The PoetPatriot is

Roger W Hancock
From the sacrifices of the founding
fathers, passed down to us a treasure . . .
L I B E R T Y .
Liberty is their legacy.
Liberty is ours to posses, to protect... or to lose.
America is the
greatest bastion of
freedom that has ever graced
nation upon the
Patriotism is
the appreciation of
past sacrifices for liberties enjoyed.
Patriotism is the love of ones country.
Waving the American flag is a protest
against tyranny throughout the world.
Flag waving is the outward expression
of love for country, though not perfect
yet still deserving of citizens'
When I began my poetry, it was first of my
God. Then due to my love
of country, progressed to patriotism.
My patriotic poetry has expanded to honor those that protect
our security,
honoring all who have and now serve.
We owe our lifestyles and liberty to
our American troops and veterans.
I had branched to writing of other
subjects as the inspiration may give.
Much of my poetry is not what would
be expected by the poet community, yet, resounds with
many in the public.
My conservative commentaries are on the home page at
Check out the
Veteran poetry and the
rest of my site that has jokes, my
Blog (letters to the editors), tools for
political activism, And my