of Liberty
American History - One Vote |

One Vote Does Count
& International
"One Vote"
"Edmund Burke warned, 'All that
is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Each of us have the
"power of one." How would
you use it? Power
of one vote.
I believe my 'one vote' lists, National, by State, and Other to be the most comprehensive
listing on the internet.
Actually it is not just 1 vote but is 1 vote over
or shy of a majority, or 'super-majority'.
Anyone voter of the victory tally had the power to sway the
victory to a tie or the opposition.
One vote is victory among many when the many have the
majority. - Roger W Hancock. |
1645 |
England |
vote is stated to have given Oliver Cromwell control over
England. Oliver Cromwell declared himself Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of
England. Not True: Oliver Cromwell did not gain control of England by one
vote. He became leader of the New Model (Puritan) Army in
1645 in the midst of a civil war. Parliament dissolved itself without even taking a
vote. He didn't establish his own government until
1649 - and then did so in part by expelling opponents from
Parliament. It was strong leadership and
military force that enabled the votes to establish his control.
Source -
Ledgends |
1649 |
England |
vote is said to have cost King Charles I of England his head. The vote
to behead him was 67 against and 68 for --- the ax fell due to
one vote. Not true. On
the day King Charles I of England was sentenced to
death, no vote was taken, but 59 commissioners
eventually signed his death warrant. Cromwell's
soldiers excluded the moderate majority from the House of
Commons and shut down the pro-royalist House of Lords entirely;
a newly established revolutionary tribunal then tried the king
and overwhelmingly condemned him to death.
Source -
Folklore |
1672 |
France |
1 vote declared a war on the Dutch Republic by France.
A unanimous one vote by the King.
Source -
http://www.brunching.com/onevote.html |
1714 |
England |
vote placed King George I on the throne of England restoring
the monarchy.
Source -
http://election.dos.state.fl.us/voterreg/1-vote.shtml |
1765 |
Amer. |
vote adopted the famous Anti-Stamp Tax Resolution after
Henry introduced it the the
Virginia House of Burgesses. That act
was one of the first acts of defiance to England eventually
leading to the Revolutionary War.
Source -
http://www.anca.org/ancadesk.asp?adid=220 |
1793 |
France |
1 vote cost King Louis XVI his life. The French National
Assembly decided by a one vote margin to execute the King.
King Louis XVI had been convicted of treason.
Source -
http://www.geocities.com/frenchmonarch/louisxvi/timeline.html |
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1875 |
France |
1 vote margin changes France from a monarchy to a
republic. Apparently not true,
it had become a republic by a larger margin. Its empire had
ended in 1870. (Previous monarchies ended in 1830 and
Source -
Folklore |
1923 |
Germ. |
1 vote according to legend says a revolutionary political party meeting
to elect a leader in a Munich, Germany beer hall, chose an
ex-soldier named Adolph Hitler to become the Nazi Party leader. --
controversy says the vote was 553 to 1...
one dissenting vote. (1923) Date differs depending on
Source -
Ledgends |
1940 |
France |
1 vote failed a proposal by the French parliament to maintain
its status as a republic.
Source -
http://www.lwvma.org/votingdifference.shtml |
1961 |
Tanz. |
1 vote claimed the seat of Chake-Chake on Pemba Island, in
Zanzibar (now part of Tanzania), winning the general elections
for the Afro-Shirazi Party by that one single seat.
Source -
http://www.lawyerment.com.my/facts/rcd/Political/ |
1971 |
Aust. |
vote shy, In Australia, John Gorton resigned as Prime
Minister rather than use his own vote to remain in power.
Source -
http://www.pm.gov.au/your_pm/pms/gorton.html |
1982 |
Samoa |
vote gave Human Rights Protection Party's Va'ai Kolone the
contest for prime minister. Kolone's victory was declared
invalid when the Supreme Court upheld a petition alleging
electoral irregularities.
Source -
http://www2.hawaii.edu/~ogden/piir/pacific/w-samoa.html |
1991 |
Philipp. |
1 vote failed the renewal of the $200 Million annual rental
on US military bases in the Philippine legislature.
Source -
http://d1p2.lcgop.info/onevote.php3 |
1998 |
Aust. |
1 vote by an independent senator, In the last months before
the 1998 Federal Elections in Australia, tilted the equal
balance between Government and Opposition votes to the favor of
the Government. Some major laws with long-term effects for many
Australians were passed by that one vote to support the
Government position.
Source -
http://www.abc.net.au/civics/demos/p_power.htm |
1998 |
Italy |
1 vote lost the "vote of confidence" for Italy's
Premier Romano Prodi. Pres. Oscar Luigi Scalfaro requested
that Prodi continue to lead until an new premier could be
Source -
http://www.decades.com |
1999 |
India |
1 vote lost the "vote of confidence" for Prime
Minister Vajpayee, of India's Hindu nationalist government.
Prime Minister Vajpayee, upon resigning, agreed to stay on until
a new government was formed.
Source -
http://www.decades.com |
1999 |
China |
1 vote in the Standing Committee of the National People's
Congress (China's Parliament) failed a law to amend the Highway
Source -
http://www.pnl.gov/china/ftaxw1.htm |
2000 |
U.S. |
1 vote shy kept Shaquille
O'Neal from the first unanimous vote when receiving his
first NBA Most Valuable Player award (1999 Season).
http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/basketball/nba/news/19/news.allnba.html |
2003 |
Cuba |
1 vote in the United Nation's Geneva-based Commission on
Human Rights passed a resolution to rebuke Cuba over its civil
rights record and to accept a visit from a U.N. investigator.
The motion proposed by Honduras passed 22 to 21, with 10
abstentions. Cuba has yet to comply. (Considering the
U.N. and Cuba, why are we not surprised?)
Source -
http://havanajournal.com/politics_comments/A1605_0_5_0_M/ |
2003 |
Zealand |
1 vote
in New Zealand Parliament passed a law that
decriminalizes prostitution. The Prostitution Reform Bill was
passed 60 votes to 59 after New Zealand's first Muslim MP, Ashraf Choudhary, abstained.
Source -
http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0306/S00192.htm |
2003 |
Luxem. |
1 vote in the
Luxembourg Parliament on March 12, 2003 failed a reform
resolution/bill that would have decriminalized voluntary
euthanasia under specific conditions. One member's
abstention may or may not have tied the vote.
Source -
http://www.worldrtd.net/news/world/?id=648 |
2004 |
Britain |
1 vote
of the Scottish Socialist Party has decided to reject a form
of collective leadership to replace resigning Tommy Sheridan.
Source -
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1401566,00.html |
2004 |
DC |
1 vote
by the
Washington, D.C City Council approves a financing
plan for a Major League Baseball Stadium. The Montréal
Expos was brought to
D.C The team begins playing in the
2005 season as the Washington Nationals. The last time the
nation's capital had Major
League Baseball was in 1971.
Source -
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_A._Williams |
2005 |
Britain |
1 vote in the
Commons failed, Prime Minister, Tony Blair's Anti-Terrorism
measures in November, 2005.
Source -
2005 |
Bulgaria |
1 vote on
June 25th confirmed Sergei Stanishev (head of Bulgaria's
Socialist Party) as Prime Minister of Bulgaria. Bulgaria's
parliament voted 120 in favor and 119 against the confirmation
after the Socialist Party failed to carry a clear majority.
Source -
2005 |
Canada |
vote in Canada's House of Commons averted an early election
sought by the Conservative Party. A tied vote was broken by the
speaker of the House of Commons to maintain control held by the
Liberal Party.
Source -
2005 |
vote, perhaps the abstention, could have broke the tie
of 52 to 52 votes that was to decide if Softball remained an
Olympic Sport after 2008.
Source -
2006 |
Switz /
Germ. |
1 vote passed the decision, in July of 2000, to allow
ZURICH, Switzerland -- Germany to stage the 2006 World Cup.
Source -
http://www.netlondon.com/news/2000-27/150DAB21A3A335B1802.html |
2006 |
France |
1 vote by
holders passed a proposal for a plan that would decrease
Eurotunnel's debt avoiding bankruptcy. Eruotunnel had entered
safeguard procedure (similar to the U.S. Chapter 11 ) in
September after an earlier proposal had failed at the last
Source -
2006 |
Terror |
1 vote
dissenting, saved al-Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui from the
death penalty. The jury voted 10-2, 10-2 and then 11-1. A
unanimous vote was necessary for the death sentence.
Source -
- |
2006 |
Iraq |
1 Vote margin
in February, 2006, retained Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari,
a Shia physician as the government head as full control is
handed to the Iraqis by the U.S.
Source -
http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2006/02/12/iraq-pm060212.html |
2007 |
Scotland |
1 vote,
required, was cast by George Grubb, the Lord Provost, breaking
the tied vote in August, that closed 22 schools in Edinburgh.
Source -
2007 |
Scotland |
1 vote
defeated a Scottish Government opposition amendment with another
1 vote defeating an amendment criticizing actions of the
opposition. Presiding Officer Alex Fergusson cast both decisive
votes; required by the convention to cast it for the status quo.
1 vote in favor of the government and 1 vote in favor of the
Source -
2007 |
Britain |
1 vote, not
even one vote, did Shirley Bowes, the conservative Tory
candidate, get in an election for Sedgefield District Council.
An electoral rule kept her from voting for herself as she did
not live within the district.
She ran as a placeholder for the Tory party.
Source -
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=452771&in_page_id=1770 |
2007 |
Aust. |
1 vote made
Anthony Jones winner of Australia's Sandover Medal. This
Sandover Medal is the 99th awarded to the "fairest and best
player" of the West Australian Football League, since 1921.
Jones received 29 votes acing out Brad Smith with 28. They were
among 10 candidates with each receiving 22 or more votes.
Source -
2008 |
Czech |
1 vote in the
Parliament of the Czech Republic failed to give them the power
to elect the nation's president. Missing it by one vote in
February, they tried again.
Source -
http://www.cwfa.org/factsheets/registertovote.pdf -
2008 |
Czech |
1 vote extra
in the French National Assembly in July passed President Nicolas
Sarkozy's constitutional revisions. Votes in favor were 539 with
538 needed for the passage.
Source -
http://www.cwfa.org/factsheets/registertovote.pdf -
2010 |
Nations |
1 vote, over
the two-thirds required, passed a UN measure to protect the
porbeagle shark (mackerel shark). Three other measures of
international regulation of ocean fish were voted down in Qatar
at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Speciesof
Wild Fauna and Flora.
Source -
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© Copyright 2000, 2002,
2004, 2005, 2010 Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |