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2008 BLOG Archive
Last Updated, August 22, 2008
Newspapers listed below the
opinion piece are known to have used the peace as letters.
Others may have used the piece without my awareness.
Did Obama Steal the election?
- November 24, 2008
When we hear of “Stealing the election,” we think of voter fraud. We
think of the dead vote, duplicate voting, mismanaging the results. I am
sure there was some fraud; however it was probably not a deciding issue.
Are there other ways to steal an election? Media bias often has an
effect on election outcomes. Campaign fundraising irregularities have
the potential to sway the tide of public support for a particular
The Mainstream Media was, in hindsight and to those who were objective,
overwhelmingly biased towards Obama. More positive reports on Obama and
company with more negative articles on McCain and company skew the
public’s perception of the candidates. There were little if any reports
about the lawsuit challenging Obama’s citizenship yet the media were all
over the challenge against John McCain’s citizenship in 2000.
We did not hear about Obama’s socialist beginnings into politics, yet we
heard about the pregnancy of Sarah Palin’s daughter. There are many
people who still refuse to believe the media is biased and believe every
word from them. Examples are plentiful showing bias for Democrats and
against Republicans. (The Democrats are seeking to increase their
advantage by restricting the free speech of Talk Radio by bringing back
the so-called Fairness Doctrine.) The decks of media outlets were
stacked in favor of Obama.
Fundraising allow for the campaigns to deliver their own message, but
when the rules are not obeyed the offending campaign gains an unfair
advantage. The Federal Election Committee (FEC) was kept mostly
ineffective during the Primary campaigns by Illinois Senator Barack
Obama blocking the FEC nomination of Republican Hans von Sparkovsky and
others. The FEC sent many letters requesting clarification on alleged
foreign contributors to the Obama campaign with most being ignored
beyond the statutory 60 day limit. Two of those were contributions of
$31,000 by two men, Hosam and Monir Edwan, who live in Gaza Strip, Rafah.
Obama’s campaign disclosed that over 4000 donors contributed over the
2,300 limit. One Lady donated over 8 times the limit to Obama’s
campaign. Obama raised a lot of illegal money that may eventually be
refunded however the availability of the greater cash flow helped buy
him more publicity than his opponent.
The election was not stolen by dangling or dimpled chads; no, it was not
stolen at the ballot box. It may have been stolen by the enabling media
and violation of campaign finance laws. But then there was the financial
crash and there was an enthusiasm to have the first Black-American
becoming President. But with Media promoting Obama and the greater funds
raised illegally by Obama, one must wonder, “what would have been?” What
would have been if the election were ran with an objective media and an
even playing field in fundraising. Whatever the factors, Obama was
elected and if he survives the legal challenge of his citizenship he
will be inaugurated president in January.
© November 24, 2008 Roger W Hancock
Rebuilding the GOP?
- November 20, 2008
There have been articles claiming the GOP is dying, the GOP has been
nullified or the GOP is out of touch. I do not believe so. Obama won in
a ground swell of emotions among minorities and others who simply wished
America move forward towards a more diverse America. Barack Hussein
Obama is the first person of color to have been a major party candidate
and first to be elected president. All the previously splintered far
left liberal factions such as the socialists and communists supported
Obama. A huge proportion of Black Americans supported Obama. Much of the
moderate Democrats supported Obama rather than loose their grip on
The Republican Party after an Obama administration has become history,
will have a greater comparison in which draw back the swing voters among
the minorities. The campaign does not end simply because the results are
in. Although it looks pretty ominous against a comeback, in America
anything is possible, as was just proven. Obama’s margin was not as
great as Ronald Reagan’s landslide victory. The pendulum has swung and
will swing again our way unless liberty is suppressed to hold the
pendulum back. Our apathy will be our greatest enemy. We must continue
the fight. We must remain involved to fight the fight. Incrementally the
Democrats bring us closer to a socialized society and the tide will not
be turned in a single election. It will take the next four years to
prevent Obama’s re-election. Fortunately we will have his help, if we
use it righteously. The trek will be slow and must be deliberate during
defeat and during victory. The campaign goes on.
Someone, perhaps it was Hitler who, said
something like, he who controls the media will control the people. The
Democrats have the Media that no longer represents a free society. We
must resist the Democrat’s attempts to bring back the “Fairness
Doctrine” that effectively suppresses free speech. Conservatism wins
when enterprise is free. Liberalism does not do well in the free market
when liberal ideals are espoused. The consumer, the American people are
mostly conservative in their values. When they are able to see the
correlation of their values with those of the top parties most will
chose conservatism. We must raise our children in the way they should go
and direct them to occupations that will over take the affronts to
liberty. America is strong and, although it may be brought close to the
brink of bankruptcy, will survive. During the next four years we will
see affronts to American values as set over 200 years ago by the
founding fathers. Gun control, restrictions on religion, greater
taxation, and restrictions on travel, speech, medical assistance; in
short liberty will be limited. The liberals and the mainstream media
have demonized without supporting facts the attempts of G.W. Bush to
secure our safety. We will be provided real examples to demonstrate to
the people the fascism of liberalism.
The GOP does not need to rebuild but to regroup and build up an arsenal
of truth and perseverance. America is great because of our Founding
Fathers’ conservative values. A revolution of ideals will lead by the
ideals set forth by our Founding Fathers. Take the words of our founding
documents and of the founders to show the comparison between true
liberty and the fascism of socialism. It will still be called negative
but the people must be told that truth is positive, leaving “negative”
to liberal lies. When the GOP paints itself more moderate and the
Democrats facade themselves more to the right the people see little
difference from which to choose. Only under liberalism does ‘Truth”
become negative. Stand fast in our liberty. Stand fast that we remain
free. Republicans for liberty!
© November 20, 2008 Roger W Hancock
An Emotional Election
November 15th, 2008
What was this election really about? It was about feelings.
Ignorance of the issues may have been a part but overall it was simply
feelings that brought Obama over the top. Obama's talk was of sugar
coated reality, appealing to the masses, much of it was contrary to
Democrat policies. Many people now expect to be getting more from the
government. They actually expect to see lower taxes though Obama said he
would first raise them to Clinton levels. Many are enamored with the
idea of "the first Black Man as President," or more precisely "The first
Minority as President," as evidenced by the higher percentage Obama
received among many minorities. Many whites are thrilled about Obama
being elected with some calling others bigots, simply for not supporting
Obama. Barach has a fairly charismatic personality that has turned
supporters into followers. People followed his pied-piper speeches past
the facts of reality. Much of what Obama proposed was contrary to
Democrat policies and as such will produce much opposition by the
Democrats in Congress. The feelings overshot the rhetoric of sounding
more conservative than Obama's record. This election was the most
emotional election ever. Emotions played a greater roll in this election
than when Reagan ran garnering more votes. An emotional election carried
Obama to victory. The emotions still run high but will they still run
high, when the promises of empty words are manifested?
© November 15, 2008 Roger W Hancock
Seattle PI's editorial:
Open government: Expanding access.
Replying to the editorial and some of the comments on the website.
November 14th, 2008
In all fairness, elected officials of both parties will on occasion
restrict access to records. Incidences that are known, point strongly to
the Democrats. Prior to King County Councilman Reagan Dunn proposing
that a statement be sent to property owners telling them how much their
taxes are, one of the Democrat members said he didn't think that would
be a good idea. It was opposed by the Democrats until actual action
required taking a public position on the proposal. It passed, of course,
for to publically support keeping the public in the dark is not good for
re-election. Historically, Democrat legislators have not only created a
stack of record law exemptions but also have created loopholes around
the public’s attempt to limit taxes as well.
It is their opinion but I take offence at the PI’s Editorial Board
referring to the initiative process as being “overused”. The initiative
process is the right of the people; the people are the fourth branch of
Washington State government. To say the people are over using their
power one must consider the overuse of power by the Executive, Judicial
and Legislative branches of Washington State government.
Christine Gregoire, now an elected governor, has attempted to
restrict the public from knowing the state deficit by ignoring parts of
the budget and promoting increases without balancing the two. Oh yeah!
That’s right! The Washington Judicial Branch has upheld lies in a
campaign advertisement as free speech, rather than attempts to deceive
the people. That is two attempts to keep the public in the dark; one by
the Executive Branch and one by the Judicial Branch. I must not leave
out the Legislative branch where the Democrats after the 2004 election
opposed Republican attempts at meaningful election reform until
political pressure required some action towards reform.
As I said, both parties on occasion have been guilty, but it is the
Democrats that will use their power to make our democratic-republic form
of government into a more fascist one, less accountable to the people.
© November 14, 2008 Roger W Hancock
Rank Choice Voting
- November 10, 2008
The citizen’s of Pierce County had adopted an unusual system to
select their non-partisan county officers. The system is called Ranked
Choice Voting. I’ll not even try to explain it for the explanation may
leave you more confused than you may already be. It has been known for
weeks the system is difficult to understand as well as difficult and
expensive to implement. One figure has the increased cost of the Pierce
County election at 1.2 million dollars. The initial plan was to have 6
selections but current voting technology was unable to handle 6, so 3
selections became the number set. Custom machines were produced, and
many tests made to assure accuracy. The people did not understand:
voting three times for three different people among the same listed
candidates. Prior to the election it was believed that voting for the
same candidate two or three times would void the vote for that office.
With all the confusion surrounding Ranked Choice Voting, voting for the
same candidate more than once should only void the second and third
votes not all three.
The right of association has been suppressed. Political
parties in Washington State are prevented from selecting their own
candidates in the primary election. Any voter may help select the
candidate for any party even though they are not members. Local
elections now do not designate the party's choice. Any candidate may
state any political preference. However in non-partisan races the
candidates may now state their political preference. The Ranked Choice
Voting method is presented as a means to select a candidate among
several without a run-off election.
It is believed that King County is considering Ranked Choice Voting
for positions that are becoming “non-partisan.” The democrats will
embrace the voting procedure for the increased spending. I hope the
Republicans will oppose the system. A simple run off in the primary
leaving the top two candidates running in the general election is what
the people are accustomed to. To those considering Ranked Choice Voting, I
throw a sarcastic K.I.S.S.; “Keep It Simple, Stupid!”
© November 10, 2008 Roger W Hancock
Pierce County's Ranked Choice Voting
What an Election ?!
- October 30, 2008
Obama is the President Elect -
The first Black (actually white and black) to run on a
major party ticket and first to be elected President.
Democrats gained much political territory across the
In Washington State it was pretty much a stand-off. The
Republicans gained no ground but lost very little. Most
of the Republican incumbents won re-election.
The Democrat voter registration and 'get out the vote'
throughout most of the country was more successful. In
Washington both parties increased their registered
voters and in getting them out to vote. Traditionally
Washington is a pretty firm blue state, however it is
maintaining a much slower slide to blue.
More people voted across the nation than in any other
election. Obama's charismatic appeal created a wave that
swept him to victory. As with most waves, usually
manifested within individual states, most of the voters
gained will return to their apathy by the next election.
It is always an uphill battle to get eligible voters
registered and to the polls.
It is already reported that Obama plans to rescind 200
Executive Orders he considers to have been politically
motivated. It sounds to me his rescinding will be
politically motivated.
The Socialist Party has been gaining ground by fielding
candidates inside the democrat party. This year, 2008,
one of them has made it to the Presidency. In various
aspects this has been a truly historical election. What
affect will these have on America? Time will tell, it
always does.
© November 10, 2008 Roger W Hancock
Obama’s Tax Cuts?
- October 30, 2008
Obama is going to raise
taxes on the American people. His “tax cut” plan is only to appeal to
most of the American public that as a whole pay a small part of the tax
burden. At best Obama’s plan is socialistic in nature, distributing
various tax percentages. Obama said his plan would raise taxes back to
Clinton levels. The Democrats have fought against the Republican tax
cuts that have brought us to the current levels. The Democrats have a
historical pattern of calling lesser increases in proposals as “cuts.”
The Democrats in the legislature support for higher taxes opposing cuts
most likely cause Obama’s “tax cuts” to be an increase but to a much
lesser degree than the increase on the “rich”; the wealthy and business
that provides all of the jobs.
Historically tax cuts have stimulated the economy while taxes have
suppressed it. Today’s economy has been affected by some major factors;
September 11, 2001, Mismanagement at top levels of corporate leadership,
and Bush’s Tax cuts. The Bush tax cuts have helped in the recovery from
9-11. In the current financial fiasco that came about by policies set
under President Clinton, other industries remain strong.
Higher taxes put a burden on the poor whether you tax them directly
or indirectly by taxing the rich. Tax the rich and the poor pay more.
When a company is taxed it becomes a part of operating expenses which
increase the net profit. Increase operating expenses and profits and the
poor pay more in higher prices. Simply stated, taxes increase prices.
The only difference in taxing the rich over taxing the poor is that the
poor blame the companies for the whole of the increases rather than
perceiving the government as being responsible for a part. Increased
taxes also reduce a company’s ability to create more jobs. When a
company’s expenses increase the first costs to be cut, are jobs.
If Obama’s tax cuts materialize as a cut of current tax levels it
will be minimal. He proposes to be the modern Robin Hood of stealing
from the rich except to only appear to be giving to the poor.
©October 30, 2008 Roger W Hancock
Is Obama a Socialist ?
His Associations & His Own Words
Obama’s Associations:
In 1996 Obama received the endorsement of the Democratic Socialists
of America, Chicago branch.
The DSA newsletter reported that State Senator, Obama was present to
eulogize socialist activist Saul Mendelson, one of the “champions” of
“Chicago’s democratic left.”
Obama campaigned openly for socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of
Vermont, who won his seat in 2006.
In February 2008 a bill was rushed through the Senate Foreign Relations
committee. “The Global Poverty Act” which commits the U.S. to spend
hundreds of billions more in foreign aid. To comply with the United
Nations’ socialist “Millennium Goals.”
Chicago Democrat, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, who endorsed socialist
Howard Dean for president in 2004 has endorsed Obama for president.
Schakowsky was honored at a Democratic Socialists of America 2000 dinner
sponsored by the Chicago chapter.
Obama claims he chose his “friends carefully.” Yet chose to launch
his political career in the living room of admitted domestic terrorist,
William Ayers, who proclaimed in 2002, “I am a Marxist.” Also present
was Bernardine Dohrn who extolled socialism, communism and “Marxism-Leninism.”
Obama’s own words:
"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends
carefully, the more politically active black students. The foreign
students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural
feminists." From Obama’s book, "Dreams from My Father."
"In search of some inspiration, I went to hear Kwame Toure, formerly
Stokely Carmichael of Black Panther fame, speak at Columbia.” “At the
entrance to the auditorium, two women, one black, one Asian, were
selling Marxist literature." From Obama’s book, "Dreams from My Father."
In a 2001 radio interview Obama expressed his regret concerning the
Supreme Court’s lack of authority to enact “redistribution of wealth,”
which is a key component of Socialism.
"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or
religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant
sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their
frustrations." - Barack Obama
"This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open
markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably." -Barack
Obama quoting a standard Marxist doctrine.
”Globalization and technology and automation all weaken the
position of workers, and a strong government hand is needed to assure
that wealth is distributed more equitably." -Barack Obama with yet
another socialistic statement.
“… I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for
everybody,” said Obama in reply to concerns about excessive taxes on the
American Dream, presented by “Joe the Plumber.” -October 12, 2008
Obama’s Wife says:
"The truth is most Americans don't want much. Folks don't want the whole
pie. Most Americans feel blessed to thrive a little bit, but that's out
of reach for them. The truth is, in order to get things like universal
health care and a revamped education system, someone is going to have to
give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more."
If he flocks with them and talks with them then praises them, He must be
a socialist.
http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/10/16/joe-in-the-spotlight -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iivL4c_3pck -
http://aclockworkobama.com/ -
Obama’s Racism
- October 30, 2008
Remarks from – Barack Obama’s book, Dreams From My
Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.
“Ray assured me that we would never talk about whites as whites
without knowing exactly what we were doing. Without knowing that there
might be a price to pay.”
“Our rage at the white world needed not object, he seemed to
be telling me, no independent confirmation: it could be switched on and
off at our pleasure.” (Introduction to the printed version, not
included in the audio book)
“And yet, even as I imagined myself following Malcolm’s call, one
line in the book stayed with me. He spoke of a wish he’d once had, the
wish that the white blood that ran through him, there by an act
of violence, might somehow be expunged.” (On reading Malcolm
“The minority assimilated into the dominant culture, not the
other way around. Only white culture could be neutral and objective.
Only white culture could be nonracial, willing to adopt the occasional
exotic into its rank. Only white culture had individuals.” (Chapter 5,
not included in the audio book)
“That hate hadn’t gone away: it formed a counter narrative buried
deep within each person and at the center of which stood white people
-some cruel, some ignorant…”}
“I read the book to help me understand just what it is that makes
white people so afraid. Their demons. The way ideas get twisted around.
It helps me understand how people learn to hate.”
“Black politicians less gifted then Harold discovered what white
politicians had known for a very long time: that race-baiting could
make up for a host of limitations.”
“A steady attack on the white race, the constant recitation of
black people’s brutal experience in this country . . . Yes, the
nationalist would say, whites are responsible for your sorry state, not
any inherent flaws in you. In fact, whites are so heartless and
devious that we can no longer expect anything from them.” (last line
omitted from the audio book)
“… thumbed through a silver brochure that I’d picked up in the
reception area. It contained a set of guiding principles –a “Black
Value System” –that the congregation had adopted in 1979. At the top
of the list was a commitment to God, “who will give us the strength to
give up prayerful passivism and become Black Christian activists,
soldiers for Black freedom…”
“The title of Reverend Wright’s sermon that morning was ‘The
Audacity of Hope…’ ‘It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw
away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a
year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in
one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere. That’s the world! On which
hope sits.’”
“Write spoke of Sharpsville and Hiroshima, the callousness of
policy makers in the White House and in the State House…”
“Desperate times called for desperate measures, and for many
blacks, times were chronically desperate. If nationalism could create
a strong and effective insularity, deliver on its promise of
self-respect, then the hurt it might cause well-meaning whites, or the
inner turmoil it caused people like me, would be of little consequence.”
An incidence between Obama’s white grandmother and an African-American
panhandler. -
“I took her into the other room and asked her what happened,”
“A man asked me for money yesterday. While I was waiting for the bus.”
“That’s all?”
“Her lips pursed with irritation. ‘He was very aggressive, Barry. Very
aggressive. I gave him a dollar and he kept asking. If the bus hadn’t
come, I think he might have hit me over the head.’” - Obama commenting
on his white Grandmother’s interaction with an African-American
Explaining the comments on the incidence Barack said “The point I was
making was not That my Grandmother harbors any racial animosity – she
doesn’t. But she is a typical white person who . . . If she sees
somebody on the street that she doesn’t know there’s a reaction in her
that’s been bred into out experiences that don’t go away, and that
sometimes come out in the wrong way.”
Socialization of America
Of Coarse, you may not feel this way, however, if you vote Democrat...
Elimination of Jobs through legislation, judicial action, and regulation
whether or not constitutional
Immediate Goals
To levy taxes on any segment of society to collect from wage
earners regardless of income level to empower the government.
Distribute the collected fund in the form of pork projects to home
districts, to the “poor” to gain votes, and any other “project” that
will deplete funds, or increase debt, to create a greater need for more
By Taxation
Increase Taxes using any excuse possible upon all segments of
society but more so on small business, corporations and the “Rich”.
The poor and middle income is warmed to higher taxes when the rich
are taxed more.
Taxation on any income segment is ultimately paid by the end
consumer. (Never mention this fact.)
By Regulation
Regulate business to such a degree that operating expenses are
increased, in attempts to comply
When failing to comply, levy stiff fines to increase operating
Minimizing operating capital reduces the ability to expand, the
ability to create new jobs.
Support the Unions
Support the Unions by legislation that makes the worker feel good
while at the same time putting strain upon employers in the form of
regulations, unfunded mandates, or taxes to decrease the ability to
Maintain the appearance of support by proposing legislation to help
the worker whether it will pass or not.
Promote the Gay agenda with required mandates that will increase
cost of employer provided benefits.
by requiring unfunded mandates by government. (Socialism)
Though historically have opposed use the Civil Rights amendment to
place further strain upon business.
Legislate whether from congress or from the bench, with authority
or without.
Use the Constitution when it will support, ignore it when it does
Be Coy, cater, in words, to business and the corporations enough
to maintain campaign contributions.
Cater, in words, to the working family to maintain their support.
Even though the Party Platform says otherwise sound more
conservative when campaigning.
Even though the Democrat Elected Officials have fought against an
issue that seems popular, say you are going to propose legislation to
support it. The general Public never remembers anyway.
Say you will support tax breaks for the people blaming the GOP for
not doing enough then vote against them.
The more people out of jobs and on the welfare rolls will increase
the power of the Democrat Party.
Ultimate Objective
The Socialization of the American worker and nationalization of
American business. The elimination of the Free enterprise system that
rewards success.
2008 Roger W Hancock - www.PoetPatriot.com
Obama Anti-American? - You Decide
- October 24, 2008
- by Roger W Hancock,
Obama’s Associations:
Obama served on the Wood’s Fund board with domestic terrorist William
Ayers. Media reports have it that Obama’s campaign was kicked-off in
Ayers’ living room. In light of documentation Obama still tries to deny
the connection. William Ayers was a part of the Weather Underground that
Bombed the Capitol, Pentagon and New York City police headquarters in
the 1970s. Ayers claimed participation in the bombings.
Obama has had association with Bernadine Dohrn who also was a
member of the Weather Underground. A fundraiser was held by Ayers and
Dohrn in 1995 to begin the financing of Obama’s political career.
We all know of Obama’s pastor of many years, Rev. Wright, who
preached racist and anti-American sentiments. Obama stood by Reverend
Wright until political pressure caused Obama to denounce his long time
friend and pastor.
Obama served on a nonprofit board with Rashid Khalidi, a confessed
domestic terrorist and former director of the PLO’s WAFA press agency,
in granting funding to an anti-Israeli Arab group.
Obama’s foreign policy adviser, Robert Malley, is a vocal supporter
of Palestinian terrorists.
Listing Michelle Obama as a friend, Hatem El-Hady is fundraising on his
own for Obama. El-Hady’s Islamic charity Kindhearts was closed and its
assets ceased by the FBI in 2006.
At least three of the Obama associates have ties back to Muslim
organizations, and Obama says he is and was not Muslim.
Obama’s Actions:
Obama has refused to wear a Flag lapel pin, until he succumbed to
political pressure.
Obama has been video taped not saluting the flag, during the
National Anthem while those around him did.
Obama has failed to produce his birth certificate in a court case
until ordered to do so by the Judge.
Obama failed to condemn the placement of Cuban national flags
overlaid with an image of Argentine Marxist Che Guevara at a volunteer
ran Obama campaign office in Houston Texas.
Obama has said that during his first year in office he would meet
with America hater Hugo Chavez. (As if that will accomplish anything.)
Obama speaks of change; his cited changes resemble those that have
failed in the defunct USSR, and in China. Such changes have kept China,
North Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba under communist tyranny.
Obama’s Anti-American support:
American Socialists support Obama.
American Communists support Obama.
Cuban nationals, in Cuba and in America, support Obama.
The majority of prison inmates support Obama.
The majority of illegal immigrants support Obama.
The anti-American Marxist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is
hoping Obama becomes president and has tried to contribute.
Al-Qaida our enemy in the War on Terror is hoping Obama becomes
Hezbollah is hoping Obama becomes President.
The terrorist group Hamas’ Political Advisor, Ahmed Yousef, has
said “We like
Mr. Obama. We hope he will [win] the election…”
terrorists are hoping and expecting that Barack Obama wins. – from
computer records obtained by Interpol.
Supported by Tony Rezko, who while under federal indictment
provided a sweetheart deal on a loan for land purchased by Barack and
Michelle Obama.
Obama is supported by various anti-Israeli individuals: Hatem El-Hady,
Rashid Khalidi, Robert Malley, and Zbigniew Brzezinski
Malik Zulu Shabazz, leader of the racist New Black Panther Party
Endorses Obama. Shabazz defended Osama bin Laden, blaming President Bush
for the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks.
- October 24, 2008, Roger W Hancock,
Sources -
Obama a
Natural-Born Citizen?
-October 14, 2008
by Roger W Hancock
I had recently wondered about Obama's birthplace. I had heard Hawaii
and wondered about the timing of his mother's travels. Surely a
discrepancy of his birthplace would have been brought out before... but
Obama's story was so plausible it was not questioned until Berg's
Philadelphia attorney Philip Berg (self proclaimed life-long Democrat)
filed suit in U.S. District Court in August, 2008. He is challenging
Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president on the grounds of his place
of birth. Statements by Obama’s mother states Obama was born in Kenya.
Berg includes a challenge that assuming Hawaii as birthplace that Obama
relinquished his citizenship when becoming a naturalized citizen of
dual citizenship, or lack of, will probably not hold much water,
especially if the court has a liberal judge. Although Indonesia may not
have had provisions for dual citizenship, America did.
Then assuming he was born in Hawaii, he was American first. In
the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1481), Section 349 it
states the person would have had to intend and voluntarily relinquish
U.S. citizenship. As a child it is most unlikely Obama was even aware of
his citizenship in any country. Details on the statute can be found at
citizenship or not will probably fall upon whether either of the birth
certificates are valid or not. Why are there two birth certificates
anyway? One has a seal and one has not. If identical in format and
signatures, a copy may not show the seal. Earlier copy machines would
not copy blue and some other colors. Even a copy with a different
format may be obtained when ordering a copy from the governmental
agencies of the place of birth. Such copies may or may not show the
original signatures.
am required to produce an official certified copy of my birth
certificate when applying for a government job. Obama should do the
same. Such should be a requirement for running for office. ...such
should be a requirement for running for President of the United States.
In such a crucial issue as citizenship, why does Obama not produce an
official certified copy for the court? If the certificate is legitimate
he could settle, in court, the issue of his birthplace once and for all.
If Obama produces an invalid certificate to the court, he commits
perjury. Is Obama trying to avoid perjury by instead challenging legal
and judicial procedures? Why is Obama withholding proof of his
not producing an official certified copy of his birth certificate he is
obstructing the legal proceedings. Obama’s record shows obstructionism.
How would Obama be as president… an obstructionist president?
© October
14, 2008 – Roger W Hancock
Berg vs. Obama et al - http://dockets.justia.com/docket/court-paedce/case_no-2:2008cv04083/case_id-281573/
Petition Congress to urge Obama to produce his citizenship
records -
U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Consular Affairs -
Snopes.com –Rumor Has It – Native Son -
The Bailout
and the Democrats
leading the way to stick
the taxpayer to the tune
of 700 billion dollars.
This past Monday the
Congress voted on the
Bailout, it failed. The
Washington State
delegation was split by
party line with the
Republicans voting
against the bailout. The
Senate passed the plan
on Wednesday adding the
traditional pork,
increasing the
taxpayer’s burden to
over 700 billion
Dollars! The claim is
that the government will
probably make a profit
on the action. They must
be saying that they are
spending now what may or
may not be gained;
gambling with our money.
The Bailout would not be
needed if a more
accurate method of
determining the value of
the market were not the
“mark to market”. The
devaluing of the ‘failed
companies to less than
their asset value”
devalues the assets
weakening even the
stronger companies.
Change the “mark to
market” and allow the
actual market to set the
valuations and the
taxpayer would not need
to bailout the market at
700 billion dollars.
Allow the sound
companies to buy-out the
failed companies and the
valuations would be
determined by the free
market saving the
taxpayer the 700 billion
Why has all this been
allowed to happen? Why
do the Democrats oppose
any common sense
approach at dealing with
the securities markets?
President George Bush
will be blamed but it is
the Democrats who have
over the past many
years, blocked
meaningful legislation
that would have made the
securities markets
The Government seized
the assets of Washington
Mutual (WAMU) with
JPMorgan Chase making a
low bid, although the
highest. WAMU’s net
worth was 52 billion
dollars yet the
government sold WAMU to
JPMorgan for less than 2
billion. WOW! What a
deal for JPMorgan Chase
at the expense of the
shareholders of WAMU,
and of course us the
taxpayer. Two billion
dollars is the purchase
for WAMU although the
assets are worth 26
times that much. The
Government may then,
after effectively
devaluing the assets of
securities market
institutions, sell off
the assets perhaps
making a profit but
maybe not; looking at
how government operates,
probably not.
What business is it of
Government to directly
run the Free Market? It
did not work in Russia
and the defunct U.S.S.R.
Why follow their
example? The overall
Bailout is the largest
Nationalization of Free
Market Assets the
American Government has
undertaken since the
Great Depression. We are
not the “United
Socialist States of
America.” The
government rarely
provides sound and
lasting solutions. The
free market has done a
pretty good job of
balancing itself out
over the last 200 years
except during times of
government intervention.
The apple cart is often
upset when the
government gets
involved. We have
amateurs in Congress
making decisions that
affect the financial
well being of the
American free market
Through all of this, I,
as a layman amateur,
fail to understand why a
Company that is still
operating with a 54
billion dollar net worth
is considered “failed”.
It seems to me the
Government has taken
from a “poor” but sound
institution and given it
to the “rich”. I am
guessing but surmise
that JPMorgan Chase and
other financial
institutions, if dealing
directly with the WAMU
Board of Directors
probably would have
offered much more. It
seems to me that even a
“sweetheart deal” would
have brought a better
price for WAMU. ‘Yet the
Democrats and some
Republicans would rather
take our money to
bailout the market to
the disadvantage of some
corporations and the
advantage of other
corporations. The
Democrats have been
distributing wealth for
some time among the
working class and now
they are doing it with
corporations on our
It is the Democrats
failure to understand
America’s free market
system as well as other
issues that caused me to
leave the Democrat Party
in 1988. The democrat
party has not only
shifted positions on key
American values over the
past 50 years but also,
it would seem, has
“dumbed” itself down.
© October 3, 2008 –
Roger W Hancock,
Concerning the Fanny Mae
and Freddy Mac the proof
is in the Congressional
Record. Also at
YouTube.com See the
video at
We can blame the
Evergreen Freedom
Foundation Blog –
Where’s the Emergency?
Mike Reagan – Don’t Fall
for the Bailout Panic
Stop the Subprime
Bailout -
Bailout Proposal –
Calculated Risk -
Vice Presidential
Debate October 02, 2008
take, on the debate -
The Vice Presidential debate was
fairly benign. As with the
presidential debate youth had
the advantage in visual appeal
except that Sarah Palin had an
obvious unfair advantage... so,
enough of that. Both Vice
Presidential candidates
performed well with each
sticking pretty much to their
respective party lines. Sarah
Palin did a better job overall
in her public speaking. Joe
Biden followed Obama’s lead
attempting to sound more “middle
of the road” than he or Obama
really is. Biden followed
Obama’s claiming to support the
middle class while supporting
the regulation and taxation of
big business. [Taxes and
regulating business increase
cost to the consumer; the middle
class and the poor.] Sarah Palin
supported tax breaks and
deregulation where needed. Joe
Biden seemed to have trouble
hearing the questions and at
least once had trouble hearing
what Sarah Palin had said. Biden
did okay but not great while I
feel Sarah Palin came just short
of doing a great job. Palin did
present a more charismatic
personality than that of Joe
Biden. As I left to write this I
heard a television pundit state,
and I agree, that neither
candidate lived up to their
negative stereotyped
reputations. In my view Sarah
Palin did a better job than
Obama performed against McCain a
week ago. Bidens lack of energy
actually boosted the appeal of
the energy display by Palin.
© October 2, 2008, Roger W
Hancock, PoetPatriot.com
– October 2, 2008 Vice
Presidential Debate Video -
Michelle Malkin – Sarah vs.
Smirky: Vice Presidential debate
Order a FREE Obama/Biden bumper
sticker with MoveOn.org
paying the cost! They even
pay the shipping. I’m going to
circle it in black and place a
diagonal line through it.
Debate September 26, 2008
PoetPatriot’s take, on the debate -
Last Friday’s Presidential debate it is
clear that Obama visually had the
advantage. Obama has his youth where as
John McCain is older but will come
across as the wiser of the two. Obama
fits the stereotype of a politician.
Obama double-talked his way through the
debates picking up on McCain’s comments
using them to moderate his positions
from how McCain stated them. McCain
spoke more optimistically than did Obama
although eventually Obama became more
so. John McCain praised our troops on
several occasions while Obama’s first
praise was not until half-way through
the debates. Obama appeared stuck on the
past while McCain used the past to learn
from to not make the same mistake.
When finally nailed down as to what each
candidate would give up to solve the
financial situation, McCain talked of a
spending freeze except for national
security. Obama opposed a freeze so as
not to freeze his favorite funding
projects. Obama conceded McCain was
correct on spending cuts. Obama kept
talking about taxing the corporations
while at the same time helping “main
street” with government provided
[Socialism?] health care and jobs.
[Corporations pass the tax down to the
consumer as a business expense. The
consumer pays more when business is
On Iraq and Afghanistan Obama waffled
taking cues from McCain who maintained
optimism. McCain pointed out Obama’s
failure to understand the difference
between a tactic and a strategy? Obama
learned quickly later refuting John
McCain. Obama at first said he wanted to
pull troops from Iraq then add troops to
Afghanistan then said that Afghanistan
and Iraq had to be treated the same.
Obama! Which is it? [It was obvious that
Obama did not understand, that we the
people, are now able to back up the
video for an instant reply of comments]
On Iran Obama showed an improved
understanding but not as in-depth as
that shown by John McCain.
Obama’s math was shallow with him
comparing America’s 3% of the Oil
Reserves to America’s use of 25% of the
world’s consumption of oil. [The two are
apples and oranges. The 3% of the
world’s oil reserved amounts to 22
Billion Barrels of Oil in the American
Reserves which does not include the
unexplored resources. The 25% American
usage of Oil Produced amounts to just 20
million barrels a day .] MCain
maintained a calm and firm composure,
while Obama appeared to get more nervous
towards the end, manifested by an
occasional low murmur of stuttering.
McCain was more optimistic than Obama.
McCain was more consistent. McCain
showed a greater understanding of
warfare and economics than did Obama.
McCain is the “Obi-Wan Kenobi” of
International affairs. Obama would make
a great motivational speaker or used car
© October 1, 2008, Roger W Hancock,
Commission on Presidential Debate
September 26, 2008 Presidential Debate
Video -
A World War II MIA Identified. --- & --- A
poem “Long
Last, Laid to Rest”
Below is a
press release of the identification of MIA 2nd
Lt. Ernest E. Martin Below the release is a
poem inspired by the report.
Oct. 2,
Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel
Office (DPMO) announced today that the remains
of a U.S. serviceman, missing in action from
World War II, have been identified and will be
returned to his family for burial with full
military honors.
He is 2nd
Lt. Ernest E. Martin, U.S. Army, of Hanover,
Mont. He will be buried on Oct. 11 in
Ellensburg, Wash.
Representatives from the Army met with Martin’s
next-of-kin to explain the recovery and
identification process and to coordinate
interment with military honors on behalf of the
Secretary of the Army.
November 1944, the 109th and 112th
Infantry Regiments, 28th Infantry
Division, were attacking east through the
Hürtgen Forest in an attempt to capture the
German towns of Vossenack and Schmidt. On Nov.
4, the Germans counterattacked in what would
become one of the longest running battles in
U.S. history. Martin, a member of C Company,
109th Infantry Regiment, was reported
missing in action near Vossenack on Nov. 10.
In 2000, a German construction
company found human remains in an unmarked grave
while clearing wartime unexploded ordnance from
the Hürtgen Forest. The remains, along with
military rank and branch insignia were turned
over to U.S. officials.
other forensic identification tools and
circumstantial evidence, scientists from JPAC
and the Armed Forces DNA Identification
Laboratory also used mitochondrial DNA and
dental comparisons in the identification of
Martin’s remains.
For additional information on
the Defense Department’s mission to account
for missing Americans, visit the DPMO web
site at
or call (703) 699-1169.
The poem
inspired by the report above:
Long Last, Laid to
by Roger W Hancock
Soldiers fight abroad,
duty to
their country.
Each man fights the battles brave,
over fear inside.
Wounded in battle, brave;
sent back home to heal.
Valor ‘till wounded death;
sent to family.
Honors to those returned;
have held
the wartime memories.
Soldiers brave, left unknown,
captured or dead… remained missing.
Offensive against German towns,
Eastward through the forest.
Battle of Vossenack and Schmidt;
American confrontation.
Longest battle of the war,
left many fates unknown.
Fifty-six years beyond the battle,
American MIA is found.
Remains are found in year 2000,
wartime ordinance.
eight long years to identify,
by DNA, Dental and circumstance.
Now a hero is laid to rest,
duty done, may peace be yours.
To you our gratitude,
Lieutenant Ernest E. Martin.
© October 2, 2008
Roger W Hancock
“To Honor
One Veteran, Honors All Veterans.”
– Veteran/Military poetry.
Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
I-1000 -No! -“The
Get Rid of Granny!”
- reposted
adding photo
Washington's Initiative
1000 from
- June 16, 2008
1000 may make a murder out of you. The loopholes within
Initiative 1000 will give the ability for a family to
end the life of an invalid loved-one. Inconvenienced or
to avoid expending possible inheritance moneys on
further healthcare; the loopholes would allow the
killing of the infirmed. The opinions of three doctors
are needed to determine definitive fatality of a
condition. The first doctor that determined fatality
would, of course, refer to other doctors that would be
sympathetic to Assisted Suicide. Initiative 1000 does
not address “doctor hunting”; going from doctor to
doctor to finally reach “doctor opinions” that would
allow for the killing of the supposed loved-one.
Initiative 1000 protects doctors from liability lawsuits
should a misdiagnosis occur. Initiative 1000 provides no
penalties for abuse for it protects the abusers.
Initiative 1000 provides no consequences to encourage
doctors to be accurate or even honest, about the
fatality of the diagnosis. I call it the “Get rid of
Granny Initiative.”
© October, 2008, Roger W Hancock

From the home of the
Link - Coalition Against Assisted Suicide
Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
Jesus People Movement Remembered
I was involved in the
Jesus People Movement in the early 70s. I have recently written
an account based on my memories that begins
with an Introduction to the Jesus People Movement. (below) If
you are interested, I have more about the Movement in Auburn,
Washington while touching on the Jesus People Army in Seattle on
my webpage.
Jesus People Army – Auburn, Washington
There are many introductions to the Jesus Movement with varying
aspects depending upon the author's involvement. There has
however been a common thread throughout them; Jesus entered
lives to change them forever.
The movement began in the late 60s with various independent
starts across the country and oversees. Some of the many
beginnings were influenced or inspired by the movement as it
progressed, while others were independent workings of God in
people's lives. However, the beginning; all came to be known as
the Jesus People Movement. The Catacombs in Seattle was the
meeting place for the weekend Revival meetings in Seattle.
Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California, was the most notable
hub of the Jesus People Movement. Calvary Chapel was and is, as
of 2008, still led by Reverend Chuck Smith. Meetings, concerts,
festivals, and other outreaches brought hippies, students,
career people, pastors and others together as no other movement
has in modern history. Music was the catalyst forming the
movement from being another fad to become a lasting movement.
Secular songs that had the slightest mention of God were latched
onto. 1969 gave us "Jesus is Just Alright" by the Doobie
Brothers, and "Spirit in the Sky" by Norman Greenbaum, as two
songs that were catapulted to the top of the charts by the Jesus
Movement. "Put Your Hand in the Hand" by the Oakridge Boys,
helped that group to break from gospel into the secular country
music scene. Early original Jesus Music artists were Larry
Norman, Honeytree, 2nd Chapter of Acts, Wilson McKinley and many
others. Andrae Crouch having been recording gospel music became
an instant hit. Those firsts Artists became the pioneers of
Contemporary Christian Music. Many involved built firm
foundations that defined their lives in Christ from then on
while others were only along for the ride slipping to become the
weeds along the path. The impact of Christ through the
evangelization and music of the Jesus Movement spreading across
America and into Europe would have a lasting impact on
Christianity and American society for years to come.
Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
For more on the movement in Auburn, WA: http://www.poetpatriot.com/jesus-movement.htm
For an extensive list of links for the Jesus People Movement go
Washington State Governor’s Debate.
My take on the Debate, by
the PoetPatriot
Governor Christine Gregoire and Republican candidate Dino
Rossi debated on Seattle television Saturday evening
(September 20, 2008).
The candidates individually, without considering the other
or the content of answers and responses, did quite well.
They both stayed within the allotted time which allowed for
one extra questions at the end. It is a different story when
you get into the dialog and interaction.
Dino on a coin toss went first, citing a 6% unemployment
rate. He pointed out the highest deficit in Washington’s
history, a 3.2 billion deficit. He later points out it is (1
billion) greater then when Gregoire took office. Rossi
pointed out the lies of Gregoire’s attack ad that said Dino
was against Stem Cell Research. All through the debate
Gregoire kept the usual democratic ploy of stating the lie
over and over hoping people will believe it. Dino
repeatedly reminded her that he was not against Stem Cell
Gregoire kept stating Dino’s transportation plan is a failed
plan while she has supported the projects within his plan.
Then about taxes, Gregoire would say, “This is not the time
to be talking taxes,” even when specifically asked if she
would raise taxes. Dino brought out that she did not say
she would not raise taxes (As she did with the highest gas
tax in state history after saying in her 2004 campaign that
she would not raise taxes.)
Dino talked about being financially conservative, and so did
Christine but she has a history that’s refutes her ability
to be financially responsible. Christine would frequently
mention deficits and an “ignored transportation” problem
that was left to her when she entered office. She
unwittingly blamed her own party.
It was obvious that Christine Gregoire had her talking
points, and that regardless of facts or what Dino said, she
would stick to them until the end. Dino would mention his
plans adding the plan is on his website, DinoRossi.com, and
refute the lies and distortions put out by the governor. He
remained courteous throughout calmly responding to
Gregoire’s attacks while she often smirked with a
reiteration of a distorted truth.
Gregoire has adopted the democrat’s fuzzy math calling a
reduction of a proposed increase a budget cut. Dino pointed
out her definition of a “cut” although she continued to
insult the audience’s intelligence repeating the fictional
Not as obvious as it could have been Christine Gregoire
seemed to be responding as though pressed into a corner.
Dino could have been a bit more assertive towards the end
but I believe did a better job than the governor.
Unfortunate, but, both parties will claim a victory in the
debate. The debate will be useful for the undecided that may
be swayed one way or the other depending upon their current
personal political leanings.
© September 22, 2008 Roger W
Hancock - PoetPatriot.com
Watch the Debate
Commentary by the PoetPatriot
The question of whether Obama is qualified, or rather, not qualified is
becoming quite evident. It is becoming evident that Obama is not even
qualified to serve as a candidate. Obama lacks the common sense that
requires a candidate to pay attention to the details. It is fortunate
for us; for in his failure we see the failures of the real Obama.
On September 11, 2001 at the memorial site at Ground Zero in New York
City while John McCain spent time shaking hands of the uniformed police,
firefighters and others, Obama ignored them to meander around by
himself. McCain’s wife was present remaining close to Senator McCain.
Obama’s wife was not present. Senator John McCain respectfully
approached the memorial and with the air of reverence laid with care his
rose at the memorial. Obama had literally tossed his roses onto the
memorial. Common sense should dictate more reverence. Political sense
should dictate a display of more reverence. In Indianola, Iowa in
September, 2007 Obama was the only one to not salute the flag during the
national anthem. An oversight I’m sure but an oversight that should not
be made by a Senator of the United States of America.
Obama’s actions, or lack of, show that, even through his Senate
campaign, he has not learned the etiquette of campaigning. Such failures
show arrogance and many people disdain arrogance in a politician.
Obama does not know when to stop pounding a point, harping until the
public is tired of it. Obama fails to know which points to take on and
which to avoid, blaming his opponents for that which he is guiltier. It
seems prudent that Obama would hire an advisor. Oh! He has one?
Obama stood against the surge that resulted in turning the tide towards
victory in Iraq. He does not admit he is wrong but stands on his
decision now knowing its success. He would rather a U.S. defeat than
victory. He failed the test for Commander in Chief.
In actuality no one is fully qualified; however one must historically
have the values that display a love for country. Obama has a history
that shows a disdain for America. Obama failed to wear an American Flag
pin until it was just too politically expedient to maintain his stance.
We all know Obama’s pastor of many years that preached against America
which Obama justified until it was just too politically expedient to
maintain his association with Pastor Wright. Obama stands his position
until the heat gets hot, then he takes another position. Obama is one of
the most liberal members of Congress, are we ready for that? Is America
ready for appointments of judges that would ignore our U.S.
I have not even talked about the issues and it is still clear that Obama
is lacking to be president of a PTA, let alone to be the President of
the United States.
© September 22, 2008 Roger W Hancock -
Accomplishments of Senator Barack Hussein Obama”
by Sgt Michael Volkin
A book
review, by the PoetPatriot . . .
I was surfing around and came across the website of Political
Pistachio Radio (www.politicalpistachio.com)
and learned of a book about Obama’s qualifications. This book is a
stroke of genius. No conservative could have stated the
qualifications or lack of, better than Sgt. Michael Volkin has done
OBAMA. The 40 pages resulted from hours of research, reviewing
dozens of speeches, and listening intently to dozens of Obama
supporters. This book is a factual book about the democratic
candidate Barack Obama. The book is a small paperback with forward
and conclusion by the Author Michael Volkin. The actual content
pages are blank. Yes you got it right! After all the research, the
pages are blank! The pages are blank to succinctly and
comprehensively spell out all of Barack Hussein Obama’s
This is a REAL, must have book for every conservative, and one that
every liberal should have. It can be purchased for $4.99 dollars
plus shipping and handling. $1.00 from every book goes to the
charity of
Vets for Freedom.
Check out the advertisement page on my site at
www.PoetPatriot.com/polObamabook.htm .
Or go straight to the
www.Obamaresearch.com site to order right now. Buy one
for your favorite liberal relative.
Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
Seattle Times, July 2, 2008 -
Editor's Note: "The Value
of Service" is a commentary written by the
father of a fallen hero.
Following are two poems inspired by the humility and duty of the men
mentioned within.
The commentary can be found at:
and at the International War Veterans Poetry
http://www.iwvpa.net/murphym/index.php |
The Value of Service
Commentary by Lt. Col. Mark Murphy
354th Maintenance Group deputy commander
Alaska -- I learned a big lesson on service Aug. 4, 2008, when
Eielson [Air Force Base] had the rare honor of hosting President Bush on
a refueling stop as he traveled to Asia.
It was an event Eielson [Air Force Base]
will never forget -- a hangar full of Airmen and Soldiers getting to see
the Commander in Chief up close, and perhaps even shaking his hand. An
incredible amount of effort goes into presidential travel because of all
of the logistics, security, protocol, etc ... so it was remarkable to
see Air Force One land at Eielson [Air Force Base] on time at precisely
4:30 p.m.--however, when he left less than two hours later, the
President was 15 minutes behind schedule.
That's a big slip for something so tightly
choreographed, but very few people know why it happened. Here's why.
On Dec. 10, 2006, our son, Shawn, was a
paratrooper deployed on the outskirts of Baghdad. He was supposed to
spend the night in camp, but when a fellow soldier became ill Shawn
volunteered to take his place on a nighttime patrol--in the convoy's
most exposed position as turret gunner in the lead Humvee. He was killed
instantly with two other soldiers when an IED ripped through their
I was thinking about that as my family and
I sat in the audience listening to the President's speech, looking at
the turret on the up-armored Humvee the explosive ordnance disposal
flight had put at the edge of the stage as a static display.
When the speech was over and the President
was working the crowd line, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to
see a White House staff member. She asked me and my wife to come with
her, because the President wanted to meet us.
Stunned, we grabbed our two sons that were
with us and followed her back into a conference room. It was a shock to
go from a crowded, noisy hangar, past all of those security people, to
find ourselves suddenly alone in a quiet room.
The only thing we could hear was a cell
phone vibrating, and noticed that it was coming from the jacket Senator
Stevens left on a chair. We didn't answer.
A short time later, the Secret Service
opened the door and President Bush walked in. I thought we might get to
shake his hand as he went through. But instead, he walked up to my wife
with his arms wide, pulled her in for a hug and a kiss, and said, "I
wish I could heal the hole in your heart." He then grabbed me for a hug,
as well as each of our sons. Then he turned and said, "Everybody out."
A few seconds later, the four of us were
completely alone behind closed doors with the President of the United
States and not a Secret Service agent in sight.
He said, "Come on, let's sit down and
talk." He pulled up a chair at the side of the room, and we sat down
next to him. He looked a little tired from his trip, and he noticed that
his shoes were scuffed up from leaning over concrete barriers to shake
hands and pose for photos. He slumped down the chair, completely
relaxed, smiled, and suddenly was no longer the President - he was just
a guy with a job, sitting around talking with us like a family member at
a barbeque.
For the next 15 or 20 minutes, he talked
with us about our son, Iraq, his family, faith, convictions, and shared
his feelings about nearing the end of his presidency. He asked each of
our teenaged sons what they wanted to do in life and counseled them to
set goals, stick to their convictions, and not worry about being the
"cool" guy.
He said that he'd taken a lot of heat
during his tenure and was under a lot of pressure to do what's
politically expedient, but was proud to say that he never sold his soul.
Sometimes he laughed, and at others he teared up. He said that what
he'll miss most after leaving office will be his role as Commander in
One of the somber moments was when he
thanked us for the opportunity to meet, because he feels a heavy
responsibility knowing that our son died because of a decision he made.
He was incredibly humble, full of warmth, and completely without
pretense. We were seeing the man his family sees.
We couldn't believe how long he was talking
to us, but he seemed to be in no hurry whatsoever. In the end, he
thanked us again for the visit and for the opportunity to get off his
feet for a few minutes. He then said, "Let's get some pictures." The
doors flew open, Secret Service and the White House photographer came
in, and suddenly he was the President again. We posed for individual
pictures as he gave each of us one of his coins, and then he posed for
family pictures. A few more thank yous, a few more hugs, and he was
The remarkable thing about the whole event
was that he didn't have to see us at all. If he wanted to do more, he
could've just given a quick handshake and said, "Thanks for your
sacrifice." But he didn't - he put everything and everyone in his life
on hold to meet privately with the family of a Private First Class who
gave his life in the service of his country.
What an incredible lesson on service. If
the President of the United States is willing to drop everything on his
plate to visit with a family, surely the rest of us can do it. No one is
above serving another person, and no one is so lofty that he or she
can't treat others with dignity and respect.
We often think of service in terms of
sacrificing ourselves for someone in a position above us, but how often
do we remember that serving someone below us can be much more important?
If you're in a leadership capacity, take a good look at how you're
treating your people, and remember that your role involves serving the
people you rely on every day.
Duty Valor
The following poem "Duty Valor" was inspired by the duty
of Private First Class Shawn Murphy as told
in his father’s commentary “The Value of
Service” that can be read above.
Duty Valor
by Roger W Hancock
Young man in duty stands,
volunteer for
sick soldier’s duty.
He could have stayed safe in camp;
someone had to pull duty.
Three soldiers in lead Humvee,
patrol the nights of Baghdad.
Sudden explosion lights the street;
IED tears through vehicle.
Three young men instantly killed,
duty for their country.
One young man pulled extra shift,
valor in his
© 9-11-2008 Roger W Hancock
Just A Man
The following poem was inspired by actions of Commander in
Chief as told in the Commentary of Lt. Col. Mark Murphy, “The
Value of Service” which can be read above.
Just A Man
by Roger W Hancock
President of the United States,
leader of the free world.
The American President,
orders young men to war.
Yet this man is just a man,
whatever his politics be.
Decisions of the highest level,
weighs upon his service.
To thank each family,
that lost a loved one;
thank the family for their sacrifice,
is all the Commander need do.
Yet, George W. Bush will often deviate,
from the scheduled protocol;
To meet alone, without the media,
personally thank the families.
With humility devoid of pretence,
a man expresses sorrow.
A man who put the world aside,
to share a
family’s sorrow.
Thankfulness for a soldier,
who gave his life for us.
Then again a President be,
photo op for media.
The man who stands in command,
is just a man who stands.
© 9-11-2008 Roger W Hancock
McDonalds' Intolerance
August 22, 2008
Golden Arches are being tarnished by the intolerance of McDonalds’
corporate leadership. McDonalds has always been an equal opportunity
employer but recently is not so equal concerning its customer base.
McDonalds has embraced the Gay-Lesbian agenda of hate towards those who
believe differently. McDonalds has resorted to calling Christian
doctrine, “hate,” in retaliation against the boycott against McDonalds.
Rather than embrace the long tradition of American dissent, McDonalds’
corporate has turned towards attacking those who stand on values and
traditions that have built America into the strongest and most tolerant
country in the world. Successful corporations would do well to stay out
of the public arena of debate. McDonalds claim, “Hatred has no place in
our culture,” yet will demonstrate hate towards those who do not believe
the same as they. I boycott McDonalds for its hateful intolerant
bigotry. That is my right!
Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
Explore ANWR
July 1, 2008
Gas prices are nearing or exceeding five dollars per gallon. OPEC
Nations hold us in their mercy. Oil companies could produce less
expensive petroleum products. Environmentalists have conned the U.S.
Congress into banning oil exploration in one of the most promising oil
fields in the world.
Environmentalists claim ANWR (Alaska National Wildlife Refuge)
would be harmed showing pictures from areas that would remain untouched.
ANWR consists of 17.5 million acres of Alaska, in the northern arctic
region. Less than 2000 acres, half of one percent, would be explored.
Oil exploration would be on the barren wasteland of the coastal plain.
Winter lasts 9 months with temperatures reaching 110 below zero. Three
months in mid-winter are dark 24 hours a day. The coastal area is flat
permanently frozen land. The pristine landscapes would remain off
Oil exploration on the coastal plain is supported by 75 percent of
Alaskan citizens. We already have a pipeline from Alaska to the
Continental 48. Congress needs to protect our economy, by opening up
the scant 2000 acres to oil exploration. Democrats have tied up our
resources catering to the extreme fringe of environmentalism. We need
change and common sense. We need a Republican Congress.
Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
Seattle Times, July 2, 2008 -
Religious Cult
June 16, 2008
Evolution has become the anti-god religion of the science
community. Their faith is placed in a hope that life happened into
existence and then evolved. Evolution is a religion that has little
tolerance for those who do not believe the tenet of the evolutionary
Matter remains matter, whatever form it takes. Nature does not
produce something from nothing. A complicated machine cannot be built
from a simple design, without intelligent manipulation.
All actual reported discoveries of evolution required environmental
hardships to prompt change in existing features of the subject.
Environmental hardships are not to be found in the dark space of
nothing. Darwin said “transitional forms” would be found. All the
evidence, we were shown in school, about evolution have been disproved,
as being not what was first assumed; has been conveniently lost; or was
a hoax. The fossil record is still devoid of any evidence. God said he
created each after its own kind. All examples of evolutionary change are
found within the species. The canine species has many breeds, some new
breeds have even been developed, but all dogs remain canines. All known
evolutionary changes within a species have been adaptations of existing
biological systems. No evidence, no fossils, no transitional forms or
beasts, exist to support any theory of nothing to a human being as we
know it. Man has dug into the biological cell to learn more of Genes,
DNA and within DNA, the minute yet intricate components. DNA is the
living blueprint of life for that particular species. DNA specifies a
limited lifespan; a built in expiration. Man cannot duplicate nor can
he extend life beyond that expiration. The designs in intricacy of DNA
show a complexity beyond man’s abilities. Nothing man has built would be
possible without man. DNA has such a complexity of design that it is
more likely that a monkey could have invented the light bulb. The
complex design of DNA refutes all theorys of the origination of life
except one. An intelligence, greater than man, created life; created
existence as we know it.
Aliens? But then who created the aliens? That theory refutes
itself. The complexities of life suggest a designer with far greater
intelligence and abilities than we can imagine. The origin of such a
power is well beyond our comprehension and right to question. We quickly
discount “magic.” Many discount God so as not to have to recon with
their own responsibility as to how they live their lives. Yet God
(okay, intelligent design) creating the universe is the only “theory”
that is supported by the evidence. A majestic power created all we
know; a power strong enough to set the planets in the most efficient
orbiting locations so as to protect earth from much of the space debris
(comets and asteroids) that enters our solar system.
God or Intelligent design is discounted as a theory simply because
they cannot be proven. All other origin theories cannot be proven as
well. A belief in the impossible is preferred over belief in the
“improbable,” a greater power. The actual honest science of evolution
is empty, supported only by adhoc assumptions. An honest science would
consider all possibilities even a “Creator,” until disproven. However
today, the cult of evolution places its faith on the unsubstantiated
“theories” to the exclusion of an intelligent Creator. The scientific
community will denigrate those who openly explore the possibility of
Intelligent Design.
The evolutionary community has three hallmarks of a religious cult.
Religious fervency is displayed by their passionate desire that all
blindly believe in evolution. Believing false facts purported by the
leaders of the evolutionary movement. Denigrating those without and
within their ranks who honestly consider alternate theories has
destroyed careers of honest researchers. Evolution is not fact.
Evolution is only an unsubstantiated theory. Evolution has become a
religion of faith and hope that Adam and Eve had evolved from a
The serpent presented, whispering evolution into their ears and they
swallowed it; “hook, line and sinker.”
Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
Evasive Words
June 16, 2008
The poet’s search for the right and perfect word can be most
frustrating. You know the work is inadequate. You know there is a
better way to phrase a greater work. The thesaurus was not much help.
Within your mind you have a block. It may take days and many rewrites
to finally catch that phrase.
I have found a greater reference from which to find my words. Hours and
days have been cut away from the anguished, unfinished work, to one that
satisfies. Synonyms of a thesaurus are very helpful indeed. However, I
have found a reference work to help find related words. Not just those
with meanings same, but those that may come close.
Working within the internet has many possibilities. Speed and
versatility are advantages of the web. The prize is, of course, the
various resources and materials that somewhere hold the substance, we
are searching.
I have clicked from one word to another to then proceed to more, until
finally the perfect word appears upon my computer screen. Though evasive
be the thought, other words may wrap about. Other words may form new
thought, expanding the working theme.
Rhymezone.com, among its many offerings has a feature I use most, to
“Find related words.”
Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
Washington's Initiative 1000
June 16, 2008
Initiative 1000 may make a murder out of you. The loopholes within
Initiative 1000 will give way to the ability for a family to end the
life of an invalid loved-one. Inconvenienced or to avoid expending
possible inheritance moneys on further healthcare; the loopholes would
allow the killing of the infirmed. The opinions of three doctors are
needed to determine definitive fatality of a condition. The first doctor
that determined fatality would, of course, refer to other doctors that
would be sympathetic to Assisted Suicide. Initiative 1000 does not
address Doctor hunting; going from doctor to doctor to finally reach
“Doctor opinions” that would allow for the killing of the supposed
loved-one. Initiative 1000 protects doctors from liability lawsuits
should a misdiagnosis occur. Initiative 1000 provide no initiative for
the doctor to be accurate or even honest about the fatality of the
diagnosis. I call it the “Get rid of Granny Initiative.”
Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
Click here to see my campaign sign.
Link - Coalition Against Assisted
Suicide -
Flag Day
June 10, 2008
Flag Day coming upon us it is time to reflect upon the one symbol, next
to the cross, with the greatest positive impact upon the world. The red,
white and blue, may conjure hate from those who envy our affluence,
however is loved by those who enjoy and appreciate the liberties in
which much of the western world lives today. The power represented by
the Stars and Stripes has helped to restore peace in times of world war
and restoration in times of disasters around the world.
The American Flag originated in rebellion against tyranny. We
remember those who sacrificed to create a new nation. The American
Ensign has flown over many wars to preserve liberty. Wars fought by
American patriots who sacrificed, some with their lives. The American
Standard flies over the United States Military. We remember those who
serve, ready to protect our liberties. The American Banner has draped
many hero caskets. We remember those whose lives were lost to protect
liberty, lives, and property. We remember our Military, our Police, our
Firemen, as well as all others in service to protect Americans.
The American Flag, the symbol representing two hundred years of
free ingenuity, perseverance, and enterprise. Old Glory still brightly
waves, gloriously, in free flowing winds.
Roger W Hancock, PoetPatriot www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
Yoko Ono, Intolerant
May 16, 2008
Yoko Ono is suing
the Producers of the movie “Expelled” for using a segment of John
Lennon’s “Imagine.” A portion of works used for commentary is allowed
under the fair-use clause of copyright law. A scant ten words had been
used. Yoko has had no previous problem with partial use of the works of
John Lennon when used by other producers. Yoko Ono is displaying her
intolerance of views that are opposite of her own. Yoko Ono is objecting
to the use in a production that does not support the anti-god agenda of
the left. “Expelled” exposes the intolerance of the scientific community
to consider as a possibility that a greater intelligence created all
that is. Yoko Ono will have to prove harm has occurred such as loss of
revenue from the use of the song.
If anything occurs from the use, it will be more sales allowing her to
profit from the movie, “Expelled.” The last stanza of Imagine says, “You
may say I'm a dreamer - But I'm not the only one - I hope someday you'll
join us - And the World can live as one.” Perhaps Yoko should listen to
those words and be less intolerant.
"Expelled" exposes the narrow-mindedness of scientists that will cling
to fact less theories, ignoring the evidence that points to a supreme
intelligence. "Expelled" exposes the oppression within the science
community against those who, with intellectual honesty, will investigate
all possibilities that the evidence may suggest.
Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
PoetPatriot Manifesto
I, Roger W Hancock, citizen of
the great state of Washington do hereby reiterate and affirm the
traditional values of the Republican Party. I hereby reiterate and
affirm the traditional values as set forth in the Declaration of
Independence and the United States Constitution. I call for a return to
small government; less taxation and regulation; and a respect of
diversity of talents, economic abilities, and sacrifices of American
citizens and of those in American history who have contributed to make
America a free and prosperous nation.
I affirm the charter issue of the
Republican Party that all men and women are created equal. I believe
that all men and women are to be “judged by the content of their
character” not by any physical attributes or diversity of ethnicity.
I support small government to
facilitate a retreat from the over regulation and over taxation of the
American people.
I support the American Dream that
with hard work, sacrifice, and investment any citizen may pursue,
to success or failure, to increase their worth without over taxation and
I support
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; with the understanding
there is no guarantee to the latter.
I support the
right to defend, against those who would use deadly force against us, as
spelled out in the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.
The security
of the United States of America should be of the utmost importance.
Border control is a prime ingredient to the security and safety of the
American public. The Patriot Act has mandated cooperation between
American intelligence agencies with results that have suppressed threats
against the American people.
I agree with
the founding fathers that welfare aid from the coffers of government is
misappropriation of public funds. With that said and since welfare
exists, there should be no welfare to those who are legal or illegal
aliens. The Constitution of the United States of America provides
protection for the American citizen and does not address rights for
aliens legal or illegal. Protection of the Constitution should not be
extended to those who would threaten, do harm, or sponge off the
generosity of the American taxpayer.
Foreign Aid
should be just that, “aid” and not welfare. All foreign aid by the
American government should be issued as loans and never forgiven until
paid back in full. The United States government has no money of its
own, only that of the American taxpayer.
I implore our
elected Republican officials to hold to the values of our founding
fathers that have been spelled out in the Declaration of Independence
and the United States Constitution. Our founding fathers have said much
concerning their thoughts on government. Many of those thoughts had made
a profound effect upon our origins with others in reflection of our
founding documents. Those early thoughts of the founding fathers have
insight for the continuance of our government and should be consulted.
Although the loop-holes and frailties of our laws allow, does not mean
we must. We must however resist the temptations to spend and regulate
beyond that which had caused our founding fathers to rebel against the
oppression of the then, King of England.
Taxation for necessary infrastructure has improved the quality of life
for the American people, however, taxation without a clear mission or
that benefit just a small segment of society is unjust. Spending beyond
the means of current available funds jeopardize the future security of
the United States of America.
Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, www.PoetPatriot.com
© 2008
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