These are the resources @ for your celebration of
Black History Month. |
Black History
Month - - - American
Civil Rights Month
Black and the Political Parties
Slavery was an issue in politics since the forming of
America, however and unfortunately it was also
entrenched in the American economy.
In 1854 the Republican Party was formed with it's primary
goal being to abolish slavery. Abraham Lincoln was
the first Republican President. Although Lincoln's goal
in fighting the Civil War was to preserve the Union, his
Emancipation Proclamation was a spoil of war. Following
Emancipation Blacks began to run for government offices.
The first 23 Blacks elected to the U.S. Congress were
The Democratic Party opposed every attempt at equality
in society even to enact laws to restrict voting to
black citizens. The "Jim Crow Laws" were enacted by
Democrats and supported along with segregation in
schools and society by the Democrat Party. |
Black Poets
Jupiter Hammon was the first American Black to have a poem
Phyllis Wheatley was the first American Black to have a book of
poetry published.
See - The Poet Jupiter
Black Patriots
Blacks have served in the service for Liberty since the origin
of American Liberty. Slaves served with and against their
masters in the Civil War.
Few heroes were recorded -
Black American Patriots of the American Revolution in Rhyme
Black Presidents?
Barack Hussein Obama
is the first Black-American to become President of the
United States.
Other Presidents have had some Black in
their ancestry; Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson,
Abraham Lincoln, Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge. Those presidents had been socially accepted as white.
Have a Dream"
Excerpts from the Speech by
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
"I still have a dream. It is
a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day
this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its
creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men
are created equal.'"
"I have a dream that my four
little children will one day live in a nation where they will
not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of
their character."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Racism comes in all colors of ignorance."
"Bigotry is in our ignorance, our intelligence keeps it at bay."
"Color of our soul is determined by color of our character not
the color of our skin."
"I don't care about your demographics. I care about the
demographics of your character."
Action racial profiles."
- PoetPatriot Bigotry Quotes |
Dr. Martin Luther King,
with Vice President
Richard M. Nixon
in 1957. |
Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. and other Civil Rights
Leaders met with the Republican Eisenhower Administration to discuss the Democrat opposition to the Republican Civil Rights agenda.
Dr. Martin Luther King
with President
Dwight D. Eisenhower
in 1957. |
Republicans Proposed and Enacted the Civil Rights Amendments of
1957 and 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed
by President Johnson but had been opposed by the
Democrat Party.
Dr. Martin Luther
and President
John Kennedy met
to discuss possible
support for the
Civil Rights agenda. |
Opposing Civil
The Democratic Party fought the Civil Rights Act of
1964, even fillibustering against it as a last ditch
effort to kill the Amendment. Civil Rights leader, Fanny
Lou Hamer, was barred from attending the 1964 Atlantic
City Democratic National Convention, because of her
Black agenda. President Kennedy had began meeting with
Dr. King in support of Civil Rights though the Democrat
Party remained against it. The multiple apperances
between the two men; the assassinations; and President
Johnson signing the Bill, overshawdowed the fact that
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a Republican success.
The misperception still exists today.
Black Vote
Martin Luther King Jr. organized the Million Man March which
was opposed by President Kennedy and the Democrat Party.
Martin Luther King Jr. had been jailed, one of JFK's
campaign aids was going to arrange King's release but
Kennedy said, "No," concerned it would lose him the
southern vote. Martin L. King Senior, in anticipation of
the release had placed a large advertisement in the
newspaper. In the ad Martin Luther King Senior thanked
Kennedy and declared his vote for Kennedy for releasing
his son from jail. When Kennedy heard this he held back
waiting to see how the ad might sway public opinion.
That move played well, Kennedy had his campaign aid
arrange the release of Martin Luther King Jr. That
incident of fluke timing with an advertisement telling
of King Senior's support for Kennedy began the
conversion of Blacks voting Democrat rather than the
Republican Party that had always supported equality.
Power over
The Democrat Party to gain votes began to use the Civil
Rights agenda to buy Black votes by enacting "civil
rights" laws that would use color rather than 'content
of character' to improve the plight of the Black.
Reverse discrimination in Affirmative Action was opposed
by the Republican Party. The Republican Party still
stands on the principal of by one's initiative and
"content of their character," The Democrat Party
continues to appeal to the vanity without regard for actual outcome
or fairness between the races.
(c) January, 2012,
Roger W Hancock |
Black History
Month - - - American Civil Rights Month
Black American Patriots |
Black American Patriots of the
American Revolution in Rhyme |
TimeLine |
History of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day @
TimeLines of Liberty |
Day @ |
Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day @
- I Also Have A Dream. |
Political Firsts |
First Black, first Asain, first
Indian, etc. |
Black Patriot Rhymes |
Black Patriots of the American Revolution in
Rhyme. |
Quotes |
PoetPatriot's Quotes on
Civil Rights & Bigotry |
Kwanzaa |
Kwanzaa @ |
of Liberty |
- TimeLines
of Liberty - Index |
Reader Board Sign Sayings
- for Black History Month
American Civil Rights Month
Most of the Sayings are for Church Signs. Some Sayings are somewhat
Dr. M.L.K.
Day Sayings |
- Original one line sayings for
Signs, Bulletins, Newsletters. |
Quotes |
- PoetPatriot's Quotes on Civil
Rights & Bigotry |
Peace Sayings |
- Original Sayings of Peace for Church Signs. |
Love & Life Quotes |
- Quotations of Love and Life by the PoetPatriot. |
Misc. & Inspirational Quotes |
- Other inspirational Quotes by the PoetPatriot. |
Poetry Pages @
Black Patriot Rhymes |
- Black Patriots of the American Revolution in
Rhyme. |
Poetry on Holiday |
- Poetry of American Holidays - Armed Forces -
Pow/Mia - Pearl Harbor... |
Rhymes on Holiday |
- Rhymes of American Holidays |
Patriotic Poetry |
- Poems of American
Patriotism - Love of Country |
Patriotic Haiku Poems |
- Loving America - Haiku Poetry |
Other Poetry |
Love Poetry |
- Original Poems of Love @ |
Love Poems |
- Poems of Love in faith - First Love by Christ |
Life Poems |
- Poetry of Life in faith
- New Life in Christ |
Pro- Life
Poetry |
- Poetry Protest against Abortion |
Patriotic Rhymes |
- Rhyme poems for Children who
love America |
Patriotic Links |
- Links to other American
Patriotic websites |
Reciprocal Link
American Era
History Publications
- An educational & fun approach to historical topics presented in unique
ebookjoint format.
Other Links of Interest
NRA Created to Protect Freed Slaves
Blacks & the National Rifle Association 3:09 -
Full Version 1:14:49
Martin Luther
King Jr. Day at
The 'real history' of Black Americans and the Republican Party
National Black
Republican Association
Civil Rights and Bigotry Quotes
- by the PoetPatriot
Republican's for Black Empowerment
Black American Patriots in Rhyme
Copyright 2012, 2014 Roger W Hancock,