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Pages, courtesy of the PoetPatriot |

is on the charge ! |
Chuck Lawrence
c d !
Pride of Service
Click for information
or to order Pride of Service on CD
Thanks To Them IV
a Tribute to America, our Military
and Veterans. Click for Info. |
The Sarge -
Chuck Lawrence
The Man . . .
The Mission |
"Pride of Service"
a music program.
Sarge, Chuck Lawrence, has a music program he calls the "Pride of
Service" which he has performed for many civic, veteran and military
Considering the importance to Support Our Troops, Chuck does not charge
for his performances other than to compensate for expenses when extended
travel is necessary. Chuck considers the message of the music as more
important than money.
He will accept donations to help with gas, and maintain his equipment.
If you would like to book an engagement with Chuck . . .
send an email to
Remove "REMOVE" by retyping the address without the "REMOVE."
Chuck Lawrence has lived in the Auburn area for some time now and has
recently taken up residency in Bonney Lake.
Chuck is known by many as simply, "Sarge." He is often seen
wearing a beaded and tan fringed leather jacket. Upon his head fits an
official U.S. Cavalry hat with the insignia of the "A" Troop, 3-17th
Cavalry; one of the units in which he served during his second Vietnam
tour of duty. The jacket with hat goes well with his "country style"
music program, "Pride of Service". The insignia bears the cross-rifles.
The civilian, with little military knowledge, would say he looked like a
Civil War scout.
Chuck now scouts for events where he can promote support for our troops.
Chuck has helped many Fraternal, Civic, Military and Veteran
organizations with their fund raising efforts to Support the Troops,
with his music program, talks and other activities.
His Service - A short
Chuck is not one to brag... he is
not one to dwell upon the past, but rather the issues of today. He has
said, "It's not what one did 10 - 20 - or 30 years ago that counts. It's
what one does and is doing today that really matters." It took some
persistence on my part to get the information to post on this site.
Chuck Lawrence grew up in a military family spending some time in France
and Germany. He watched the building of the Berlin Wall learning about
communism and what a person is willing to do for freedom.
Reaching the age of 17 Chuck joined the Army. He served two tours in
Vietnam. During his second tour Chuck received some serious
injuries to his foot and leg and was released in 1972. After taking
some healing time and getting himself back into shape he reenlisted into
the Army in 1973. During his second tour of service he made rank of
Staff Sergeant.
Chuck has served and has paid the sacrifice of injury. He claims no hero
status. He has made his life a service for Veterans. For his military
service, his work with the Veterans Administration, and today's
activities honoring veterans with his music program and with his
activism for Veterans, he has proved himself more than just an average
person. Though he will balk about this, his life story is truly that of
an American hero.
- written (with
"hero" insisted) by the PoetPatriot
The longer and more detailed Biography of Chuck Lawrence's Service.
Chuck "Sarge" Lawrence has authored "Tears of Blood" where he changes
the names of everyone depicted. The book is about the betrayal of
American Veterans dealing with the inadequacies of the disabilities
claims process of the Veterans Administration and the subsequent impact
upon the veterans' families.
He is the recipient of the "President's Volunteer Service Award for
Lifetime Achievement" for his many years of work on Veteran and Military
related issues. The honor is presented by the Points of Light
Lawrence has served as legislative director for Vietnam Veterans of
America State Council in Washington State. He remains active lobbying
for Veteran issues on both the State and Federal levels.
Chuck has been the Washington State representative for the National
Veterans Performing Arts program.
Thanks To Them
Chuck was the designated producer of the "Thanks To Them" tribute show
that had become an official part of the Auburn
Veterans Day Activities in 2006 and 2007. The first production of the
program was in 2004. "Thanks To Them" was a tribute to America, the
Military and our Veterans. The show brought in a variety of veterans and
military personnel and groups as part of the tribute. Jerry Hayes, who
has written many of the songs that Chuck sings, was brought in from
Tennessee for each production.
Thanks To Them IV 2007 flier
Thanks To Them 2006 flier
Entertain the Troops
in Iraq and Afghanistan
Chuck is raising funds for a trip overseas to entertain the
troops with his music program "Pride of Service." The program has more
songs than on the CD that honor our troops and our country. If you
wish to contribute to this effort contact Chuck by email:
Remove "REMOVE" by retyping the address without the "REMOVE."
"Pride of Service"
Chuck has compiled and sings 10 songs on CD. Songs to honor our military and
the veteran.
For information, click on
(c) 2007 Chuck Lawrence, the Sarge or
(c) 2007 Roger W Hancock, PoetPatriot
All rights reserved.
There is no official association between Sarge and the
Chuck Lawrence and Roger W Hancock are merely friends
who each Support
the Troops in their individual ways. |