TimeLines of Liberty
American Holidays |

Veterans Day
(Armistice Day) -
Historical TimeLine - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Last updated July, 2006
Armistice Day
1918 - 1919 - 1920 -
1921 - 1926 -
1932 - 1938 -
1941 - 1950 -
Veterans Day - 1954 - 1958
- 1965 - 1968 - 1971 -
1972 - 1973
1974 - 1975 -
1978 - 1984 -
Day is a day to honor those who have served the American people
in military service. It is the sacrifices of Veterans past who
have created and maintained American liberty.
It is those who now serve, continuing the tradition of
sacrifice, to maintain the security and liberty you and I enjoy
Armistice Day
- (Veteran's Day) |
Status |
Veteran's Day is a
legal Federal Holiday in the U.S. and is celebrated on November
11th. Veterans Day is not relegated to Monday as are
other holidays. |
1918 |
Armistice |
In the Forest of Compeigne,
France in a railroad car, owned by Marshal Ferdinand Foch, an
armistice was signed to temporarily cease the hostilities of The
Great War (World War I). The armistice went into effect on the
11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. November 11th, 1918 at 11
a.m. is the original recognition of the end of "The Great War". |
Celebrations |
The news was received with
jubilation. Celebrations began in Paris, London, and New York
City. More than a million Americans came to Broadway in
New York City to dance in the streets and hurl ticker tape out
of the windows. |
The Great War to World War
I |
World War I would not be
called such until World War II. It was called "The Great
War" as it was inconceivable that any war could be "greater". |
1919 |
War End |
The Treaty of Versailles
was held in the Hall of Mirrors on June 28, 1919 and officially
ended The Great War (World War I), when signed by the
Allies and Germany. |
1919 |
Proclaim |
President Woodrow Wilson
proclaimed November 11th, Armistice Day commemorating the end of
the Great War (World War I). Within his
declaration President
Wilson proclaims, "To us in
America, the reflections of armistice Day will be filled with
solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s
service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the
thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity
it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice
in the councils of the nations…" |
Alternate Names |
England and Canada called
the day, Remembrance Day. In the United States it was
sometimes called Victory Day, which is where the term "V-Day" is
derived and the holding of fingers to make a V for Victory. (The
V gesture in the 60's became known as the Peace Sign.) |
1920 |
England and France both
hold services to bury an unknown soldier at the nation's highest
place of honor. In England at the Westminster Abbey and in
France it is the Arc de Triomphe. Both memorials were on
November 11th on the second anniversary of the armistice.
The day later becomes known as "Armistice Day" in
America and "Remembrance Day in France and Canada. |
1920 |
Proclaim |
At the suggestion of
America's churches President
Woodrow Wilson proclaims the closest Sunday as Armistice Day
Sunday, on which should be held services in the interest of
international peace. |
1921 |
Tomb |
Congress approves
legislation establishing the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" in
Arlington National Cemetery, over looking the Potomac River and
Washington D.C.. November 11th was selected for the date
of the ceremony. |
1921 |
Holiday |
On October 20, 1921
Congress declares November 11, 1921 a legal Federal holiday,
honoring all who participated in The Great War (World War I). |
1921 |
Nov. |
The first ceremony
honoring the participants of The Great War (World War I) was
conducted on November 11, 1921 at the tomb of the unkown soldier
with great success. The unknown soldier was interred in a
temporary crypt covered with a marble slab.
The "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" monument will become a focal
point for veterans across the nation. |
State Holidays |
During the 20's and into
the 30's many states had established November 11, Armistice Day, as a
legal holiday. |
1926 |
Holiday |
Congress adopts a
resolution on June 4, 1926, that establishes the name "Armistice Day" and directs
the President to annually proclaim the observance of Armistice
Day on November 11th. The resolution states:
Whereas the 11th of November
1918, marked the cessation of the most destructive,
sanguinary, and far reaching war in human annals and the
resumption by the people of the United States of peaceful
relations with other nations, which we hope may never again
be severed, and
Whereas it is fitting that
the recurring anniversary of this date should be
commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises
designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual
understanding between nations; and
Whereas the legislatures of
twenty-seven of our States have already declared November 11
to be a legal holiday: Therefore be it Resolved by the
Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), that the
President of the United States is requested to issue a
proclamation calling upon the officials to display the flag
of the United States on all Government buildings on November
11 and inviting the people of the United States to observe
the day in schools and churches, or other suitable places,
with appropriate ceremonies of friendly relations with all
other peoples.
1927 |
Proclaim |
The U.S. Congress issues a
resolution that requests
President Calvin Coolidge to issue a proclamation that the
U.S. Flag is to be displayed on all
government buildings on November 11th and invite the people to
observe Armistice Day in Schools and Churches. |
1932 |
Nov. |
A permanent tomb was
constructed of Colorado Marble and placed on the original base.
The tomb was dedicated as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on
November 11, 1932. |
1938 |
May |
On May 13th, Armistice
Day, on each November 11th, becomes a National holiday by
an Act (52 Stat. 351; 5 U.S. Code, Sec. 87a) of Congress, with the hope that The Great War
(World War I) was "the war to end all wars." |
1938 |
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
signed into law the making of Armistice Day a legal holiday in
the District of Columbia. |
Federal vs. State Holidays |
Federal Holidays are not
actual National Holidays. The individual States retain the right
to designate their own holidays, but usually follow the lead of
the Federal designated holidays. A Federal holiday can only be
designated for Federal employees and the
District of Columbia. |
- 45 |
America enters World War
II. Sixteen and a half Americans take a roll in the war with
four hundred seven thousand dieing in service. More than two
hundred ninety two thousand die in battle. |
War to end all Wars? |
The holiday, to this day,
would have been called "Armistice Day" had the idealism of "the
war to end all wars" were realized. World War II changed the
belief that the destruction of World War I would never be
The addition of the WW II veterans, the antiquated name
Armistice which means "a truce" and with disillusionment, little
attention was paid to the celebrations of the armistice of
11-11-1918, for many years. The significance of the name
Armistice Day had changed. |
- 53 |
The Korean War is fought
creating even more American Veterans. |
Vets lobby |
As the significance of the
name Armistice Day had changed, Veteran groups began to lobby to
have November 11th set aside as a tribute for all who have
served in the U.S. Armed Forces. |
1953 |
November 11, 1953 in
Emporia, Kansas the community celebrated a Veterans' Day instead
of Armistice Day. U.S. Representative Ed Rees was
impressed by concept. He introduced the bill to change the name
of the holiday to Veterans Day. After passage he contacted all
the state governors asking for their support and cooperation of
the change. |
© Copyright 2006
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
Veterans Day
- (Armistice Day) |
1954 |
May |
The bill to change the
holiday's name to Veterans Day passes Congress on May 24, 1954. |
1954 |
June |
Public Law 380 is approved by congress striking the word
"Armistice" and inserting "Veterans" on June 1 1954. |
1954 |
June |
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
signs the bill, in June, 1954, changing the name from Armistice
Day, declaring November 11th, Veterans Day. The holiday
becomes a day to honor all American Veterans. |
1954 |
Oct. |
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
issues the first "Veterans Day Proclamation" on October 8th,
1954 stating:
"In order to insure
proper and widespread observance of this anniversary, all
veterans, all veterans' organizations, and the entire
citizenry will wish to join hands in the common purpose.
Toward this end, I am designating the Administrator of
Veterans' Affairs as Chairman of a Veterans Day National
Committee, which shall include such other persons as the
Chairman may select, and which will coordinate at the
national level necessary planning for the observance. I am
also requesting the heads of all departments and agencies of
the Executive branch of the Government to assist the
National Committee in every way possible."
to the Full Text)
1954 |
Oct. |
Later on the same day as the first Veterans Day Proclamation, on
October 8, 1954
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
sends a letter to the Honorable Harvey V. Higley, Administrator
of Veterans' Affairs, appointing him Chairman of the Veterans
Day National Committee.
for text of the letter)
1958 |
In 1958 the White House advises the Veterans' Administration's
General Counsel that all subsequent VA Administrators would be
subject to the 1954 designation of Chairman of the Veterans Day
National Committee. |
1958 |
Tomb |
Two additional unknown
Americans were transported from Europe and Korea to be interred
at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day, 1958.
The unknown soldiers of World War II and the Korean War were
laid to rest, next to the unknown soldier of World War I.
The name is changed to the "Tomb of the Unknowns." |
1965 |
Parade |
has the first of over 40 years of Veteran Day Parades in 1965.
Today Auburn holds the 5th largest Veterans Day Parade in
America. It became the 2nd largest west of the Mississippi
River. |
1968 |
June |
The Monday Holiday Law;Uniforms Holiday Bill (Public Law 90-363 (82 Stat. 250));
signed on June 28, 1968 establishes the fourth Monday in October as the new date to
observe Veterans Day. The effective date was to be in
It was intended that three-day weekends for Federal employees
would encourage recreation and cultural activities stimulating
greater industrial and commercial production. Many States
disagreed with the decision continuing to celebrate on the
original date. |
- 75 |
Oct. |
Veterans Day is observed
on the forth Monday of October (October 25, 1971).
It became apparent through the confusion of the date change that
Veterans Day held a historic and patriotic significance to a
great many American citizens.
In the beginning all states except
Mississippi and South
Dakota observed
the forth Monday of October. Eventually others
will have changed the observance back to November 11th. |
1972 |
Louisiana and
the observance of Veterans Day back to November 11th. |
1973 |
Viet. |
A law is passed allowing a
Vietnam War unknown interment at the Tomb of the Unknowns.
Several years passed before the Vietnam War produced a fallen
hero who was not identified. |
1974 |
Carolina, and
West Virginia change the observance of Veterans Day back to
November 11th. |
1975 |
New Hampshire, Oklahoma,
Wyoming change
the observance of Veterans Day back to November 11th. |
1975 |
Congressional legislation
returned the Federal Observance of Veterans Day to November
11th as a reaction to the popular support across the nation. |
1975 |
Sept. |
President Gerald R. Ford
signed Public Law 94-97 (89 Stat. 479), on September 20th, 1975
returning the observance of Veterans Day to the original date of
November 11th. |
Original Date |
Since the change to the
forth Monday of October all but four states, either continued
observing or had reverted back to November 11th as the date to
observe Veterans Day. |
© Copyright 2006
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1978 |
Nov. |
The Federal Observance of
Veterans Day officially reverts back to November 11th. The
remaining states follow suit. |
1984 |
Viet. |
The first unknown soldier
of the Vietnam Conflict is killed and interred at the Tomb of
the Unknowns in 1984. |
1989 |
Mar. |
In March of 1989 the Veterans' Administration was upgraded to a
Cabinet level department. Since the upgrade, the Secretary of
Veterans Affairs has served as Chairman of the Veterans Day
National Committee. |
1998 |
Viet. |
The identity of the
Vietnam War unknown was discovered in 1998 and his remains were
removed. He was identified as Michael Blassie a 24 year old Air
Force pilot that was shot down in May 1972 near the border of
Cambodia. His body was transported to St Louis,
Missouri where his family reburied his remains. |
Honor Guard |
To honor the Unknown
Soldiers as a symbol of all who gave their lives in all American
Wars, an Army Honor Guard, the 3d U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard)
Stands vigil at the Tomb of the Unknowns, day and night. |
1999 |
Viet. |
With the advent of
scientific advances of DNA fingerprinting it was decided that a
truly unknown soldier from the Vietnam War and any future war
were unlikely. In 1999 the Pentagon announced that no new
remains would be placed in the memorial of the Unknowns. |
Celebration |
The official, national
ceremonies for Veterans Day continues to be the memorial
amphitheater built around the Tomb of the Unknowns. The ceremony
is always set for 11 a.m. on November 11th. A color guard,
with representatives of all military services, executes "Present
Arms" at the Tomb. A laying of a presidential wreath
symbolizes the nation's tribute to its war dead. Taps is played
by the bugler. The remainder of the ceremony continues in
the amphitheater. |
America |
Americans celebrate
Veterans Day in several varied ways in observances across the
United States. Some will visit the Viet Nam War Memorial.
Others will visit the Tomb of the Unknowns. In thousands of
towns some communities will hold military balls, parades and
religious services in honor of our Veterans. A moment of silence
is observed, in some places, at exactly 11 a.m. on the 11th of
November; Taps is sometimes played during organized observances
of silence. |
The Poppy |
Many American dead were
buried in cemeteries all over Europe. The sites were usually
fields where red poppies grew wild. Some have taken the red
poppy to symbolize the blood that was spilt by the fallen.
John McCrae's poem "In Flander's Fields" he popularized the
image of the poppy.
"In Flanders fields
the poppies blow,
Between the crosses, row on row."
Due to the symbolism of
the red poppy, American Veteran groups have used paper poppies
as remembrances of the American fallen. |
Deserving of
Honor |
The American Veteran is
worthy of our honor whether he or she has served in war or
peace. Whatever, in which ever, the capacity served, they have
served their country to preserve the liberty and security first
afforded us by the founding fathers; the first American
Veterans. |
© Copyright 2006
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
Military & Veteran Poetry
Memorial Day TimeLine
Military Links
http://www.butlerwebs.com/holidays/veterans.htm -
http://freedomhq.stores.yahoo.net/vedayhi.html -
http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/faq/vetsday/vetshist.htm -
http://www.infoplease.com/spot/veteransday1.html -
http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0850115.html -
http://www.military.com/NewsContent/0,13319,80231,00.html -
http://www.brownielocks.com/veteransday.html -
http://www.patriotism.org/veterans%5Fday/ -
http://www1.va.gov/opa/vetsday/vetdayhistory.asp -
http://www.pbase.com/image/7236556 -
Veterans Day
Armistice Day
1918 - 1919 - 1920 -
1921 - 1926 -
1932 - 1938 -
1941 - 1950 -
Veterans Day - 1954 - 1958
- 1965 - 1968 - 1971 -
1972 - 1973
1974 - 1975 -
1978 - 1984 -