TimeLines of Liberty
American Holidays |

Washington's Birthday -
Observed the Third
Monday in February
Washington -
TimeLine -
Myths - Links |
Washington's Birthday
Washington's Birthday is the official title of
the Federal Holiday that is observed on the third Monday in
February. 'President's Day' is not and has never been a
Federal Holiday. When Washington's birthday was moved to be
observed on the third Monday confusion with the state holidays
called President's Day came about. Some states have a
President's Day that is often confused with Washington's
George Washington was born February, 22, 1732 in City, State.
General Washington was the commander of the Continental Army
during the American Revolution. Washington became the first
President of the United States under the United States
Constitution. George Washington's distinctions as a founding
father of America has dubed him the "Father of our Country."
Washington's Birthday
TimeLine |
1732 |
GW |
George Washington was born in Westmoreland County,
Virginia on February 22, 1732. |
GW |
1775 |
Hol |
Some celebrated the birthday of
General George Washington as
early as 1775. |
1787 |
GW |
George Washington was presiding officer at the 1787
Continental Convention. |
1789 |
GW |
By a unanimous vote
George Washington was elected
President of the United States of America in 1789. |
1700s |
Hol |
Washington's Birthday was celebrated while
George Washington was still
president. February 11th was the date, prior to the adoption of
the Gregorian calendar. |
1793 |
GW |
George Washington was re-elected President of the United
States of America in 1793. |
1796 |
Hol |
Since the Gregorian calendar had not
been adopted by the colonies as yet,
Washington's Birthday was on
February 11th. In 1796 the observance was set by the Gregorian
calendar to February 22nd. |
1799 |
GW |
George Washington died at Mount Vernon,
Virginia on December 4th, 1799 |
1880 |
Hol |
An 1880 Act of Congress made
Washington's Birthday a
federal holiday for the government offices in the District of
Columbia. |
1885 |
Hol |
Washington's Birthday was expanded to include all federal
offices in 1885. President Chester Arthur signed the bill that
made it a Federal Holiday. It was the first Holiday to honor an
American Citizen. It was observed on February 22nd. |
1950s |
Mon. |
A Uniform Monday Plan was first
suggested by NATO (National Association of Travel Organizations)
in the early 1950s; calling to combine Washington and Lincoln's
birthdays to the third Monday in February to be named
President's Day; Memorial Day to the fourth Monday in May;
Independence Day to the first Monday in July; and Veterans Day
to the second Monday in November. The plan was adopted in a few
states but not all. The effort shifted to lobbying for a Federal
Holiday Bill. |
1968 |
Mon. |
HR 15951 was enacted that set the
date for many of the federal holidays to simplify the holiday
calendar while creating more three day weekends.
Birthday was shifted from February 22nd to the third Monday in February each year.
The third Monday caused Washington's Birthday to never be
observed on George's birth
day of Febuary 22. It will fluctuate between February 15 and
21st; never falling on either
Washington's or Lincoln's Birthday. |
1971 |
Mon. |
President Nixon signed
Executive Order 11582, in 1971, that concerned the Observance of
holidays by Government agencies. |
1976 |
GW |
To assure George Washington's
outranking all other military members; past, present, and
future; Congress posthumously promoted
George Washington to the rank
of Six-Star General of the United States Armies. |
2001 |
Leg. |
The failed Washington-Lincoln Recognition
Act of 2001 was an attempt to clear up the confusion between
Washington's birthday, Lincoln's birthday and President's Day. |
© Copyright 2010
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
Washington Myths
Wooden Teeth
George Washington
did not have wooden teeth. He did have false teeth made of cow,
human, and elephant ivory set in a lead base and had springs
that allowed them to work with the opening of his mouth. His
false teeth distorted his face and was most uncomfortable.
Wooden teeth would have been more comfortable in the mouth.
Silver Dollar
The Potomac River is more than
a mile across. When Washington was a young man the Silver Dollar
did not yet exist. Thus, it is not true that
George Washington had thrown
a Silver Dollar across the Potomac.
Cherry Tree
The story of
George Washington
and the cherry tree was written by biographer, Mason Weems to
demonstrate Washington's
honesty. Although George
Washington was a most honest and honorable man the story of
the Cherry Tree is not. George
Washington did not tell his father, "I cannot tell a lie,"
after chopping down a Cherry Tree.
Washington's Wig
One might think by looking at
a one-dollar bill that Washington wore a wig. He did not, but to
comply with the fashion of the day he put powder in his hair to
make it white.
Birthday Patriotic
President's Day
Patriotic Rhymes
George Washington - TimeLine of
Patriotic Haiku poems
TimeLines of the Presidents.
Founding Father Rhymes
TimeLines of the first Presidents
TimeLine of American History
Sources for the TimeLine of Washington's
http://www.poetpatriot.com/timeline/tmlnpresident.htm -
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington%27s_Birthday -
http://www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/2004/winter/gw-birthday-1.html |