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TimeLines of Liberty
American History  -  Presidency

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Presidency TimeLine American Wars The Early Presidents

Distinctions of the Presidencies
Last updated March, 2010.

Lost Popular Vote Electoral Tie Ascended Not Elected Not Inaugurated
Had been Vice Had no Vice Medal of Freedom Nobel Peace Prize Died in Office
Born July 4th Died July 4th Assassinations Attempt. Assassin. Pardoned
Log Cabin On Currency Marriages Arlington Declar. of Indep.
U.S. Constitution Military Academies 49 State Majority No Prior Office Oath of Office
--- Distinctions of Presidents Vice President Distinctions Miscellaneous Trivia ---
Elected Without the Most Popular Votes

John Quincy Adams - Rutherford B. Hayes - William Henry Harrison - George W. Bush

Electoral Vote Tie  Election Decided by Congress

Thomas Jefferson -
John Quincy Adams
Presidents who by succession became President of the United States

 - John Tyler - Millard Fillmore - Andrew Johnson - Chester A. Arthur - Theodore Roosevelt -
Calvin Coolidge - Harry S. Truman - *Gerald R. Ford - Lyndon B. Johnson

* Except for Gerald R. Ford, by Nixon's resignation,
all others ascended to the Presidency due to the death of their predecessor.

Presidents who were never elected President

John Tyler - Millard Fillmore - Andrew Johnson - Chester A. Arthur -
*Gerald R. Ford

* Gerald R. Ford, became Vice President by appointment then ascended to the Presidency upon Nixon's resignation,
 making him the only President not elected President or Vice President.
Upon resignation of Vice President Agnew, Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller,
so from 1974 to 1976 the United States of America had an administration that was not elected.

Presidents who
were not inaugurated
John Tyler - Millard Fillmore - Andrew Johnson - Chester A. Arthur - Gerald R. Ford

Same as previous entry;
since they were never elected President there was no inauguration, but each did take the oath of office.

Presidents who had been Vice Presidents
John Adams - Thomas Jefferson - Martin Van Buren -
John Tyler - Millard Fillmore - Andrew Johnson -
- Chester A. Arthur - Theodore Roosevelt - Calvin Coolidge - Richard M Nixon -
- Lyndon B. Johnson
*Gerald R. Ford - George H. W. Bush -

* Having been appointed after the resignation of  Spiro T. Agnew,  Gerald R. Ford
is the only Vice President not elected to the office.

Presidents who had no Vice President

Chester A. Arthur - Millard Fillmore - Andrew Johnson - John Tyler

Presidents who were awarded the 'Presidential Medal of Freedom' while yet living
Gerald Ford - Ronald Reagan

Presidents who were awarded the 'Presidential Medal of Freedom' posthumously.
John F. Kennedy - Lyndon B. Johnson

Vice Presidents who were awarded the 'Presidential Medal of Freedom' while yet living.
Gerald Ford - Nelson A. Rockefeller - Richard Cheney

Vice Presidents who were awarded the 'Presidential Medal of Freedom' posthumously.
Hubert Humphrey - Lyndon B. Johnson

All rights reserved © Copyright 2005 Roger W Hancock 

Presidents who had received the Nobel Peace Prize

Theodore Roosevelt - Woodrow Wilson - Jimmy Carter

Vice Presidents who had received the Nobel Peace Prize
 Charles Gates Dawes -
Theodore Roosevelt

Presidents who Died while serving in office

- William H. Harrison - Zachary Taylor - Abraham Lincoln - James A Garfield - William McKinley -
- William G Harding - Franklin D. Roosevelt - John F. Kennedy -

Vice Presidents who Died in office
 - George Clinton - Elbridge Gerry - William R.D. King - Henry Wilson -
- Thomas Hendricks - Garret Hobart - James S. Sherman -

July 4th - Only one President was born on Independence Day

Calvin Coolidge

July 4th - Presidents Who died on Independence Day
John Adams - Thomas Jefferson - James Monroe
*Zachary Taylor became sick at an Independence Day celebration and later died.

Vice President Who died on Independence Day
Hannibal Hamlin

Presidents who were Assassinated

Abraham Lincoln - Shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth on Good Friday, April 14, 1865.
James A Garfield - Shot on July 2, 1881 and died September 19, 1881.
William McKinley - Shot twice on September 6, 1901 and died September 14, 1901.
John F. Kennedy - Fatality shot by Jack Ruby on November 22, 1963.


Presidents Rumored to have been Assassinated

Zachary Taylor - Poison suspected.
Taylor's body was exhumed in 1991 and traces of arsnic was detected.
Warren G. Harding - Poison suspected.
He had been unfaithful to his wife and she had refused an autopsy.

 Assassination Attempts

 Presidents who were Wounded and Survived Assassination Attempts
Theodore Roosevelt - Shot on October 13, 1912. Bullet never removed.
Ronald Reagan - Shot by John Hinckley, Jr. on March 30, 1981.


Presidents Targeted - Assassination Plots Foiled
Andrew Jackson - Point blank misfires on Juanuary 30, 1835.
Abraham Lincoln - Alleged plot; Pinkerton Detective Agency took seriously on February 23, 1861.
Abraham Lincoln - Shot fired; bullet hole found in Lincoln's hat in August 1864.
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Five shots miss on February 15, 1933.
Harry S. Truman - Puerto Rican activist shoot out with secret service on November 1, 1950.

John F. Kennedy - Suicide bombing foiled in December, 1960.
Richard M Nixon - Airliner into the Whitehouse, foiled on February 22, 1974.
Gerald Ford - Squeaky Fromme plot failed on September 5th, 1975.
Jimmy Carter - Man with pistol claimed, decoy for Mexican hit men, on May 5, 1929.
George H.W. Bush - Car bomb foiled by Kuwaiti police on April 13, 1993
Bill Clinton - Plane flies into the white house on September 12, 1994, only the pilot dies.
Bill Clinton - Automatic Rifle fired at the White House; gunman tackled by tourist on October 29, 1994.
Bill Clinton - Heavy security ends Osama bin Laden's aleged plan to blow up a motorcade in November 2006.
George W. Bush
- Shots fired at the whitehouse on February 7, 2001.

Assassination Attempts before taking office
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Five shots miss on February 15, 1933.
Barack Hussein Obama - Several alleged plots during the campaign.
Assassination Attempts after Leaving Office
Theodore Roosevelt - shot on October 13, 1912. The bullet never removed.

Bill Clinton - Heavy security ends Osama bin Laden's aleged plan to blow up a motorcade in November 2006.

President and Vice President that had received a Presidential Pardon

Richard M Nixon

One source had Andrew Jackson as having been pardoned but I have not found any corroboration to that assertion.
If true I would suspect it to be in connection with one of Jackson's gun fights or duels.
Four Presidents were born in a Log Cabin
Andrew Jackson - James Buchanan - Abraham Lincoln - James A Garfield

Vice Presidents born in a Log Cabin
Charles Fairbanks - Charles Curtis - Alben William Barkley

All rights reserved © Copyright 2005 Roger W Hancock 

Presidents Portrayed on U.S. Currency
George Washington ($1 bill) - Thomas Jefferson ($2 bill) -
Andrew Jackson ($20 bill) - Abraham Lincoln ($5 bill) - Ulysses S. Grant ($50 bill)

Woodrow Wilson ($100,000 bill)
The $100,000 was taken out of circulation in 1935

William McKinley ($500 bill*) - Grover Cleveland ($1000 bill) - James Madison ($5000 bill*)
Bills of $500 and larger were discontinued and taken out of circulation in 1969.

All rights reserved © Copyright 2007 Roger W Hancock 

Presidents Portrayed on U.S. Coins

William McKinley - Gold Dollar coin - 1 dollar
Dwight D. Eisenhower - one dollar coin - 1 dollar - minted from1971 to 1978
James Madison - one dollar coin - 1 dollar

George Washington - quarter coin - 25 cents
Thomas Jefferson - nickel coin - 5 cents
 Abraham Lincoln - penney coin - 1 cent
John F. Kennedy - one half-dollar coin - 50 cents

Non-presidents on Currency
Alexander Hamilton ($10 bill)
Benjamin Franklin ($100 bill & Half-dollar coin)
Salmon P. Chase ($10,000 bill)

An official one million dollar bill does not exist. One has been designed and used for propmotional purposes.
Lady Liberty is portrayed on the fake $1,000,000 bill.

All rights reserved © Copyright 2007 Roger W Hancock 
Presidential Marriages
James Buchanan had never married.
John Tyler and Woodrow Wilson, both having widowed, remarried while in office.
Ronald Reagan was the only president to have been divorced. (Jane Wyman 1940-48 marrying Nancy in 1952.)
Arlington National Cemetery
Only two Presidents have been buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
William Howard Taft and John F. Kennedy
Presidents that signed the Declaration of Independence
John Adams - Thomas Jefferson
The only two Presidents that signed the Declaration of Independence also died on the same Independence Day.
Only two Presidents signed the U.S. Constitution
George Washington
- James Madison
Presidents that were Graduates of U. S. Military Academies.
Ulysses S. Grant - Dwight D. Eisenhower - James E. Carter
Presidents with 49-state majorities.
Richard M. Nixon - Ronald Reagan
Presidents with No Prior Elected Office

 Zachary Taylor - Ulysses S. Grant - Herbert Hoover - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Oath of Office

It is believed George Washington was the first to add the phrase "So help me God." to the Oath of Office. There is no proof to confirm that Washington was the first. From 1789 statutes required the phrase for all federal judges and executive officers but not for the presidency. Chester A. Arthur was the first that was confirmed to have used the phrase, "So help me God."  All Presidents since have followed suit.

Oath over the Bible

It was the custom of the first Presidents to show their reverence and sincerity of the oath of office by kissing the Bible.
John Quincy Adams not wanting to subject the Bible to politics laid his hand on a book of law and the U.S. Constitution.
Franklin Pierce was the first to just lay his hand on the bible while giving the oath of office. Harry S. Truman bent to kiss the Bible at his first swearing in.
Theodore Roosevelt being sworn in after the assassination of William McKinley in 1901 had no Bible readily available.
Three Presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Harry S. Truman, and Richard M. Nixon gave the oath over two Bibles. Most Presidents had used the King James Version of the Holy Bible. 
John F. Kennedy used the Catholic (Douay) version of the Bible.
Richard M. Nixon used two family heirloom bibles dated 1928 and 1873.
Jimmy Carter gave the oath over an old family Bible with a second Bible laying on the lectern that had been used at the inauguration of George Washington.
Barack Hussein Obama gave his oath over the Bible, Abraham Lincoln had used in 1861, during his inauguration ceremony. He had made so many errors in the oath that he was administered the oath again at the white house, but without a Bible.

The Oath

I [, President-elect's name,] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.     ["So help me God."]
The right hand is raised with the left laying upon or holding the Bible.

I, ...
It has been customary to add the President-elect's name after the "I"

Presidents who have taken the oath twice because of mistakes in reciting it.
Chester A. Arthur - Calvin Coolidge - Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Hussein Obama
As of March, 2010 Obama fights in court to keep suppressed
all records that might shed light as to his citizenship.
Obama is the first President to have been a member of a Socialist party, (New Party, 1996)
All rights reserved © Copyright 2005, 2007 Roger W Hancock 
Distinctions of the Presidents
George Washington received a unanimous vote in the Electoral College becoming the first U. S. President.
George Washington was the first person to be President and as such the first President to do all he did, as President.
George Washington added the "so help me, God" to the oath of office.
George Washington
was depicted on a U.S. postage stamp, in 1847.
George Washington supported the drafting of young men into the army.
George Washington issued a pilot's license, for a hot air balloon.
John Adams, as a successful lawyer often defended against usurpations of the King.
John Adams had been the first minister to Britain.
John Adams was the only President elected that was of the Federalist party.
John Adams is the first president to live in the White House (Executive Mansion) and in Washington D.C.
John Adams is the first president to lose a bid for re-election.
John Adams was the first President who's son (John Quincy Adams) would become president.
John Adams was the first President to receive the oath of office from the Chief Justice of the United States.
John Adams died the same day as his friend Thomas Jefferson on July 4th, 1826.
Thomas Jefferson is the first president to be inaugurated at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. (1801).
Thomas Jefferson dispensed with formal rules of socializing, often offending foreign dignitaries.
Thomas Jefferson is the first President to lead a political party, using that power to control Congress.
Thomas Jefferson, at a July 4, 1801 reception, introduced the custom of male guests shaking hands. Previously it was the custom to give a stiff bow.
Thomas Jefferson was the first President in the White House to become a grandfather.
Thomas Jefferson claimed a discovery for the common cold, every morning he would soak his feet in cold water and then claim no symptoms.
Thomas Jefferson invented the Lazy Susan and then from that the swivel chair.
Thomas Jefferson was the originator of college electives (optional courses for a student to choose).
Thomas Jefferson had a pet mockingbird named Dick while living in the White House.
Thomas Jefferson over saw the granting of "most favored nation" trade partner to France.
James Madison is the first President to have served as a U.S. Congressman.
James Madison was the shortest and lightest President, weighing in at 100 pounds and standing only 5 feet, 4 inches.
James Madison had the first inaugural held in the Hall of the House and first inaugural ball held the same day as the inauguration. The United States Marine Band sets the precedence by playing for the ball.
James Madison is the first president to ask Congress to declare war.
James Madison is the only president that had two Vice Presidents die in office.
James Madison is the first president to wear long trousers rather than the knee breeches.
James Monroe was the first President to have been a U.S. Senator.
James Monroe was inaugurated a day late as March 4th fell on a Sunday. He was the first to take the oath out-of-doors in Washington.

James Monroe was the only President to gain all but one single electoral vote. That one elector denied the vote on the principal that only Washington deserved a unanimous vote.
James Monroe was the only president to have served in two different cabinet posts.

James Monroe's daughter Maria was the first child of a president to marry in the White House.
James Monroe is the first president to tour the country.
James Monroe is the first president to ride on a steamship, the Savannah in 1819.
John Quincy Adams is the first of two presidents whose father (John Adams) had been president.
John Quincy Adams is the first President who's politics did not date back to Revolutionary times.
John Quincy Adams is the only President to have named a son George Washington.
John Quincy Adams was the first to wear long trousers when sworn in.
John Quincy Adams was the first to be interviewed by a woman. Anne Royall learned of the President's nude swims in the Potomac and simply sat on his clothes until she had her interview.
John Quincy Adams had a pet alligator, given to him by the Marquis de Lafayette
John Quincy Adams' wife, Louisa, harvested silkworms from the White House mulberry bushes to spin into silk.
John Quincy Adams is the first President who's son was married in the White House.
John Quincy Adams posed for the first photograph of a U.S. President. (March, 1843)
John Quincy Adams was the first president to have married while in a foreign country (England).
John Quincy Adams was first to serve in Congress after leaving the Presidency.
John Quincy Adams had worked for years in attempts to overturn the Congress rule not to accept petitions against slavery.
Andrew Jackson is the first president born in a log cabin.
Andrew Jackson is the only president to have married the same woman twice.
Andrew Jackson was the first President to be nominated by a national political convention.
Andrew Jackson was the first President to take the oath of office on the Capitol's East Portico.
Andrew Jackson was the first president to travel by railroad during his term in office.
Andrew Jackson was the only president to have (previously) killed a man in a duel.
Andrew Jackson was the first Presidential subject of an attempted assassination.
Andrew Jackson held the belief that the world was flat.
Andrew Jackson was the only President to have served in both the Revolutionary War and War of 1812.
Martin Van Buren is the first president born under the American Flag as a United States Citizen. He was also the first President born in New York.
Martin Van Buren had been known as one of the first prominent politicians to support the elimination of debtor prisons.
Martin Van Buren's circle of politicians were called the Albany Regency and is considered the first "political machine" in American politics.
Martin Van Buren was the first President to ride in the same carriage with the outgoing President, Andrew Jackson to the inauguration.
Martin Van Buren's inauguration was the first to use programs and the first to have floats in the inaugural parade. Two inaugural balls were held for the first time.
Martin Van Buren had two pets that were tiger cubs.
Martin Van Buren was the first President to die in office.
William Henry Harrison was the first President with higher education to have studied medicine.
William Henry Harrison had what is often heralded as the best campaign slogan, "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too."
William Henry Harrison allowed Daniel Webster to edit his Inaugural Address.
William Henry Harrison was the first President to arrive by railroad for his inauguration.
William Henry Harrison had the longest inauguration address of 10,000 words providing a break to take the oath of office the resuming the address.
William Henry Harrison served the shortest time, having died of pneumonia 31 days into his term becoming the first President to die in office.
John Tyler was the first President born after ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
John Tyler was the first president to have succeeded to the Presidency upon the death of his predecessor.
John Tyler was the first president to not have a Vice President.
John Tyler was the first president widowed while in office (eloped and married in New York City on June 25, 1844)

John Tyler was the first president to marry while in office.
John Tyler had the most children of all the Presidents, numbering 15.
John Tyler is the first president in which an attempt at impeachment was made, but John Quincy Adams failed to muster enough votes to pass the measure.
John Tyler was the first President to have a veto over-ridden by Congress.
John Tyler was the first President expelled by his own party (Whig).
John Tyler is the only president to have joined the Confederacy, serving in the Confederate Provisional Congress.
James K. Polk was the first President to have been Speaker of the House.
James Knox Polk was considered the first "dark horse" President. Being unknown and not expected to win he was called a "dark horse" candidate.
James K. Polk was first to become President while still in his 40s.
James K. Polk's inaugural was the first to be covered by the news media using the telegraph. Also it was the first known news illustration of an inauguration; published in t
he "Illustrated London News".
James K. Polk was the first President photographed with his cabinet. The photograph also was first to show the interior of the White House.
James K. Polk was the first to have gaslights in the White House
James K. Polk was the first President who decided against running for reelection.
Zachary Taylor had not attended college.
Zachary Taylor is said to have never voted in a Presidential election. He had been non-political and did not vote until he was 62 years old.
Zachary Taylor is the first president not to have served in any elected position prior to becoming President.
Zachary Taylor had become a national hero when he gained a decisive victory over General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana in the Mexican War.
Zachary Taylor owned slaves but pledged to preserve the Union even if he had to track down those threatening secession as he had done the Mexicans and also to treat them in the same manner as he had done to deserters.
Zachary Taylor had not dressed well and had come to be called "Old Rough and Ready."
Zachary Taylor was the second President to die in the White House.
Zachary Taylor served only 16 months before he died in office. His body had been moved twice with the final interment at Zachary Taylor National Cemetery.
Millard Fillmore was the last President born in the 18th Century.
Millard Fillmore was the first president to have had a stepmother.
Millard Powers Fillmore saw the first bathtub and library installed into the White House. (His wife Abigail started the first official library in the White House.)
Millard Fillmore, after his wife Abigail purchased the first cooking stove for the White House, went to the U.S. Patent Office to read the patent for the stove then returned to teach the White House cook how to use the stove.
Millard Fillmore was the first President to run a United States of America that reached from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
Millard Fillmore was the first president to sign legislation allowing for federal aid to build railroads.
Millard Fillmore was the first President to never have had a Vice President.
Millard Fillmore was the first President to send a trade mission to Japan.
Franklin Pierce attended college with Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Franklin Pierce stood, driving his carriage to and from his inauguration at the Capitol.
Franklin Pierce was the first President to affirm, rather than swear, when giving the Oath of Office.
Franklin Pierce was the first President to lay his hand on the Bible when giving the Oath of Office. The show of reverence had been to kiss the Bible.
Franklin Pierce was the first President to recite his inaugural address by memory with out the use of notes.
Franklin Pierce was the only President to retain his cabinet without any changes.
James Buchanan is the only bachelor president, he never married.
James Buchanan was the first President that was born in Pennsylvania.
James Buchanan had the first Inauguration known to have been photographed.
James Buchanan was the first President to send a telegram across the Atlantic Ocean (Sent to Queen Victoria of England).
James Buchanan was in office when the Confederate States of America declared their independence.
James Buchanan was both
farsighted and nearsighted in different eyes.
Abraham Lincoln is the first president that was born outside the original thirteen colonies.
Abraham Lincoln was the first President to receive over 2 million popular votes.
Abraham Lincoln had the first inaugural where American-Africans were allowed to participate in the parade.
Abraham Lincoln was the first President to have a beard.
Abraham Lincoln was the first President with a strong connection to Baseball.
Abraham Lincoln had no photographs taken in which he was smiling.
Abraham Lincoln was the first President to be assassinated.
Abraham Lincoln was the first President to lie in state in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda.
Andrew Johnson is the only President with no official schooling.
Andrew Johnson is the first President with neither military or legal training.
Andrew Johnson is the first, upon the death of the president, to be administered the oath of office by the Chief Justice.
Andrew Johnson is the first of two Presidents to be impeached but later acquitted.
Andrew Johnson brought the first organized baseball team to the White House ("a delegation of the National Base Ball Club).
Andrew Johnson is the the only ex-president to be elected to the U.S. Senate.
Ulysses S. Grant changed his name, (Hiram Ulysses Grant) upon enrolling at West Point, to avoid the initials H.U.G.
Ulysses S. Grant was one of the first persons to offer his services when the Civil War broke out.
Ulysses S. Grant was the first President from Ohio.
Ulysses S. Grant was the first President to receive over 3 million popular votes.
Ulysses S. Grant was the first President to have both parents still living attend his inauguration.

Ulysses S. Grant had the first inaugural in which the governors of the states were invited to participate in the events of the inauguration.
Ulysses S. Grant was the first President called upon by a congressional committee that escorted him to the Capitol.
Ulysses S. Grant as President was arrested for speeding, $20 fine for riding his horse too fast.
Ulysses S. Grant brought the first professional baseball team to the White House (Cincinnati Red Stockings).
Rutherford B. Hayes had been wounded in the Civil War.
Rutherford B. Hayes won the electoral vote by a margin of one but failed to carry the popular vote.
Rutherford B. Hayes was the first president to receive over 4 million popular votes.

Rutherford B. Hayes was the first President to take the Oath of Office at the White House.
Rutherford B. Hayes was sworn in one day before Inauguration day because it fell on Sunday. A private oath was taken on Saturday, March 3rd and then again at the public Inauguration ceremony on Monday, March 5, 1877.
Rutherford B. Hayes' wife, Lucy Hayes, was the first to be called "First Lady."

Rutherford B. Hayes was the first president to visit the West Coast (1880).
Rutherford B. Hayes was the first President to use a telephone in the White House.
Rutherford B. Hayes was President when the White House Easter egg hunt was established.
James Garfield was the last of seven Presidents to be born in a log cabin.
James Garfield is the only person in U.S. history who was a U.S. Congressman, senator-elect, and a president-elect at the same time.
James Garfield Campaigned for the Presidency from the front porch of his home.
James Garfield won his election by less than 10,000 votes.
James Garfield was the first President to have his mother in attendance at his inauguration.
James Garfield was the first President to watch the inaugural parade from a stand in front of the White House.

James Garfield was a "southpaw" the first left-handed President.
James Garfield was able to write in Latin with one hand while writing Greek with the other hand.
James Garfield was the first President to have campaigned using more than one language.
James Garfield had named his dog "Veto."
James Garfield was the second President to be assassinated.
Chester A. Arthur was the first President to have taken the Oath of Office at his home,  his own hometown.
Chester A. Arthur is the first President confirmed to have added the phrase "So help me God." to the oath of office.
Chester A. Arthur had two ex-presidents attend his inauguration; Ulysses S. Grant and Rutherford B. Hayes.
Chester A. Arthur was the first President to veto an appropriations bill for it being excessive.
Chester A. Arthur was the first President to sign a civil service law (enacting the Civil Service Commission).
Chester A. Arthur was the first President to hire a valet (personal servant)
Chester A. Arthur was the first to bring the members of a Major League to the White House / Executive Mansion (National League; Cleveland Forest Citys).
Grover Cleveland was the first President that was born in New Jersey.
Grover Cleveland is the only President whose wedding was at the White House.
Grover Cleveland was the first Democrat elected President after the Civil War.
Grover Cleveland was a bachelor when elected, but married during his first term.
Grover Cleveland was the first President to have a child born in the White House
Grover Cleveland was the first President to veto bills that were to compensate private individual for claims against the federal government, when he judged them ill-founded.
Benjamin Harrison is the only President from Indiana.
Benjamin Harrison did not carry the popular vote but won in the Electoral College.
Benjamin Harrison was the first President to preside over a "Billion Dollar Congress."
Benjamin Harrison signed the first federal anti-trust act (Sherman Anti-Trust Act).
Benjamin Harrison wrote "This Country of Ours" that was about the presidency and the federal government.
Benjamin Harrison is the first President proven to have had his voice recorded (phonograph cylinder, 1889).
Benjamin Harrison was the first President to have electricity in the White House (installed by the Edison Electric Company)
Benjamin Harrison was the first President to travel across American with the only means of travel being the train, in April, 1891.
Benjamin Harrison was the first President to attend a Major League Baseball game and first to see an extra inning game that extended to the eleventh inning.
Benjamin Harrison was the last President to wear a beard while in office.
Benjamin Harrison was the first to celebrate Christmas by bringing a Christmas tree into the White House (1889).
Grover Cleveland is the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms.  - see, 1st term entries.
William McKinley was the first President who had used the telephone for use in his campaign.
William McKinley had the first inaugural that was recorded by a movie camera.
William McKinley had a glass-enclosed reviewing stand in front of the White House from which to view the inaugural parade.
William McKinley was the first President to preside over America as a World power.
William McKinley is remembered as the first modern President, although more so, a bridge to the modern.
William McKinley received the first invitation to throw out the first opening season pitch.
William McKinley was the first President to ride in an automobile (an ambulance after being shot).
William McKinley is the third President that was assassinated.
Theodore Roosevelt is the only President to have been awarded the Medal of Honor.
Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest of all Presidents when taking office, at 42 years old.
Theodore Roosevelt is the second President to not have been sworn in on the Bible.
Theodore Roosevelt was the first President while in office to travel outside the U. S.; he took the USS Louisiana to Panama in 1906.
Theodore Roosevelt was the first American and President awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (1906).
Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to fly in an airplane; air show in St. Louis, Mo. on October 11, 1910, the pilot was Arch Hoxsey who died in a plane crash 2 months later.
Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to drive and own a car, have a telephone in his home, and to be submerged in a submarine.
Theodore Roosevelt was the first to entertain a Black American, Booker T. Washington, at dinner in the White House.
Theodore Roosevelt proceeded with an hour long speech with a bullet in his chest.
Theodore Roosevelt founded the first 51 federal bird sanctuaries.
Teddy Roosevelt was presented with a stuffed toy bear, inspiring the term "Teddy Bear."
Teddy Roosevelt's wife and mother died on the same day, February 14, 1884.
William Howard Taft throws out the first Major League Baseball season Opening Day Pitch on April 14, 1910.
William Howard Taft's inaugural was the first where an automobile was used, however President Taft did not ride in any.
William Howard Taft's inaugural was the first time the dome of the Capitol was illuminated; by temporary searchlights.
William Howard Taft had the first official Presidential car.
William Howard Taft was the first President to seriously take up golf for recreation.
William Howard Taft was the only President to serve as Chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (after his presidency).
Woodrow Wilson is the only president to have earned a doctorate (Ph.D.- major, Political Science).
Woodrow Wilson broke with the precedent by taking the oath of office on a Sunday.
Woodrow Wilson's inaugural parade was the first in which women participated.
Woodrow Wilson's inaugural ball was suspended.
Woodrow Wilson's inauguration was the first where the Capitol dome was illuminated by permanent lighting.
Woodrow Wilson was the second president awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Woodrow Wilson is the first president to visit a foreign country and to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
He sailed to France on December 4, 1918 to negotiate the treaty ending World War I.
Woodrow Wilson is the first President to be buried in Washington D.C.
Warren G. Harding is the first president who's election results were broadcast over the radio.
Warren Harding is the first president to have had his voice broadcast over the radio. He was also the first to own a radio.
Warren Harding was the first president to arrive at and leave his inauguration in an automobile.
Warren Harding's inaugural was the first to use loudspeakers.
Warren Harding was the first newspaper publisher to be elected president.
Warren Harding was the first sitting Senator to be elected president.
Warren Harding was the first president to have used Hollywood and Broadway stars in his campaign.
Warren Harding was the first president to have visited Alaska in June of 1923.
Warren Harding had the largest feet, of all the presidents, with a shoe size of 14.
Calvin Coolidge was the first president who was given the oath of office by a former president, Chief justice William Howard Taft.
Calvin Coolidge was the only President to be born on the Forth of July
Calvin Coolidge had the first inauguration that was broadcast on radio.
Calvin Coolidge was the first president who's address to Congress was broadcast on radio, December 6, 1923.
Calvin Coolidge was the first president to deliver a political speech on radio, February 12, 1924.
Calvin Coolidge was the first president to be in a sound film when Lee De Forest filmed a Ponofilm sound-on-films production of "President Coolidge," on August 11, 1924.
Calvin Coolidge refused to use the telephone while in the Oval office.
Calvin Coolidge had four pets, two racoons, a goose, and a donkey.

Calvin Coolidge is the first president to throw out the first pitch of the first game of the World Series on October 4, 1924.
Calvin Coolidge was the only president to be depicted on a coin during his lifetime, the sesquicentennial commemorative half dollar of 1926.
Herbert Hoover is the first president born west of the Mississippi River.
Herbert Hoover was 1/8 Osage Indian.
Herbert Hoover had been orphaned when a boy at 9 years of age.
Herbert Hoover had no experience in an elected office prior to becoming President.
Herbert Hoover had the first inauguration that was recorded by talking newsreel.
Herbert Hoover used a medicine ball in his work out exercises.
Herbert Hoover refused to take a salary for being president.
Herbert Hoover is the first president to have a telephone in his office. Previously the White House phone was in a booth outside the Executive Office.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt is the first defeated Vice President to be elected President.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first President to personally accept his party's nomination (1932).
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first for his second term to be inaugurated on the newly set date of January 20th. (20th Amendment to the Constitution.) Also this date was the first time the President-elect and Vice President-elect were inaugurated out side on the same platform.
Franklin D. Roosevelt is the first president to appear on Television.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first president to ride in a submerged submarine, 1905.
Franklin D. Roosevelt is the first president to throw out the first pitch in an All-Star Game on July 7, 1937.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only president elected to the presidency four times. (22nd Amendment, 1951, sets the presidency at two terms.)
Harry S. Truman's Middle name was just "S."
Harry S. Truman is the first president who's inaugural speech was televised.
Harry S. Truman is the first President to begin his term during wartime.
Harry S. Truman is the only world leader to have used the atomic bomb, which helped end World War II.
Harry Truman is the first president that had to deal with the UFO phenomenon.
Harry Truman is the first president to have a television in the White House.
Harry Truman was the first president to address the NAACP, (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) June 29, 1947.
Dwight Delano Eisenhower was the first President that was born in Texas.
Dwight D. Eisenhower had the first Presidential Air Plane, 1953.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first President to fly in a helicopter.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first President with a pilot's license.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first President to serve under a 50 star American Flag.
Dwight D. Eisenhower is the first president to work with three sessions of Congress that was controlled by the opposing party. He was also the first to serve with both houses of Congress controlled by the opposing party.
Dwight D. Eisenhower held the first televised press conference.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first President to make a hole-in-one during a game of golf.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first president to have suffered a heart attack while in office.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first president to ride in a submerged atomic submarine.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the first President born in the 20th Century.
John F. Kennedy was the first President to have been a Boy Scout.

John F. Kennedy was the first President that had participated in a televised presidential debate (1960).
John F. Kennedy was the first Catholic president.
John F. Kennedy was the youngest president to be elected into office, at 43 years of age.
John F. Kennedy was the last President to wear the traditional stove-pipe hat to the inauguration ceremony.
John F. Kennedy had the first inaugural where the parade was televised in color; NBC.
John F. Kennedy had the first inaugural where the Air Force Academy Band performed in the parade.
John F. Kennedy was the first President to have a prominent poet (Robert Frost) participate in the official inaugural ceremonies.
John F. Kennedy had the first inaugural where flame throwers were used to clear snow on Pennsylvania Avenue for the parade.
John F. Kennedy was the first to have a presidential plane, (Air Force One). It was retired in 1972.
John F. Kennedy is the fourth President to be assassinated, dying as the youngest of all the Presidents at of 46 years of age.
Lyndon Baines Johnson was the first President to have witnessed the assassination of his predecessor.
Lyndon Baines Johnson was the first president to be sworn in by a woman (Judge Sarah T. Hughes).
Lyndon Johnson was the first President sworn into office in an airplane (Air Force One; Boeing 707, at Love Field; Dallas, Texas).
Lyndon Johnson was the first Democrat president to have carried Vermont.
Lyndon Johnson's presidency was the first to have, when a press gallery was installed on the Capitol grounds.
Lyndon Johnson had the first use of a closed bullet-proof limousine.
Lyndon Johnson died just one mile away from the house he was born in.
Richard M. Nixon is the first President to have visited all 50 states.
Richard M. Nixon's favorite snack was catsup on cottage cheese.
Richard M. Nixon was the first president to visit communist China.
Richard M. Nixon was the first president to visit the Soviet Union.
Richard M. Nixon's term saw the first moon landing
Richard M. Nixon was the first president to have ordered the retreat from a war. Public Sentiment and the Congress was unwilling to provide the resources to obtain a victory.  Nixon ordered the withdrawal of All American personnel from South Vietnam to end America's involvement.
Richard M. Nixon is the only President to have resigned from office on August 9, 1974.
Gerald R. Ford is the first President who's parents had been divorced.
Gerald R. Ford is the first President to have made Eagle Scout under the Boy Scouts of America.
Gerald R. Ford is the only President to have worked for the National Park Service. He was a park ranger in Yellowstone National Park in 1936.

Gerald R. Ford is the only President not elected to either the presidency or vice presidency. He was the first appointed Vice President.
Gerald R. Ford was the first to assume the Presidency under provisions of the 25th Amendment, "upon the resignation of the president, the vice president shall become president."
Gerald R. Ford is the first President to pardon a former president.
Gerald R. Ford is the first President to give his historical material to the citizens of the United States while still in office.
Gerald R. Ford is the first President to release his medical checkup report.
Gerald R. Ford was the first President to divide the functions of the Presidential libraries. His Archives are at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. His museum is in Grand Rapids, in his old congressional district.
Gerald R. Ford became the fourth President to live to the age of 90.
Gerald R. Ford was the last living member of the Warren Commission (to study John F. Kennedy's assassination).
James E. Carter is the first President to have been born in a Hospital.
Jimmy Carter was the first President to be elected from the "deep south" since the Civil War.
Jimmy Carter was the first President sworn into office by use of his nickname (Jimmy).
Jimmy Carter is the first President to walk with his family from the Capitol to the White House after his inaugural ceremony. It was the first inauguration where provisions were made for the handicapped to attend the viewing of the parade.
Jimmy Carter was the first President who, while in office, debated his opponent (Ronald Reagan).
Jimmy Carter was the first President to lose a re-election in over 50 years.
Ronald Reagan had saved 77 lives over 6 years as a lifeguard.
Ronald Reagan is the oldest elected President at 73 years.
Ronald Reagan is the first President to have been divorced.
Ronald Reagan is the only President to have been a leader of a labor union (Screen Actor's Guild).
Ronald Reagan is the first President whose profession had been an actor.
Ronald Reagan received the most electoral votes of any President (525 in 1984)
Ronald Reagan had the first inauguration that was held on the West Terrace of the Capitol and the first to be closed-captioned on television for the hearing impaired.
Ronald Reagan appointed the first woman to the U. S. Supreme Court (Sandra Day O'Connor).
Ronald Reagan wore one contact during speeches so he could see both the script and the audience without taking off his glasses.
Ronald Reagan ate jelly beans to help him quit pipe-smoking.
George H. W. Bush has family ties to Winston Churchill and Presidents Pierce, Lincoln, Roosevelt and Ford.
George H. W. Bush was the first President from within an intelligence agency (CIA) to become President.
George H. W. Bush, in 1991 made just one fourth of the money as the White House dog, Millie.
George H. W. Bush was the first President to attend the christening of a namesake ship. (last Nimitz-class aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush, CVN 77 at the Northrop Grumman shipyard.)
George H. W. Bush was the first President to state an objective of "a New World Order."
George H.W. Bush was the first President since John Adams to be the father of another president when his son, George Walker Bush became present in 2001
George H. W. Bush jumped from an airplane in a recreational skydive on his 80 birthday.
William Jefferson Clinton is the first President who's inauguration was broadcast live on the internet.
Bill Clinton is the first President to award the Medal of Honor to another president.
Bill Clinton was the first President to give oath to a Grand jury and first to perjure himself.
Bill Clinton is the first President convicted of a crime while in office; Privacy Act violation.
Bill Clinton is the first President to defend himself in a civil suit, while in office.
Bill Clinton is the first President accused of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment and abuse of his position with an intern, in four separate incidences.
Bill Clinton receiving campaign contributions from, authorized the sale of sophisticated weapons technology to an adversarial power (China).
Bill Clinton is the second of two Presidents to be impeached but later acquitted.
Bill Clinton is the first President to order an assault on a church, killing 30 adults and 25 children; Waco Texas, 1993.
George W. Bush is the first President to earn an M.B.A. (Masters Degree in Business). He earned it at the most prestigious and demanding of all business colleges, Harvard Business School of Harvard University, where no one was allowed to "skate" because of who their family was.
George Walker Bush is the first owner of a Major League Baseball team (Texas Rangers) to become president.
George Walker Bush's inauguration is the first where a former President (George H. W. Bush) attended the inauguration of his son.
George W. Bush is the second of two Presidents, whose father (George H. W. Bush) had been President.
George Walker Bush is the first President to host a Hanukkah celebration reception at the White House.
George Walker Bush is the first President to visit Albania.
Barack Hussein Obama is the first President to have been a member of a Socialist party, (New Party, 1996)
Barack Hussein Obama is the first Black-American to become President of the United States. (Other Presidents have had some Black in their ancestry; Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge; however those presidents had been socially accepted as white.)
Barack Hussein Obama as of March, 2010 still fights in court to suppress all records that might shed light as to his citizenship that determines whether he is constitutionally eligible to be the President of the United States of America.
Barack Hussein Obama, Obtains a nationalize medical care bill furthering his socialization of America.

All rights reserved © Copyright 2005 - 2007 Roger W Hancock

Vice Presidential Distinctions

Youngest and Oldest Vice Presidents.

John C. Breckinridge was the youngest to serve; 36 years in 1857.
Alben W. Barkley was the oldest to serve; 75 years in 1953.

Two Vice Presidents served under Two Presidencies.

George Clinton under Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.
John C Calhoun under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson.

Two Vice Presidents had Resigned from office.
John C. Calhoun was the first Vice President to resign from office; 1832.
Spiro T. Agnew is the second Vice President to resign from office.

Two Vice Presidents were not Elected.
Gerald R. Ford is the first vice president not elected to the position.
Nelson Rockefeller was appointed becoming the only Vice President to serve in an administration that was not elected by the people.

Two Vice Presidents Shot a Man during their service.
Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel on July 22, 2804.
Dick Cheney accidentally shot a hunting partner while hunting quail on February 11, 1006.

Vice Presidents that were Elected President.
Vice Presidents.
John Adams; Vice President from 1789 became President in 1797.
Thomas Jefferson, Vice President from 1797 became President in 1800.
Martin Van Buren; Vice President from 1833 became President in 1836.
George H.W. Bush; Vice President from 1981 became President in 1988.
     Former Vice President.
Richard Nixon; Vice President from 1953 to 1961. Nixon was elected Presidency in 1968.

Vice Presidents to have Ascended to the Presidency.
John Tyler Became President when William Henry Harrison died.
Millard Fillmore became President upon Zachary Taylor's death.
Andrew Johnson ascended to the Presidency upon the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Chester A. Arthur becomes President upon the assassination of James Garfield.
Theodore Roosevelt ascends when William McKinley is assassinated.
Calvin Coolidge becomes President upon the death of Warren G. Harding.
Harry S. Truman ascends to the Presidency when Franklin D. Roosevelt dies.
Lyndon Johnson is sworn in as President after John F. Kennedy's assassination.
     Only One Ascended with the Occasion Not Being the Death of a President.
Gerald R. Ford becomes President upon the resignation of Richard M Nixon.

Only one President had more than Two Vice Presidents.
Franklin D. Roosevelt had three Vice Presidents over his four terms.
John Nance Garner - Henry A Wallace - Harry S. Truman

Vice Presidents that appear to have been Targets of Assassination.
Andrew Johnson was targeted by the same conspiracy that killed President Abraham Lincoln and the attempt on the life of Secretary of State William H. Seward.
Thomas R. Marshall was targeted by a letter bomb in 1915.
Dick Cheney was targeted in a failed attempt by the Taliban that exploded a bomb that killed 23 people and wounded 20 in Afghanistan on February 27, 2007.

Vice Presidents that had Died while In Office.
George Clinton died in office while serving under James Madison, in 1812.
Elbridge Gerry was serving under James Madison, when he died in 1814.
William Rufus de Vane King was Vice President, under Franklin Pierce, when he died in 1853.
Henry Wilson died, while serving under President Ulysses S. Grant, in 1875.
Thomas Hendricks died while in office, serving under Grover Cleveland, in 1885.
Garret Hobart died while Vice President, serving under William McKinley, in 1899.
James Sherman while serving as Vice President, under William Howard Taft, died in 1912.

Miscellaneous Distinctions of Vice Presidents.
Aaron Burr was tried for treason but was acquitted.
Elbridge Gerry was kept within a district boundary in 1811 in a political ploy now called "gerrymandering."
John C. Breckinridge also served as an Army General then Secretary of War for the Confederacy.
Charles Gates Dawes won the Nobel Peace Prize.
James S. Sherman is the first Vice President to throw out the Major League season Opening Day pitch on April 19, 1912, when the sinking of the Titanic prevented President Taft's attendance.
Charles Curtis was 1/8th Osage Indian.
Richard Nixon was the first Vice President to have temporarily assumed the office of president.
Lyndon Johnson was the first Vice President that was given the oath by the Speaker of the House.

All rights reserved © Copyright 2005 - 2007 Roger W Hancock

Miscellaneous Trivia

- There were 17 "Presidencies" Before George Washington: Two were of the First Continental Congress before Independence was decided. The other 15 were of the Second Continental Congress, 10 of those were under the authority of the Articles of Confederation.
- The first Presidential airplane was the Columbine II, a Lockheed Constellation.
- "Air Force One" designation came about when the Columbine II, referred to as Air Force 610 (tail number 48610) was in the same proximity to Eastern Airlines flight 610. A misunderstanding ensued without a mishap, but it did alert the possibility of tragedy. 
     * The term "Air Force One" is only used when the President is on board any Air Force aircraft or for security decoy purposes.
- Since President William Howard Taft in 1910, it has become customary for the President, or his designee, to throw out the first pitch at the opening game of each Major League Baseball season.
- 14 Presidents have been Masons.
- Not a single President has been an only child.
- All the Presidents needed and at least occasionally wore eyeglasses.
More Presidents (eleven) have been of the Episcopalian Denomination than any other.
- John F. Kennedy was the only Catholic to have been president.
- Of all the Presidents only two did not own a piano. (Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush)
- Mt. Rushmore depicts four Presidents, but of those four only Theodore Roosevelt had not been depicted on U.S. currency.
- George W. Bush is the 45th President but only the 44th to serve. (Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms, counting as two.)
- Barack Hussein Obama is the only President who had a close family member who was Muslim (His Father).
- Barack Hussein Obama is the only President who had a family member say he was born other then where he claims.

All rights reserved © Copyright 2005 - 2007Roger W Hancock 
The Bibliography (Sources)
Ascended Not Elected Not Inaugurated Had been Vice Had no Vice
Medal of Freedom Nobel Peace Prize Died in Office Independence Day Assassinations
Pardoned Log Cabin Presidential Distinctions Vice President Distinctions Misc. Trivia
One Votes Counts U.S. TimeLine TimeLine Index State TimeLines Flag TimeLine
Presidency TimeLine American Wars The Early Presidents

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