TimeLines of Liberty
American Holidays |

Armed Forces Day
Last updated July, 2006 |
Origins of the Armed
Forces - Army Day - Navy Day -
Marine Day - Armed Forces Day |
Armed Forces Day is celebrated each year on the third Saturday
of May.
Armed Forces Week begins on the second Saturday of May
ending, the day after Armed Forces Day, on the third Sunday in
The National Guard and Reserve units have unique training
schedules and may celebrate the Day/Week over any period in May. |
1775 |
Army |
June 14, 1775 saw the
formation of the Continental Army to serve the needs of the
American Revolution. |
1775 |
Navy |
The Continental Navy was
established during the
American Revolutionary War
and disbanded in 1790. |
1775 |
Marines |
The Continental Marines
were organized by Act of the Continental Congress on November
10, 1775 for the
American Revolution with functions
of ship-to-ship fighting, onboard security, and to assist in
landing forces ashore. The first Marine Barracks were in
A bar called Tun Tavern was the first recruiting station. |
1779 |
Navy |
The ratification of the
United States Constitution in 1779 supports the existence of the
Navy by giving Congress the right "to provide and maintain a
navy." |
1780 |
Marines |
For reasons of economics
the Continental Marines was abolished as the Revolutionary War
came to a close. |
1784 |
Army |
To replace the disbanded
Continental Army after the American Revolutionary War the U.S.
Congress created the United States Army on June 3, 1784. |
1789 |
Army |
The Federal Army under the
newly established War Department was established August 7, 1789. |
1790 |
Navy |
The Continental Navy was dissolved in 1790 for reasons of
economics. |
1794 |
Navy |
Congress enacts the right
to provide a navy to fight the Barbary Coast corsairs. |
1798 |
Marines |
Congress establishes the
United States Marine Corps on July 11, 1798, placing it under
the Secretary of the Navy. |
1799 |
Marine Corps
Day |
The United States Marine
Corps began to celebrated Marine Corps Day on its birthday, July
11th, 1799. |
1921 |
Marine Corps
Day |
The United States Marine
Corps celebrated Marine Corps Day on July 11th the last time in
1921. |
1922 |
Marine Corps
Day |
The United States Marine
Corps begins to celebrated Marine Corps Day on November 10th.
The date was changed to November 10th to reflect the
establishment of the Corps to aid in the Revolutionary War.
1922 |
Navy Day |
The Navy League of the
United States on October 27, 1922 established Navy Day.
President Warren G. Harding
gave special attention to the non-holiday when writing to Edwin
Denby, Secretary of the Navy.
"Thank you for your note which brings assurance of the
notable success which seems certain to attend the
celebration of Navy Day on Friday, October 27, in
commemoration of past and present services of the Navy. From
our earliest national beginnings the Navy has always been,
and deserved to be, an object of special pride to the
American people. Its record is indeed one to inspire such
sentiments, and I am very sure that such a commemoration as
is planned will be a timely reminder."
"It is well for us to have in mind that under a program
of lessening naval armaments there is a greater reason for
maintaining the highest efficiency, fitness and morale in
this branch of the national defensive service. I know how
earnestly the Navy personnel are devoted to this idea and
want you to be assured of my hearty concurrence."
- President Warren G.
The date October 27th
was offered by the Navy League to recognize Theodore Roosevelt's
birthday as he has been Assistant Secretary of the Navy,
supported a strong navy and the concept of a Navy Day. The date
was also the anniversary of report issued in 1775 by a special
committee to the Continental Congress recommending the
purchasing of merchant ships to found an American Navy. |
1924 |
Army Day |
Army Day finds it origins
in a "Defense Test Day" That was observed only two times in each
of the years 1924 & 1925 |
1925 |
Army Day |
The second and last
observance of "Defense Test Day" was disallowed by Congress. The
Military Order of the World War led by Colonel Thatcher Luquer
established Army Day. The day chosen to begin the observance of
Army Day was May 1, 1928 in the hopes of minimizing the
attention to the May 1st Communists' Workers' Day. |
1929 |
Army Day |
The date of Army Day was
changed to April 6th to coincide with the anniversary of the
date America entered World War I. |
1936 |
Army Day |
President Roosevelt issued
a proclamation on April 4, 1936 that Army Day be recognized by
Congress as April 6th and to be observed around the nation. |
1937 |
Army Day |
The U.S. Congress on March
1, 1937, officially recognizes April 6th as Army Day with the
passage of Resolution #5-75. |
1937 |
Marine Corps
Day |
Marine Corps Day is still observed by U.S. Marines on bases
around the world. In 1937 at a Marine Barracks in Washington,
D.C. Major General Thomas Holcomb, Commandant presided over an
open house for Marine Corps officers. The cutting of a
large cake in the shape of Tun Tavern began the tradition of the
cake cutting at the "Birthday Ball". |
1941 |
Army |
The Army of the United
States was founded in 1941 to fight World War II. |
1947 |
Air Force |
Having operated as part of
the Army becoming the Army Air Corps the U.S. Air Force was
separated out as its own branch of service on September 18,
1947, by the National Security Act of 1947. |
1949 |
Army Day |
The last national
observance of Army Day was on April 6, 1949. |
Dept. of Def. |
The Department of Defense
was formed placing all military department under its authority. |
Armed Forces
Armed Forces
nations honor their military forces with an annual Armed Forces
Australia and New Zealand both have "ANZAC Day", a
public holiday on April 25 for the combined Australian and New
Zealand Army Corps.
Brazil celebrates Dia do Soldado (Soldier's Day) on
August 25th, the birthday of war hero Luis Alves de Lima e
Canadian Forces Day, the first Sunday in June is a
celebration of Canada's armed services, its heritage, and the
Chile has two celebrations for different branches of
the military, Dia de las Glorias Navales on May 21st. and Dia de
las Fuerzas Armadas on September 19.
Egypt celebrates Egyptian early successes in the Yom
Kippur War that started on October 6, 1973 with an Armed Forces
Day on the 10th of Ramadan (October 6).
In India Army Day is on January 15th; Navy Day on
December 4th; the Indian Air Force Day on October 8; with a
combined recognition, Republic Day when all three services
display full colours and guard of honor.
Army Day (Rouz-e Artesh) in Iran is celebrated on April
Peru's Armed Forces Day (Día de las Fuerzas Armadas del
Perú) is celebrated on September 24th.
The Singapore Armed Forces Day has the trooping of
colours and a parade to celebrate on July 1st.
May 15th celebrates San Slovenske vojske (Day of
Slovenian Army) in Slovenia.
The Republic of China in Taiwan celebrates Armed Forces
Day on September 3rd.
1949 |
Armed Forces
Day |
The individual Army, Navy
and Air Force Days were combined together when Secretary of
Defense Louis Johnson announced, on August 31, 1949, the
creation of Armed Forces Day. The individual branches were asked
to drop their specific day in favor of Armed Forces Day. The
Marine Corps did not comply with the request and keeps Marine
Corps Day while supporting Armed Forces Day as well. |
1949 |
Navy Day |
October 27, 1949 saw the
last observance of Navy Day. |
1950 |
Armed Forces Day
Quotes |
Harry S. Truman said, "praise
the work of the military services at home and across the seas,"
in a speech announcing formation of Armed Forces Day, "it is
vital to the security of the nation and to the establishment of
a desirable peace."
also says in the Presidential Proclamation of Feb. 27, 1950:
Forces Day, Saturday, May 20, 1950, marks the first combined
demonstration by America's defense team of its progress, under
the National Security Act, towards the goal of readiness for any
eventuality. It is the first parade of preparedness by the
unified forces of our land, sea, and air defense."
Purpose of the Holiday |
Expressing the unification
of all military forces under one entity, the Department of
Defense, the theme of the first Armed Forces Day was "Teamed for
Defense." The holding of Armed Forces Day was to be an
"educational program for civilians" and expand the understanding
of the public of the role of the military in civilian life.
State-of-the-art equipment was often showcased to the public.
Ultimately, Armed Forces Day was a day to honor, acknowledging
those who served in the United States Armed Forces. |
1950 |
Holiday |
The first Armed Forces Day
was held on May 20, 1950. Parades, open houses, receptions, air
shows, all helped celebrate the holiday. 10,000 troops of all
military branches marched passed the President and his party;
among them were veterans, cadets, and regular military. 250
various military planes flew over 33,000 participants
intitiating Armed Forces Day in New York City. Mothballed
battleships of World War II, the Missouri, the New Jersey, the
North Carolina, and the Iowa were open for public viewing.
In Europe, 1.000 U.S. Troops marched in a parade for the German
citizens at Templehof Airfield. |
World Tension |
Armed Forces Day was
established during heightened tensions in the world. U.S.
government buildings (The property was obtained before the
Communist Takeover) in Canton, China were seized by the Chinese
Communist Government. The Burmese Army fought against Communist
factions. Norway received U.S. military aid of two Dakota
planes. Communist Cuba celebrated its 48th anniversary. 28
Soviet vessels remained in the English Channel during Western
Alliance air and naval maneuvers. |
1950 |
Quote |
"Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 20, 1950, marks the first
combined demonstration by America's defense team of its
progress, under the National Security Act, towards the goal
of readiness for any eventuality. It is the first parade of
preparedness by the unified forces of our land, sea, and air
- Louis Johnson, Former Secretary of Defense
1950 |
Quote |
"The heritage of freedom must be guarded as carefully in
peace as it was in war. Faith, not suspicion, must be the
key to our relationships. Sacrifice, not selfishness, must
be the eternal price of liberty. Vigilance, not appeasement,
is the byword of living freedoms. Our Armed Forces in
1950--protecting the peace, building for security with
freedom--are "Teamed for Defense ..."
General Omar N. Bradley,
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Themes |
Some of the Themes of; or
ideas that prevailed; over past Armed Forces Days are:
Appreciation of a
Arsenal of Freedom and Democracy
Dedication and Devotion
Deter if Possible, Fight if Necessary
Freedom Through Unity
Guardians of Peace
Lasting Peace
Pillars of Freedom
Power for Peace
Prepared to Meet the Challenge
Protectors of Freedom
Realistic Deterrence
Representatives of the World's Mightiest Democracy
Special Opportunity for Thanks
Teamed for Defense
1951 |
Quote |
"Real security lies in the prevention of war--and today that
hope can come only through adequate preparedness."
General Omar N. Bradley,
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
1952 |
News Article |
A New York Times article
published on May 17, 1952 stated:
"This is the day on which we have the welcome opportunity to
pay special tribute to the men and women of the Armed Forces
... to all the individuals who are in the service of their
country all over the world. Armed Forces Day won't be a
matter of parades and receptions for a good many of them.
They will all be in line of duty and some of them may give
their lives in that duty."
is our most earnest hope that those who are in positions of
peril, that those who have made exceptional sacrifices, yes,
and those who are afflicted with plain drudgery and boredom,
may somehow know that we hold them in exceptional esteem.
Perhaps if we are a little more conscious of our debt of
honored affection they may be a little more aware of how
much we think of them."
1952 |
Quote |
"Armed Forces Day this year should serve to emphasize the
practical application of unification in action, and to
remind us of the continued need for unity in our Armed
Forces and among all of our citizens in the interests of
security and peace."
Robert D. Lovett, Former Secretary of Defense
1953 |
Quote |
"It is fitting and proper that we devote one day each year
to paying special tribute to those whose constancy and
courage constitute one of the bulwarks guarding the freedom
of this nation and the peace of the free world."
- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953
???? |
Quote |
"Today let us, as Americans, honor the American fighting
man. For it is he--the soldier, the sailor, the Airman, the
Marine--who has fought to preserve freedom. It is his valor
that has given renewed hope to the free world that by
working together in discipline and faith our ideals of
freedom will always prevail"
Admiral Forrest P. Sherman
1959 |
Quote |
"Our Armed Forces and our national defense system represent
a judicious investment of the nation's resources in the
cause of peace. The return on this investment, in terms of
national strength, shows the determination of the American
people to preserve our way of life and to give hope to all
who seek peace with freedom and justice. "
- The
Honorable Neil McElroy,
Former Secretary of Defense, 1959
1959 |
Quote |
"Close understanding between members of our Armed Forces and
members of civilian communities is most important to
preserve the high level of national readiness necessary for
safeguarding the free world."
General Nathan F. Twining;
Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1959
1960 |
Quote |
"We cannot, in this day of exploding world competition on
all fronts, be content to maintain the status quo. We must
also realize that the preservation of our freedom in the
years ahead may require greater sacrifices from us than
those made by Americans who have walked before us."
- General
Nathan F. Twining;
Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1960
1961 |
Quote |
"Today we are strong enough to meet today's challenge. But
the very fact that we are strong may put off the challenge
to another day. The Soviets think that time is on their
side. We believe otherwise. But meanwhile we cannot afford
to lower our guard."
- The
Honorable Robert S. McNamara,
Former Secretary of Defense, 1961
1962 |
Quotes |
"...Word to the Nation: Guard zealously your right to serve
in the Armed Forces, for without them, there will be no
other rights to guard."
- President
John F. Kennedy, 1962
"Only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be
certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed."
- President
John F. Kennedy, 1962
1962 |
Quote |
"The support of an informed American people is increasingly
important to the Armed Forces in these days of rapid
technological advance, quick reaction time, and grave threat
to our freedom. I, therefore, encourage members of the DoD
to observe Armed Forces Day by informing the American people
of our 'Power for Peace' and by confirming their faith that
in our strength we will remain free."
- The
Honorable Robert S. McNamara,
Former Secretary of Defense, 1962
1963 |
Quote |
"... Our Servicemen and women are serving throughout the
world as guardians of peace--many of them away from their
homes, their friends and their families. They are visible
evidence of our determination to meet any threat to the
peace with measured strength and high resolve. They are also
evidence of a harsh but inescapable truth--that the survival
of freedom requires great cost and commitment, and great
personal sacrifice."
- President
John F. Kennedy, 1963
1964 |
Quote |
"...Their contribution to our freedom and safety is
measureless. Our national security depends on the
maintenance of alert military forces as a deterrent to any
possible aggressor."
- President
Lyndon B. Johnson, 1964
1967 |
Quote |
"Armed Forces Day, above all, honors the dedicated
individuals who wear the uniforms of their country. Each
serviceman, wherever he may be, whatever his task,
contributes directly and importantly to the defense of the
nation. The task of each one is the task of all the Armed
Forces: to protect the freedoms which underlie the greatness
of America."
- General
Earle G. Wheeler,
Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1967
1970 |
Quote |
"Our servicemen and women shoulder the burden of defense as
one of the responsibilities of citizenship in this free
country. Having participated in protecting our rights and
having met oppression on the battlegrounds of the world,
they are able to appreciate and savor the blessings of
citizenship in the country they serve."
- The
Honorable Melvin Laird,
Former Secretary of Defense, 1970
1970 |
Quote |
"At home and abroad, military men and women are showing
purpose and dedication in defending American ideas. They are
performing in our country's best traditions under
circumstances both difficult and complex. Thanks to their
determined spirit of patriotism and professionalism, our
country has a powerful and unified defense team, employing
its forces in the constant quest for peace and freedom."
- The
Honorable Melvin Laird,
Former Secretary of Defense, 1970
2004 |
Statistics |
As of the fiscal year 2004
the United States Armed Forces had 485,500 soldiers on active
duty and in the reserves 591,000.
In active service 71,400 were women. The Army National Guard had
325,000, Army Reserve 246,000. |
19 |
Quote |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
2000 |
Gulf War Statistics
- Military Poetry
http://www.holidayinsights.com/other/afd.htm -
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http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq66-1.htm -
http://www.defenselink.mil/afd/military/history.html -
http://www.defenselink.mil/afd/ -
http://www.ggw.org/~armedforcesday/history.htm -
http://www.usarc.army.mil/99thrsc/army_day_history.htm -
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