Wing Conspiracy |

The Left Wing Conspiracy
One of
the basic tenants of the Left Wing Conspiracy is to distort truth in the media;
present false impressions of conservatives, using labels; and using any means
necessary to persuade the public that right is wrong. More recently
outright lies have been put forth by the leftist to deceive the public.
Supreme court nominees have been vilified by the lies of the left.
There may not be an organized
Conspiracy on the Left but the evidence suggests just that, more so than the
supposed Right Wing Conspiracy promoted by the Left. What lends more credence to
the existence of a Left Wing Conspiracy is the abetting of the mainstream media.
Lies are repeated without checking sources. The same bogus talking points
put out by the far left Democratic Party are reiterated as truth in news reports
on TV, radio, and newspapers.
Hillary Clinton in her attempts to have
detracted blame from her husband used the phrase 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy'.
The Democrat leaders and the media latched up the phrase combining it with lies
about the issues to scare the public.
Remember the school lunch cuts? There
were no cuts, the Republicans increased the moneys to the program, however, the
Democrats lied saying children would starve and time has proven that no child
has starved from the increase to the school lunch program. The media reported
the same deceptions, the Democrat leadership spewed forth.
The Democrats and the media using
deception as their support for saying the Republicans are mean spirited are
themselves the most intolerant faction of our society. Forget the militias There
is much more deceit and mean spirited attitudes on the left. Look at the attacks
during the confirmation hearings of Chief Justice Clarence Thomas. You've got
Bob Packwood who was criticized for indiscretions 20 years ago in which he did
not lie and when the lady said no, that was enough for him. Yet the Media and
the liberal Left supports Clinton in all his indiscretions and his purgery.
The hypocrisies of the Left are all too
obvious. Why then did the polls give President Clinton such high numbers?
The American people for the most part get their news from the main stream media.
The same liberal media that will report without verification on dirt about
Republicans, will bury or doctor stories that would show Democrats in a bad
light, such as they had for 8 years during the administration of President
..."If we were in other
countries, all of us together would go down to Washington and we would stone
[House Judiciary Chairman] Henry Hyde to death...and we would go to [Republican
leaders'] homes and kill their wives and their children," actor Alec Baldwin
said on an NBC-TV talk show. Talk about being mean spirited.
During the impeachment
proceedings some of the Democrats distorting the facts, threatened those who
would vote for the impeachment of Bill Clinton. One Democrat leader said the
Republicans refused to allow a vote on censure, yet it was the proceedings that
prevented such actions. The Republicans use the same rules the Democrats
established for the Nixon hearings yet the Democrats complain saying the
Republicans are not playing fair. The Democrats did not allow Nixon to cross
examine the witnesses. At Hillary' s suggestion Nixon was not allowed defense
attorneys to represent himself during what would have been impeachment
proceedings. The Republicans not only allowed Clinton representation but also
have allowed his defense to cross examine witnesses in the proceedings. The
Democratic leadership often holds to a double standard.
The Left Wing Conspiracy
continues with retribution for the Republicans standing up for the Constitution
and just plain good behavior. The publisher of Hustler magazine, Larry Flynt,
during the Clinton administration, was determined to vilify Republicans and had
said he will expose "hypocrites" who are trying to bring down President Clinton.
Flynt has offered one million dollars to anyone who can prove they have had an
affair with a high ranking elected official. Some of that dirt had lead to the
resignation of then House Speaker-elect Robert Livingston. Flynt intending to
continue making his point, said he will be releasing more information concerning
other representatives; although little more came forth.
The left Wing Conspiracy has
taken shape and form with out meetings behind closed doors. As the left have
gotten away with lies, meetings behind closed doors produce more distortions of
truth that are repeated by the media without concern for truth. The Left
Wing Conspiracy has become a reality. He who controls the media, controls
the people.
- Roger W Hancock
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- fool4JESUS, RWH
- PoetPatriot.com