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Pages, courtesy of the PoetPatriot |

is on the charge !
The Man . . .
His Service and Mission |
Chuck is not one to brag... he is not one to dwell upon the past,
but rather the issues of today. He has said, "It's not what one did 10 -
20 - or 30 years ago that counts. Learning and moving forward with those
experiences is important, but the difference one makes today is what
really matters." It took some persistence on my part to get the
information to post on this site.
Chuck Lawrence grew up in a military family spending some time in France
and Germany. He watched the building of the Berlin Wall, learning what
Communism and Socialism is really about. He saw the sacrifice a person
was willing to make to be free.
Reaching the age of 17 Chuck joined the Army serving his first tour in
Vietnam with the 4th Infantry Division.
His duties included doorgunner and working with the Civil Affairs Team
and the Montgnard Tribspeople of Vietnam’s Central Highlands. He also
held other temporary duties with other units. During his second tour to
Vietnam with “A” Troop 3/17 Air Cavalry Chuck received some serious
injuries to his foot and leg requiring a medivac back to the U.S.A.,
then released in 1972.
After taking some healing time and getting himself back into shape he
reenlisted into the Army in 1973 to serve as Asst Operations Sergeant
with the 1st Brigade, 3rd Armored Division in
Germany. Chuck had served as a squad leader and Platoon Sergeant in
2/36 Infantry then as Asst Platoon Sergeant to the Post Honor Platoon at
Fort. Sam Houston TX. He served as an instructor at the Infantry
Officers Basic Course, at Fort Benning GA, when his injuries from
Vietnam caught up to him requiring a medical reclassification out of
Infantry and into communications. Chuck then served as the NCO in charge
of the 197th Infantry Brigade communications security
section. Continued decline in his health, due in most part to Agent
Orange Exposure while in Vietnam, precipitated duty in Germany then
ending his military career in 1981 with the rank of Staff Sergeant.
Chuck spent the next 11 years fighting with the VA
(Veterans Administration) for his earned and rightful benefits. He
authored the book “TEARS OF BLOOD” detailing the experiences and lessons
learned. The lessons of the book enabled many veterans to pursue their
own claims with the V.A. During that time Chuck attended college and
worked as a custom lighting designer for firms in New York and Seattle.
Chuck had been active in the effort to establish a
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter [Chapter 690] in his community, then
served as its legislative coordinator for many years. Chuck’s lobbying efforts to push
and support veteran related legislation has made him well known in the
State Capital, Olympia, Washington. When he was still a member he
represented the Vietnam Veterans of America on the Veterans Legislative
Coalition (WA State Department of Veterans Affairs). He was the primary lobbyist for
legislation to make it illegal to impersonate a veteran or member of the
military. Most recently he was successful in his efforts urging passage
of the “REST IN PEACE” Bill. This bill stops protesters from protesting
at veteran and military funerals in this state. Chuck is quick to point
out he did not do it alone. As with any citizen action Chuck led the way
in Olympia seeking out a legislator to sponsor the bill, while working
among the public to gain state wide support for the cause. Chuck help
Representative Dan Roach with the language of the bill spending endless
hours communicating between supporters and the state legislature.
Chuck is very active with his unique music program
of the veterans experience; the “Pride
of Service”
Chuck has served and has paid the sacrifice of injury. He claims no hero
status. He has made his life a service for Veterans. For his military
service, his work with the Veterans Administration, and today's
activities honoring veterans with his music program and with his
activism for Veterans, he has proved himself more than just an average
person. Though he will balk about this, his life story is truly that of
an American hero.
- written,
(with "hero" insisted) by the
PoetPatriot |
"Pride of Service"
a music program.
Sarge, Chuck Lawrence, has a music program he calls the "Pride of
Service" which has performed for many civic, veteran and military
Considering the importance to Support Our Troops, Chuck does not charge
for his performances other than to compensate for expenses when extended
travel is necessary. Chuck considers the message of the music as more
important than money.
He will accept donations to help with gas, and maintain his equipment.
If you would like to book an engagement with Chuck . . .
send an email to
Remove "REMOVE" by retyping the address without the "REMOVE."
- the Man... the Mission
- the CD
Sarge's Links
(c) 2007 Chuck Lawrence, the Sarge or
(c) 2007 Roger W Hancock, PoetPatriot
All rights reserved.
There is no official association between Sarge and the
Chuck Lawrence and Roger W Hancock are merely friends
who each Support
the Troops in their individual ways. |