County Journal, Jan 06, 2002  (The Papers often edit for space and other criteria.)

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