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Conventions & Platforms of Political Parties

Platforms define the party expressing the values and the current issues they support. Recently as more controversial issues are placed into the public discourse some of the more radical issues are conspicuously missing from some of the platforms.  Democrats have learned; they win when expressing more conservative and traditional values but will revert to their true liberal stance once elected.

19th Century  - 1800s   -   20th Century  - 1900s   -   21st Century  -  2000s

William Henry Harrison - John Tyler - James Knox Polk - Zachary Taylor - Franklin Pierce
James Buchanan - Abraham Lincoln - Andrew Johnson - Ulysses S. Grant - Rutherford B. Hayes - James A. Garfield
Chester Arthur - Grover Cleveland - Benjamin Harrison - Grover Cleveland - William McKinley - Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft - Woodrow Wilson - William G. Harding - Calvin Coolidge - Herbert Hoover - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman - Dwight D. Eisenhower - John F. Kennedy - Lyndon B. Johnson - Richard M. Nixon - Gerald R. Ford
Jimmy Carter - Ronald Reagan - George H. W. Bush - Bill Clinton - George W. Bush - Barach H. Obama

Last updated March, 2007.  Unless stating the date, events within the year may not be in order.
Platforms are unavailable for many entries.
Political Party / Conventions / Platforms
19th Century  -  1800s
1824 Democratic
The Democratic Republican Party was formed about 1792 by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. It was the strongest party until about 1824 opposing a national bank and supported strict adhesion to the U.S. Constitution.
In 1824 the Democratic-Republican Party broke up forming competing factions. Andrew Jackson led the faction that founded today's Democratic Party. The National Republican Party was founded by John Adams and Henry Clay and later becomes the Whig Party.
1831 Anti-Masonic
Anti-Masonic Party Platform - Know Nothing Party
The Anti-Masonic Party was the first U.S. third party. On September 26th it became the first political party to hold a nominating convention to select its candidates for president and vice president. It was held at the Athenaeum in Baltimore, Maryland.
The primary platform of the Anti-Masonic Party called for the banning and removal of any Freemasons from holding any authoritative positions in American society.
- The Anti-Masonic Party would dissolve, merging into the Whig Party by the late 1830s. Small factions remained around the country until after the Civil War.
See Presidential Elections
1831 National
National Republican Party - Anti-Jacksonian Party
The National Republican Party maintained a platform that opposed the policies of Jefferson dubbing it the Anti-Jacksonian party promoting nationally financed improvements and protective tarrif to build a stronger economy.
The National Republican Party holds its first nominating convention at the Athenaeum in Baltimore, Maryland from December 12th to the 15th in 1831.
- The National Republican Party would dissolve in 1837 after splintered members formed the Whig Party in 1831, drawing away members over the next six years.
See Presidential Elections
1831 Whig Whig Party was formed in 1831 gaining in membership by the dissolving of the Anti-Masonic and National Republican Party later in the same decade.
1832 Democratic
Democratic Party
The Democratic Party follows the opposition parties to hold the 1832 Democratic National Convention at the Athenaeum in Baltimore, Maryland from May 21st to the 25th, in 1832. This was the first Democratic nominating convention.
See Presidential Elections
1836 Democratic
Democratic Party
See Presidential Elections
1836 Whig The Whig Party
See Presidential Elections
1840 Whig The Whig Party Convention of 1840 preceded the election of William Henry Harrison and the ascension of John Tyler to the presidency.
See Presidential Elections
1840 Dem.
1840 Democratic Party Platform 
Resolved, That the federal government is one of limited powers, derived solely from the constitution, and the grants of power shown therein, ought to be strictly construed by all the departments and agents of the government, and that it is inexpedient and dangerous to exercise doubtful constitutional powers."
See Presidential Elections


1844 Dem.
1844 Democratic Party Platform 
Resolved, That the American Democracy place their trust, not in factitious symbols, not in displays and appeals insulting to the judgment and subversive of the intellect of the people, but in a clear reliance upon the intelligence, patriotism, and the discriminating justice of the American masses."
See Presidential Elections
1844 Whig
1844 Whig Party Platform
Resolved, That these principles may be summed as comprising, a well-regulated currency; a tariff for revenue to defray the necessary expenses of the government, and discriminating with special reference to the protection of the domestic labor of the country; ..."
Preceded the election of
James Knox Polk
See Presidential Elections


1848 Dem.
1848 Democratic Party Platform 
Resolved, That the American democracy place their trust in the intelligence, the patriotism, and the discriminating justice of the American people."
See Presidential Elections
1848 Whig
1848 Whig Party Platform
Resolved, That we look on General Taylor's administration of the Government as one conducive of Peace, Prosperity, and Union. Of Peace—because no one better knows, or has greater reason to deplore, what he has seen sadly on the field of victory, the horrors of war, and especially of a foreign and aggressive war. ..."
Preceded the election of
Zachary Taylor and the ascension of Millard Fillmore to the presidency.
See Presidential Elections
1848 Free Soil      The platform of the Free Soil Party carried, "...we inscribe on our banner, 'Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor and Free Man,' and under it we will fight on and fight ever, until a triumphant victory shall reward our exertions." 
     The Free Soil Party was active in the 1848 and 1952 elections and absorbed into the newly formed Republican party in 1854.  It opposed the expansion of slavery into the U.S. Territories. They opposed expanding slavery but not the institution of slavery.
   Walt Whitman was a member of the Free Soil Party.


1852 Dem.
1852 Democratic Party Platform 
at the federal government is one of limited powers, derived solely from the constitution, and the grants of power made therein ought to be strictly construed by all the departments and agents of the government; and that it is inexpedient and dangerous to exercise doubtful constitutional powers."
Preceded the election of
Franklin Pierce
See Presidential Elections
1852 Whig
1852 Whig Party Platform
The Whigs of the United States, in Convention assembled, firmly adhering to the great conservative principles by which they are controlled and governed, and now as ever relying upon the intelligence of the American people, with an abiding confidence in their capacity for self-government, and their devotion to the Constitution and the Union ..."
See Presidential Elections


1856 GOP
1856 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 17th in Philadelphia, PA.
are opposed to the repeal of the Missouri Compromise; to the policy of the present Administration; to the extension of Slavery into Free Territory; in favor of the admission of Kansas as a Free State; of restoring the action of the Federal Government to the principles of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson; ..."
See Presidential Elections
1856 Dem.
1856 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 2nd in Cincinnati, OH.
"Resolved, That we regard this as a distinctive feature of our political creed, which we are proud to maintain before the world, as the great moral element in a form of government springing from and upheld by the popular will and we contrast it with the creed and practice of Federalism, under whatever name or form..."

Preceded the election of
James Buchanan
See Presidential Elections
1856 Whig
1856 Whig Party Platform
"Resolved, That the Whigs of the United States are assembled here by reverence for the Constitution, ..." "They have no new principle to announce, no new platform to establish, but are content broadly to rest where their fathers have rested upon the Constitution of the United States, wishing no safer guide, no higher law."
See Presidential Elections
1860 GOP
1860 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened May 16th in Chicago, IL.
That the history of the nation during the last four years, has fully established the propriety and necessity of the organization and perpetuation of the Republican party, and that the causes which called it into existence are permanent in their nature, and now, more than ever before, demand its peaceful and constitutional triumph."
Preceded the election of
Abraham Lincoln
See Presidential Elections
1860 Dem.
1860 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened April 23rd - held in Charleston, SC and Baltimore, MD.
"Resolved, That it is the duty of the United States to afford ample and complete protection to all its citizens whether at home or abroad, and whether native or foreign born."
See Presidential Elections
1860 So.Dem.
1860 Southern Democrats (Breckinridge Faction) Party Platform
"Resolved, That the the Democracy of the United States recognize it as the imperative duty of this Government to protect the naturalized citizen in all his rights, whether at home or in foreign lands, to the same extent as its native born citizens...."
1860 Const. Union
1860 Constitutional Union Party Platform
Resolved, that it is both the part of patriotism and of duty to recognize no political principle other than THE CONSTITUTION OF THE COUNTRY, THE UNION OF THE STATES, AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS, and ..."
1864 GOP
1864 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 7th in Baltimore, MD.
Resolved, That it is the highest duty of every American citizen to maintain against all their enemies the integrity of the Union and the paramount authority of the Constitution and laws of the United States; and that, laying aside all differences of political opinion, we pledge ourselves, as Union men, animated by a common sentiment and aiming at a common object, to do everything in our power to aid the Government in quelling by force of arms the Rebellion now raging against its authority, and in bringing to the punishment due to their crimes the Rebels and traitors arrayed against it."
Preceded the reelection of President
Abraham Lincoln and the ascension of Andrew Johnson to the presidency.
See Presidential Elections
1864 Dem.
1864 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened August 29th in Chicago, IL.
"Resolved, That in the future, as in the past, we will adhere with unswerving fidelity to the Union under the Constitution as the only solid foundation of our strength, security, and happiness as a people, and as a framework of government equally conducive to the welfare and prosperity of all the States, both Northern and Southern."
See Presidential Elections
1868 GOP
1868 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened May 20th in Chicago, IL.
"Upon this platform the Democratic party appeals to every patriot, including all the Conservative element, and all who desire to support the Constitution and restore the Union, forgetting all past differences of opinion, to unite with us in the present great struggle for the liberties of the people, and that to all such, to whatever party they may have heretofore belonged, we extend the right hand of fellowship, and hail all such co-operating with us as friends and brethren."

Preceded the election of
Ulysses S. Grant
See Presidential Elections
1868 Dem.
1868 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 4th in New York City, NY.
"Upon this platform the Democratic party appeals to every patriot, including all the Conservative element, and all who desire to support the Constitution and restore the Union, forgetting all past differences of opinion, to unite with us in the present great struggle for the liberties of the people, and that to all such, to whatever party they may have heretofore belonged, we extend the right hand of fellowship, and hail all such co-operating with us as friends and brethren."
See Presidential Elections
1872 GOP
1872 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 5th in Philadelphia, PA.
"... During eleven years of supremacy it has accepted with grand courage the solemn duties of the time. It suppressed a gigantic rebellion, emancipated four millions of slaves, decreed the equal citizenship of all, and established universal suffrage. ..."

Preceded the reelection of
President Ulysses S. Grant
See Presidential Elections
1872 Dem.
1872 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 9th in Baltimore, MD.
"We recognize the equality of all men before the law, and hold that it is the duty of the government in its dealings with the people to mete out equal and exact justice to all, of whatever nativity race color or persuasion religion or politics."
See Presidential Elections
1876 GOP
1876 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 14th in Cincinnati, OH.
"When, in the economy of Providence, this land was to be purged of human slavery, and when the strength of government of the people by the people and for the people was to be demonstrated the Republican party came into power. Its deeds have passed into history, and we look back to them with pride."

Preceded the election of
Rutherford B. Hayes
See Presidential Elections
1876 Dem.
1876 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 28th in St. Louis, MO.
"... do hereby declare the administration of the Federal Government to be in great need of immediate reform, ..."
See Presidential Elections
1876 Greenbck The Greenback Party's first nominating convention was held in Indianapolis, MN in the spring of 1876.
1876 Prohib. The Prohibition Party held it 2nd National Convention.
1880 GOP
1880 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 2nd in Chicago, IL.
"It reconstructed the Union of the States, with freedom instead of slavery as its corner-stone. It transformed four million human beings from the likeness of things to the rank of citizens. It relieved Congress from the infamous work of hunting fugitive slaves, and charged it to see that slavery does not exist."

Preceded the election of
James A. Garfield  and the ascension of Chester Arthur to the presidency.
See Presidential Elections
1880 Dem.
1880 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 23rd in Cincinnati, OH.
"Opposition to centralization and to that dangerous spirit of encroachment which tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create whatever be the form of government, a real despotism. No sumptuary laws; separation of Church and State, for the good of each; common schools fostered and protected."
See Presidential Elections
1880 Greenbck Greenback Labor Party Nominates James Baird Weaver as its President nominee
1880 American The American party come out of the Anti-Masonic movement.
1884 GOP
1884 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 3rd in Chicago, IL.
"The Republicans of the United States in National Convention assembled renew their allegiance to the principles upon which they have triumphed in six successive Presidential elections;..." "... has gained its strength by quick and faithful response to the demands of the people for the freedom and equality of all men, for a united nation, ..."
See Presidential Elections
1884 Dem.
1884 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 11th in Chicago, IL.
"The Democratic party of the Union through its representatives in National Convention assembled, recognizes that, as the nation grows older, new issues are born of time and progress, and old issues perish."

Preceded the election of
Grover Cleveland
See Presidential Elections
1884 Greenbck The Greenback Labor Party dropped "Labor" to be the "Greenback Party."
1884 Prohibit. The single issue of the Prohibition Party was the criminalization of alcoholic drinks.
1888 GOP
1888 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 19th in Chicago, IL.
"The Republicans of the United-States assembled by their delegates in National Convention, pause on the threshold of their proceedings to honor the memory of their first great leader- the immortal champion of liberty and the rights of the people- Abraham Lincoln; ..."

Preceded the election of
Benjamin Harrison
See Presidential Elections
1888 Dem.
1888 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 6th in St. Louis, MO.
"The Democratic party of the United States, in National Convention assembled, renews the pledge of its fidelity to Democratic faith and reaffirms the platform adopted by its representatives in the Convention of 1884, ..."
See Presidential Elections
1888 Union The Union Labor Party is formed, failing to gain widespread support will collect short of 150,000 votes.
1888 Prohibit. Growing in numbers the Prohibition Party will gain nearly 250,000 votes.
1892 GOP
1892 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 7th in Minneapolis, MN.
"... most glorious chapter of history is the record of the Republican party, congratulate their countrymen on the majestic march of the nation under the banners inscribed with the principles of our platform of 1888, vindicated by victory at the polls and prosperity in our fields, workshops and mines, and make the following declaration of principles: ..."
See Presidential Elections
1892 Dem.
1892 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 21st in Chicago, IL.
"The representatives of the Democratic party of the United-States, in National Convention assembled, do reaffirm their allegiance to the principles of the party, as formulated by Jefferson and exemplified by the long and illustrious line of his successors in Democratic leadership, from Madison to Cleveland; ..."

Preceded the reelection of
President Grover Cleveland
See Presidential Elections
1892 Populist
1892 Populist Party Platform
The conditions which surround us best justify our co-operation; we meet in the midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, political, and material ruin. ..."
1892 Prohib. Prohibition Party filed candidates for the election.
1892 Socialist Socialist Labor Party filed candidates.
1896 GOP
1896 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 16th in St. Louis, MO.
"For the first time since the civil war the American people have witnessed the calamitous consequence of full and unrestricted Democratic control of the government." It has been a record of unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and disaster, ... ruthlessly sacrificed indispensable revenue, entailed an unceasing deficit, eked out ordinary current expenses with borrowed money, piled up the public debt by $262,000,000 in time of peace, ..." (In reference to the Democratic Administration of President Grover Cleveland)

Preceded the election of
William McKinley
See Presidential Elections
1896 Dem.
1896 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 7th in Chicago, IL.
"Recognizing that the money question is paramount to all others at this time, we invite attention to the fact that the Federal Constitution named silver and gold together as the money metals of the United States, and that the first coinage law passed by Congress under the Constitution made the silver dollar the monetary unit and admitted gold to free coinage at a ratio based upon the silver dollar unit."
See Presidential Elections
1896 Demo. Convention William Jennings Bryan -- Cross of Gold (July 9, 1896)
"William Jennings Bryan's speech at the 1896 Democratic National Convention, Chicago, IL"
1896 Socialist Socialist Labor filed candidates.
1896 Prohibit. Prohibition filed candidates.
1896 Ntl Proh National Prohibition filed candidates.
1896 Ntl Dem National Democratic filed candidates.
20th Century  -  1900s
1900 Gop
1900 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 19th in Philadelphia, PA.
"... The Democrats had no other plan with which to improve the ruinous conditions which they had themselves produced than to coin silver at the ratio of sixteen to one. The Republican party, denouncing this plan as sure to produce conditions even worse than those from which relief was sought, promised to restore prosperity by means of two legislative measures-- a protective tariff and a law making gold the standard of value. ..."

Preceded the reelection of
President William McKinley and the ascension of Theodore Roosevelt to the presidency.         See the Presidential Elections TimeLine
See Presidential Elections
1900 Dem
1900 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 4th in Kansas City, KS.
"... we denounce the Porto Rican law enacted by a Republican Congress against the protest and opposition of the Democratic minority as a bold and open violation of the nation's organic law and a flagrant breach of the national good faith ..."        
See the Presidential Elections TimeLine
See Presidential Elections
1900 Prohibition Prohibition Party  
1900 Social Demo. Social Democratic Party
1900 Populist Populist Party
1900 Soc. Labor Socialist Labor Party
1904 Gop
1904 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 21st in Chicago, IL.
"Fifty years ago the Republican party came into existence dedicated among other purposes to the great task of arresting the extension of human slavery. ..." "... the Republican party has commanded the confidence of the American people for nearly two generations to a degree never equaled in our history,

Preceded the election to retain
President Theodore Roosevelt
See Presidential Elections
1904 Dem
1904 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 6th in St. Louis, MO.
"Large reductions can easily be made in the annual expenditures of the government without impairing the efficiency of any branch of the public service, and we shall insist upon the strictest economy and frugality compatible with vigorous and efficient civil, military and naval administration as a right of the people, too clear to be denied or withheld."
- Today's Democratic Party has lost its vision.
See Presidential Elections
1904 Socialist Socialist
1904 Prohibit. Prohibition
1904 Populist Populist
1904 Soc. Labor Socialist Labor
1908 Gop
1908 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 16th in Chicago, IL.
"Once more the Republican Party in National Convention assembled submits its cause to the people. This great historic organization, that destroyed slavery preserved the Union restored credit expanded the national domain, established a sound financial system, developed the industries and resources of the country, and gave to the nation her seat of honor in the councils of the world, now meets the new problems of government with the same courage and capacity with which it solved the old. "

Preceded the election of
William Howard Taft
See Presidential Elections
1908 Dem
1908 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 7th in Denver, CO.
" 'Shall the people rule?' is the overshadowing issue which manifests itself in all the questions now under discussion."
- The Democrat Party begins to display its perception that the voters do not know what is right.
See Presidential Elections
1908 Socialist Socialist
1908 Prohibit. Prohibition
1908 Indep. Independence
1908 Populist Populist
1912 Gop
1912 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 18th in Chicago, IL.
"The principles of constitutional government, which make provisions for orderly and effective expression of the popular will, for the protection of civil liberty and the rights of man, and for the interpretation of the law by an untrammelled and independent judiciary, have proved themselves capable of sustaining the structure of a government which, after more than a century of development, embraces one hundred millions of people, scattered over a wide and diverse territory, but bound by common purpose, common ideals and common affection to the Constitution of the United States."
See Presidential Elections
1912 Dem
1912 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 25th in Baltimore, MD.
"We declare it to be a fundamental principle of the Democratic party that the Federal government, under the Constitution, as no right or power to impose or collect tariff duties, except for the purpose of revenue, and we demand that the collection of such taxes shall be limited to the necessities of government honestly and economically administered."
Preceded the election of
Woodrow Wilson
See Presidential Elections
1912 Progres.

Bull Moose
1912 Progressive Party Platform
"The conscience of the people, in a time of grave national problems, has called into being a new party, born of the nation's sense of justice. We of the Progressive party here dedicate ourselves to the fulfillment of the duty laid upon us by our fathers to maintain the government of the people, by the people and for the people whose foundations they laid."
The Progressive Party was formed from a split of the Republican Party choosing Roosevelt as their candidate. Roosevelt stating he felt strong as a "bull moose" gave the impetus to the media to call the Progressive Party the "Bull Moose Party."
1912 Socialist Socialist
1912 Prohibition Prohibition
1912 Socialist Labor Socialist Labor
1916 Gop
1916 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 7th in Chicago, IL.
"The Republican Party looks back upon its record with pride and satisfaction, and forward to its new responsibilities with hope and confidence. Its achievements in government constitute the most luminous pages in our history. Our greatest national advance has been made during the years of its ascendancy in public affairs. ..."
See Presidential Elections
1916 Dem
1916 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 7th in St. Louis, MO.
"We declare it to be a fundamental principle of the Democratic Party thatthe federal government, under the constitution, has no right or power toimpose or collect tariff duties, except for the purpose of revenue, andwe demand that the collection of such taxes shall be limited to the necessitiesof government honestly and economically administered."

Preceded the re-election of
Woodrow Wilson
See Presidential Elections
1916 Socialist Socialist
1916 Prohibit. Prohibition
1920 Gop
1920 Republican Party Platform   - Convention opened June 8th in Chicago, IL.
"For seven years the national government has been controlled by the democratic party. During that period a war of unparalleled magnitude has shaken the foundations of civilization, decimated the population of Europe, and left in its train economic misery and suffering second only to the war itself." "The outstanding features of the Democratic administration have been complete unpreparedness for war and complete unpreparedness for peace."

Preceded the election of
William Harding
See Presidential Elections
1920 Dem
1920 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 28th in San Francisco.
"It salutes the mighty people of this great republic, emerging with imperishable honor from the severe tests and grievous strains of the most tragic war in history, having earned the plaudits and the gratitude of all free nations."
See Presidential Elections
1920 Socialists Socialists
1920 Farm-Labor Farmer-Labor
1920 Prohibit. Prohibition
1920 American American
1920 Soc. Labor Socialist Labor
1924 GOP
1924 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 10th in Cleveland, OH.
"When the Republican administration took control of the government in 1921, there were four and a half million unemployed, industry and commerce were stagnant, agriculture was prostrate, business was depressed, securities of the government were selling below their par values. ..." "Today industry and commerce are active, public and private credits are sound, we have made peace, we have taken the first step toward disarmament and strengthened our friendship with the world powers, our relations with the rest of the world are on a firmer basis, our position was never better understood, our foreign policy never more definite and consistent. ..."

Preceded the election of
Calvin Coolidge
See Presidential Elections
1924 Dem.
1924 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 24th in New York City, NY continuing until July 10th.
"Large standing armies and the cost of preparing for war still cast their burdens upon humanity. These conditions the existing Republican administration has proven itself unwilling or unable to redress."
- Concerning a war began under a Democrat President.
See Presidential Elections
1924 Progres.
1924 Progressive Party Platform
The great issue before the American people today is the control of government and industry by private monopoly."
1924 Socialist Socialist supported the Progressive Party's nominee, Robert M. La Follette.
1924 Prohibition Prohibition
1924 Communist Communist
1928 GOP
1928 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 12th in Kansas City, KS.
"... Under Republican inspiration and largely under Republican executive direction the continent has been bound with steel rails, the oceans and great rivers have been joined by canals, waterways have been deepened and widened for ocean commerce, and with all a high American standard of wage and living has been established."

Preceded the election of
Herbert Hoover
See Presidential Elections
1928 Dem.
1928 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 26th in Houston, TX.
"We hold that government must function not to centralize our wealth but to preserve equal opportunity so that all may share in our priceless resources, and not confine prosperity to a favored few."
See Presidential Elections
1928 Socialist Socialist
1928 Communist Communist
1932 Gop
1932 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 14th in Chicago, IL.
"We meet in a period of widespread distress and of an economic depression that has swept the world. The emergency is second only to that of a great war. The human suffering occasioned may well exceed that of a period of actual conflict."
See Presidential Elections
1932 Dem
1932 Democratic Party Platform   - Convention opened June 27th in Chicago, IL.
"In this time of unprecedented economic and social distress the Democratic Party declares its conviction that the chief causes of this condition were the disastrous policies pursued by our government since the World War of economic isolation, ..."

Preceded the election of
Franklin D. Roosevelt
See Presidential Elections
1932 Socialist Socialist
1932 Communist Communist
1932 Prohibition Prohibition
1932 Liberty Liberty
1932 Soc. Labor Socialist Labor
1936 Gop
1936 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 9th in Cleveland, OH.
America is in peril. The welfare of American men and women and the future of our youth are at stake. We dedicate ourselves to the preservation of their political liberty, their individual opportunity and their character as free citizens, which today for the first time are threatened by Government itself."
See Presidential Elections
1936 Dem.
1936 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened June 23rd in Philadelphia, PA.
"We hold this truth to be self-evident, that the test of a representative government is its ability to promote the safety and happiness of the people."
Preceded the reelection of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
See Presidential Elections
1936 Union Union
1936 Socialist Socialist
1936 Communist Communist
1940 Gop
1940 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 24th in Philadelphia, PA.
Instead of leading us into More Perfect Union the Administration has deliberately fanned the flames of class hatred."
See Presidential Elections
1940 Dem.
1940 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 15th in Chicago, IL.
We have launched a soundly conceived plan of loans and contributions to rid America of overcrowded slum dwellings that breed disease and crime, and to replace them by low-cost housing projects within the means of low-income families. ..."
Preceded the reelection of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
See Presidential Elections
1940 Socialist Socialist
1940 Prohibition Prohibition
1944 Gop
1944 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 26th in Chicago, IL.
The tragedy of the war is upon our country as we meet to consider the problems of government and our people. We take this opportunity to render homage and enduring gratitude to those brave members of our armed forces who have already made the supreme sacrifice, and to those who stand ready to make the same sacrifice that the American course of life may be secure. ..."
See Presidential Elections
1944 Dem.
1944 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 19th in Chicago, IL.
The primary and imperative duty of the United States is to wage the war with every resource available to final triumph over our enemies, and we pledge that we will continue to fight side by side with the United Nations until this supreme objective shall have been attained and thereafter to secure a just and lasting peace."
(Today the Democrat Party seeks to place our Armed Forces under the U.N.)
This Platform Preceded the reelection of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the ascension of Harry S. Truman to the presidency.
See Presidential Elections
1944 TX Regulars  Texas Regulars were an anti-Roosevelt wing of the Democratic Party that sought to split the democrat vote having failed to sway the party as a whole.
1944 Socialist Socialist
1944 Prohibition Prohibition
1948 Gop
1948 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened June 21st in Philadelphia, PA.
To establish and maintain peace, to build a country in which every citizen can earn a good living with the promise of real progress for himself and his family, and to uphold as a beacon light for mankind everywhere, the inspiring American tradition of liberty, opportunity and justice for all ‹ that is the Republican platform."
See Presidential Elections
1948 Dem.
1948 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 12th in Philadelphia, PA.
"The Democratic Party adopts this platform in the conviction that the destiny of the United States is to provide leadership in the world toward a realization of the Four Freedoms."
Preceded the election of
Harry S. Truman
See Presidential Elections
1948 States Rights
1948 States Rights Platform (August 14, 1948)  - Convention opened July 17th in Birmingham, AL.
"We stand for social and economic justice, which, we believe can be guaranteed to all citizens only by a strict adherence to our Constitution and the avoidance of any invasion or destruction of the constitutional rights of the states and individuals. We oppose the totallitaran, centralized bureaucratic government and the police nation called for by the platforms adopted by the Democratic and Republican Conventions."
1948 Progress. The Progressive Party Convention was held on July 17th in Philadelphia, PA.
1948 Socialist Socialist
1948 Prohibition Prohibition
1952 Gop
1952 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened July 7th in Chicago, IL.
"We maintain that man was not born to be ruled, but that he consented to be governed, and that the reasons that moved him thereto are few and simple. He has voluntarily submitted to government because, only by the establishment of just laws, and the power to enforce those laws, can an orderly life be maintained, full and equal opportunity for all be established, and the blessings of liberty be perpetuated. "
Preceded the election of
Dwight D. Eisenhower
See Presidential Elections
1952 Dem.
1952 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 21st in Chicago, IL.
Our nation has entered into an age in which Divine Providence has permitted the genius of man to unlock the secret of the atom."
See Presidential Elections
1952 Progressive Progressive
1952 Prohibition Prohibition
1956 Gop
1956 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened August 20th in San Francisco, CA.
America's trust is in the merciful providence of God, in whose image every man is created, the source of every man's dignity and freedom." "... the Founding Fathers. They not only proclaimed that the freedom and rights of men came from the Creator and not from the State, but they provided safeguards to those freedoms."
Preceded the reelection of
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
See Presidential Elections
1956 Dem.
1956 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened August 13th in Chicago, IL.
On the threshold of an atomic age, in mid-Twentieth Century, our beloved Nation needs the vision, vigor and vitality which can be infused into it only by a government under the Democratic Party."
See Presidential Elections

States' Rights

States' Rights
1960 Gop
1960 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened July 25th in Chicago, IL.
The United States is living in an age of profoundest revolution. The lives of men and of nations are undergoing such transformations as history has rarely recorded. The birth of new nations, the impact of new machines, the threat of new weapons, the stirring of new ideas, the ascent into a new dimension of the universe, everywhere the accent falls on the new."
See Presidential Elections
1960 Dem.
1960 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 11th in Los Angeles, CA.
In 1796, in America's first contested national election, our Party, under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson, campaigned on the principles of 'The Rights of Man'."
Preceded the election of
John F. Kennedy and the ascension of Lyndon B. Johnson to the presidency
See Presidential Elections
1964 Reagan Ronald Reagan -- A Time for Choosing (Campaign Season, 1964)
"You and I are told we must choose between a left or right, but I suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There is only an up or down. Up to man's age-old dream--the maximum of individual freedom consistent with order -- or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism."
1964 Gop
1964 Republican Party Platform   "For The People"  - Convention opened July 13th in San Francisco, CA.
"Humanity is tormented once again by an age-old issue, is man to live in dignity and freedom under God or be enslaved, are men in government to serve, or are they to master, their fellow men?"

See Presidential Elections
1964 Dem.
1964 Democratic Party Platform  "ONE NATION, ONE PEOPLE"  - Convention opened August 24th in Atlantic City, NJ.
"America is One Nation, One People. The welfare, progress, security and survival of each of us reside in the common good, the sharing of responsibilities as well as benefits by all our people."
Preceded the election of
President Lyndon B. Johnson
See Presidential Elections
1968 Gop
1968 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened August 5th in Miami Beach, FL.
Twice before, our Party gave the people of America leadership at a time of crisis ‹ leadership which won us peace in place of war, unity in place of discord, compassion in place of bitterness." "A century ago, Abraham Lincoln gave that leadership. From it came one nation, consecrated to liberty and justice for all."
Preceded the election of
Richard M. Nixon
Republican Party - Wiki - history
Democratic Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1968 Dem.
1968 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened August 26th in Chicago, IL.
America belongs to the people who inhabit it. The source of the nation's strength is the people's freedom to be the source of the laws governing them."
Democratic Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1968 Amer..Ind.
American Independent Party Platform of 1968 (October 13, 1968)
"The Federal Government has attempted to take over and control the seniority and apprenticeship lists of the labor unions; the Federal Government has adopted so-called 'Civil Rights Acts,' particularly the one adapted in 1964, which have set race against race and class against class, all of which we condemn."
American Independent Party - Wiki - history
1968 Peace Peace and Freedom Party - Wiki - history
1972 Gop
1972 Republican Party Platform.  - Convention opened August 21st in Miami Beach, FL.
When our accomplishments are weighed ‹ when our opponents' philosophy, programs and candidates are assessed ‹ we believe the American people will rally eagerly to the leadership which since January 1969 has brought them a better life in a better land in a safer world."
Preceded the reelection of
President Richard M. Nixon and the ascension of Gerald R. Ford to the presidency
Republican Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1972 Dem.
1972 Democratic Party Platform   "New Directions: '72-'76"  - Convention opened July 10th in Miami Beach, FL.
Skepticism and cynicism are widespread in America. The people are skeptical of platforms filled with political platitudes ‹ of promises made by opportunistic politicians."
Democratic Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1972 Lib.
Libertarian Party Platform of 1972   "The Party of Principal"
"We hold that each individual has the right to exercise sole dominion over his own life, and has the right to live his life in whatever manner he chooses, so long as he does not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live their lives in whatever manner they choose."
Libertarian - Wiki - history
1972 American American
American Independent
- Wiki - history
1972 People's People's Party - Wiki - history
1972 Soc. Workers Socialist Workers - Wiki - history
1976 Gop
1976 Republican  Party Platform  - Convention opened August 16th in Kansas City, MO.
" 'The Platform is the Party's contract with the people.' " "... The Democrats' Platform repeats the same thing on every page: More government, more spending, more inflation. Compare. This Republican Platform says exactly the opposite ‹ less government, less spending, less inflation. In other words, we want you to retain more of your own money, ..."
Republican Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1976 Dem.
1976 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 12th in New York City, NY.
Institutional reforms and the use of conventional tax, spending and ..."
"... commitment to full and vigorous enforcement of all equal opportunities laws and affirmative action. ..."
"At times. direct government involvement in wage and price decisions maybe required to ensure price stability. ..."
"... we must make every effort to assure the availability of loans to small business ..."
"... full implementation and enforcement of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act ..."
Preceded the election of
Jimmy Carter
Democratic Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1976 Libertarian Libertarian Party - Wiki - history
1976 American Ind. American Independent - Wiki - history
1976 American American
American Independent
- Wiki - history
1976 Soc. Workers Socialist Workers - Wiki - history
1980 Gop
1980 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened July 14th in Detroit, MI.
At home, our economy careens, whip lashed from one extreme to another. Earlier this year, inflation skyrocketed to its highest levels in more than a century; weeks later, the economy plummeted, suffering its steepest slide on record. Prices escalate at more than 10 percent a year. More than eight million people seek employment. Manufacturing plants lie idle across the country."
Preceded the election of
Ronald Reagan
Republican Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1980 Dem.
1980 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened August 11th in New York City, NY.
In its third century, America faces great challenges and an uncertain future. The decade that America now enters presents us with decisions as monumental and fundamental as those we faced during the Civil War, during two World Wars, and during the Great Depression. ..."
Democratic Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1980 Libertarian Libertarian Party - Wiki - history
1980 Citizens Citizens Party - Wiki - history
1980 Socialist Socialist Party - Wiki - history
1984 Gop
1984 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened August 20th in Dallas, TX.
The Republican Party looks at our people and sees a new dawn of the American spirit.
The Democratic Party looks at our nation and sees the twilight of the American soul."
Preceded the reelection of
President Ronald Reagan
Republican Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1984 Dem.
1984 Democratic Party Platform  - Convention opened July 16th in San Francisco, CA.
A fundamental choice awaits America ‹ a choice between two futures."
"It is a choice between solving our problems, and pretending they don't exist; between the spirit of community, and the corrosion of selfishness; between justice for all, and advantage for some; between social decency and social Darwinism; ..."
Democratic Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1984 Libertarian Libertarian Party - Wiki - history
1988 Gop
1988 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened August 15th in New Orleans, LA.
"Americans want leadership to direct the forces of change, on America's terms, guided by American values. The next stage of the American experiment will be a new dynamic partnership in which people direct government and government empowers people to solve their own problems and to have more choices in their lives."
Preceded the election of
George H. W. Bush
Republican Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1988 Note In 1988 the PoetPatriot, Roger W Hancock looked at both Platforms and asked himself, "Why am I a democrat?"
1988 Dem.
1988 Democratic Party Platform  "The Restoration of Competence and the Revival of Hope"  - Convention opened July 18th in Atlanta, GA.
"WE BELIEVE that the time has come for America to take charge once again of its economic future, to reverse seven years of "voodoo economics," "trickle down" policies, fiscal irresponsibility, ..."
- History shows them wrong. "Trickle Down" is, simply, how the economy works. Reagan created an unprecedented growth in the economy.
Democratic Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1988 New Alliance New Alliance  - Wiki - history
1988 Populist Populist Party  - Wiki - history
1988 Socialist Socialist Party U.S.A. - Wiki - history
1992 GOP
1992 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened August 17th in Houston, TX.
"Abraham Lincoln, our first Republican president, expressed the philosophy that inspires Republicans to this day: "The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do as well for themselves, government ought not to interfere."

Republican Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1992 dem
1992 Democratic Party Platform  "A New Covenant with the American People"  - Convention opened July 13th in New York City, NY.
"Republican mismanagement has disarmed government as an instrument to make our economy work and support the people's most basic values, needs and hopes"
- History proves otherwise as the economy has rarely been better than that which resulted under the Reagan Administration.

Preceded the election of
Bill Clinton
Democratic Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1992 Libertarian
1992 Libertarian Party Platform
"We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose."
Party - Wiki - history
1992 Populist Populist Party  - Wiki - history
1994 GOP Contract with America (Campaign Season, 1994)
"On the first day of the 104th Congress, the new Republican majority will immediately pass the following major reforms, aimed at restoring the faith and trust of the American people in their government: "
1996 GOP
1996 Republican Party Platform  - Convention opened August 10th in San Diego, CA.
"Republicans do not duplicate or fabricate or counterfeit a vision for the land we love. With our fellow citizens, we assert the present power of timeless truths."

Republican Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1996 dem
1996 Democratic National Platform  "Meeting America's Challenges, Protecting America's Values"  - Convention opened August 26th in Chicago, IL.
"Today's Democratic Party is determined to renew America's most basic bargain: Opportunity to every American, and responsibility from every American. And today's Democratic Party is determined to reawaken the great sense of American community."
- The Democratic Party has demonstrated it will take every opportunity to tax every American, more and more, whether rich or poor.

Preceded the reelection of
President Bill Clinton
Democratic Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
1996 Libertarian
1996 Libertarian Party Platform
"We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose."
Party - Wiki - history
1996 Reform
1996 Reform Party Platform was titled "Principles of Reform"
These are the Principles of Reform that the Reform Party and all of its candidates pledge to follow. Party platforms will adhere to these principles. These are designed to focus attention on the governmental and economic reforms that this Party and the majority of Americans want accomplished."
Reform Party - Wiki - history
1996 Natural Law
1996 Natural Law Party Platform      "Natural Law Party Solutions"
"THE NATURAL LAW PARTY envisions a flourishing national economy in which no citizen suffers from unemployment, recession, runaway inflation, or any other economic hardship; in which America's businesses are highly competitive in the international marketplace; in which the crippling national debt is reduced and eventually eliminated; and in which the tax burden is significantly decreased, enabling everyone to enjoy greater prosperity and a higher standard of living."
Natural Law
Party - Wiki - history
1996 Green
1996 Green Party Platform
"In this platform we make our case -- to change the way government operates-- to change the quality of our everyday lives -- to build a vision that brings new and lasting opportunities."
Green Party - Wiki - history
1996 Taxpayers Taxpayers Party founded in 1992 will become known as the Constitution Party. For various reasons some of the state affiliates retained their original names; "Concerned Citizens Party" in Connecticut, "U.S. Taxpayers Party" in Michigan, The "Nebraska Independent Party" in Nebraska, "American Independent Party" in California, and the "Independent American Party" in Nevada.
Taxpayers Party
- Wiki - history
1996 Queer Nation Queer Nation Party had nominated Joan Jett Blakk.
Queer Nation Party - Wiki - history
1996 Amer. Reform American Reform Party - Wiki - history
Other Parties of the 20th Century of nominal existence: Commongood People's Party, Country People's Caucus, Human Rights Party, Liberty Union, New American Party, New Party, No Party, ,
21st Century  -  1800s
2000 GOP
Republican Platform 2000  "Renewing America's Purpose. Together."  - Convention opened July 29th in Philadelphia, PA.
"We are proud of the record we offer to the American people. We have helped America overcome extraordinary challenges. We are reshaping our government to meet the demands of the modern world and better serve our citizens."

Preceded the election of
George W. Bush
Republican Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
2000 dem
2000 Democratic National Platform  "Prosperity, Progress, and Peace"  - Convention opened August 14th in Los Angeles, CA.
"But in 1992, Americans elected Bill Clinton and Al Gore with a mandate to turn America around. And that's just what they did. They took on the old thinking that had come to dominate politics and offered new ideas - new ideas that met the challenges of the day, new ideas that kept faith with America's oldest values, new ideas that worked."
- Yet the Democratic Party fights against America's oldest values using ideas that are not new but detrimental to our society.

Democratic Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
2000 Libertarian
2000 National Platform of the Libertarian Party (July, 2004)
We believe that respect for individual rights is the essential precondition for a free and prosperous world, that force and fraud must be banished from human relationships, and that only through freedom can peace and prosperity be realized.."
Party - Wiki - history
2000 Const.
Constitution Party 2000 National Platform
Our Republic is a nation governed by a Constitution that is rooted in Biblical law, administered by representatives who are Constitutionally elected by the citizens."
Party - Wiki - history
2000 Reform
We shall enact economic and fiscal policies that require fiscal responsibility and accountability from our government."
Reform Party - Wiki - history
2000 Natural Law
Natural Law Party Platform 2000
"Government in accord with natural law. Solve problems at their basis by bringing individual life, and our national policies, into greater harmony with natural law through proven educational programs; natural, preventive health care; renewable energy; sustainable agriculture; and other forward-looking, prevention-oriented programs."
Natural Law
Party - Wiki - history
2000 Green
2000 Platform of the Greens / Green Party USA (May 26-28, 2000)
"The Greens/Green Party USA is the original Green Party organization in the USA. It carries forward the radical vision of the early Greens based on grassroots political and economic democracy, nonviolence, social justice, and ecological sustainability."
Party - Wiki - history
2000 Amer. Reform
2000 American Reform Party Platform
"To renew democracy, our mission is to stimulate citizen participation in the political process, break the two-party monopoly, and guarantee free elections."

American Reform Party - Wiki - history
2004 GOP
2004 Republican Party Platform "A Safer World and a More Hopeful America"  - Convention opened August 30th in New York City, NY ending on September 2nd.
"We are proud of the record we offer to the American people. We have helped America overcome extraordinary challenges. We are reshaping our government to meet the demands of the modern world and better serve our citizens."

Preceded the reelection of
President George W. Bush
Republican Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
2004 GOP 2004 Republican National Convention Speeches (Aug. 30 - Sep. 2, 2004)
2004 dem
2004 Democratic Party Platform  "Strong at Home, Respected in the World"  - Convention opened July 26th in Boston, MA.
"John Kerry, John Edwards and the Democratic Party bring a new vision for America -- strong at home, respected abroad. An America that offers opportunity, rewards responsibility, and rejoices in diversity."
- Yet the Democratic Party would rather we fight our  battles at home, than in the Middle East. The Democratic Party proposes to "cut and run" in Iraq, thus causing disrespect abroad. The Democratic Party restricts opportunity except the opportunity to further restrict American success. The Democratic Party rejoices in diversity to the exclusion of individual respect and success.

Democratic Party - Wiki - history

See Presidential Elections
2004 Libertarian
2004 National Platform of the Libertarian Party (May, 2004)
"As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives, and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others."
Party - Wiki - history
2004 Const.
Constitution Party National Platform of 2004
"The Constitution of the United States provides that "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." The Constitution Party supports the original intent of this language. Therefore, the Constitution Party calls on all those who love liberty and value their inherent rights to join with us in the pursuit of these goals and in the restoration of these founding principles."
Party - Wiki - history
2004 Reform
2004 Green Party Platform   
2004 Green Party Convention was held June 23rd to the 28th, 2004 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Never has our country faced as many challenges and crises as we do in 2004 and the near future. Levels of federal revenue are the lowest they have been since 1950 because of tax cuts and breaks for the very rich and for corporations."
Reform Party - Wiki - history
2008 GOP
2008 Republican Party Platform  "Serving A Cause Greater Than Self"  - Convention opened September 1st. in Minneapolis & Saint Paul
"Yet we stand united today because we are the one party that speaks to all Americans – conservatives, moderates, libertarians, independents, and even liberals.  We welcome all to our deliberations in the firm belief that the principles embodied in this platform will prove to be as compelling and persuasive as they are vital and enduring.  We do not fear disagreement, and we do not demand conformity, but we do fight for our principles with confidence that the best ideas will prevail in the end."
Republican Party - Wiki - history
See Presidential Elections
2008 dem
2008 Democratic Party Platform  "Renewing America's Promise"  - Convention opened July 26th in Denver, CO
" We believe that every American, whatever their background or station in life, should have the chance to get a good education, to work at a good job with good wages, to raise and provide for a family, to live in safe surroundings, and to retire with dignity and security. We believe that quality and affordable health care is a basic right."
Preceded the election of
President Barack H. Obama
Democratic Party - Wiki - history
See Presidential Elections
2008 Libertarian
2008 National Platform of the Libertarian Party  "Smaller Government - Lower Taxes - More Freedom"
Convention - May, 2008 - Denver, Colorado
"As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others."
Libertarian Party - Wiki - history
2008 Green
2008 Green Party Platform  "Live Green Vote Green"  Convention opened July 10th in Chicago, Illinois.
"We support the right of all persons to self-determination with regard to gender identity and sex. We therefore support the right of intersex and transgender individuals to be free from coercion and involuntary assignment of gender or sex. We support access to medical and surgical treatment for assignment or reassignment of gender or sex, based on informed consent."
Green Party - Wiki - history
2008 Reform
2008 Reform Party Platform   

Reform Party - Wiki - history
2008 Const.
Constitution Party National Platform of 2008  -  Convention - April 24 - 27 in Kansas City, Missouri.
The Constitution Party platform invokes a preamble that looks to Jesus Christ as Creator, and seeks to secure 'our unalienable rights given us by our Creator.' "
Party - Wiki - history
Historical Parties
w/links to Wiki.
Anti-Masonic  -  Democratic-Republican  -  Farmer-Labor  -  Federalist
National Republican  -   Non-Partisan League  -  Populist (People's) Party
Progressive  -  Whig  -  Dixiecrat  -  America First Party
© Copyright 2005 Roger W Hancock 



Sources are the pages that the document title is linked to.
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19th Century  - 1800s   -   20th Century  - 1900s   -   21st Century  -  2000s 

Historical Documents   -   Inauguration Speeches   -   Party Platforms
One Votes Counts Flag Timeline U.S. Timeline Presidency Timeline State Timelines

All rights reserved. © Copyright 2005 Roger W Hancock

The greatest ability in business is to get along with others and to influence their actions. - John Hancock

Liberty is maintained by Responsible Freedom.  -  Roger W Hancock


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