| |
American Patriots of the Revolution - in verse
Note: The author, Roger W Hancock is
'white', not by choice, but by God's whim.
"Though skin color is of God's control, attitude is your
Phillip Abbot
Phillip Abbot among three dozen blacks,
fighting in the war for independence.
In the Battle of Bunker Hill
Phillip Abbot was shot and killed.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
Jack Arabus
Jack Arabus to gain his liberty,
went to war in place of a coward.
No pay, but a promise of liberty,
inspired Jack a freedom's reward.
Duty done and thoughts of liberty,
promise welched by master coward.
© 03-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
James Armistad
Black slave, James Armistad,
spied for General LaFayette.
service in Cornwallis camp,
came news of British movements.
His intelligence, greatly facilitated,
surrender of General, Cornwallis.
© 03-28-2010 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
Crispus Attucks
Crispus Attucks, fugitive slave,
believed in the cause of liberty.
Urging citizens in a citizen protest,
British responded, "Fire!" then shot.
Among liberty's first casualties,
Boston Massacre's first, Crispus Attucks.
© 03-28-2010 Roger W Hancock
Richard Bagnall
Richard Bagnall, patriot soldier,
enlisted to the rank of ensign.
Service on the wilderness front, required,
destroying villages; Washington's campaign.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
Epheram Black
Epheram Black at Lexington,
ten or so, black-men ready to fight.
Black man, Minutemen,
fought the British at Concord town.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
James Black
Black soldier, James Black,
crossed the Delaware with Washington.
At Princeton and Trenton was on the attack,
battled the British at Germantown.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
Charles Bowles
Charles Bowles was fourteen.
A Rhyme and Bio
Children of Liberty
Seymour Burr
Seymour Burr, slave
to Aaron
Burr's brother,
though kindly treated, freedom yearned.
Set out to escape to the British camp,
soon over-taken, submitted surrender.
Burr did not punish, but asked him "why?"
the only reason he had, was liberty.
A deal was made between master and slave,
Semour would join the American Army.
Master recieved, enlistment bounty,
at end of the war Seymour would be free.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Cyrus Bustill
Cyrus Bustill from Africa,
sold into slavery, became a baker.
Bought his freedom at age 36,
lived in Burlington as still a baker.
Cyrus provided bread for troops,
delivered down to Burlington docks.
His gracious deeds had been commended,
even General Washington awarded silver.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Paul Cuffee
Paul Cuffee was a teenager.
A Rhyme and Bio
Paul Cuffee
@ Children
of Liberty
Oliver Cromwell
Freedom slave, Oliver Cromwell,
rode with Wasington across to Trenton.
Fighting many battles, Springfield,
Brandywine, Monmouth and Princeton.
At the fighting in Battle of Yorktown,
Cromwell saw the last man die.
© 03-28-2010 Roger W Hancock
Austin Dabney
Georgia slave, Austin Dabney,
for service in the Georgia Malitia,
a soldier in the patriot army,
earned the freedom to live life free.
© 04-01-2010 Roger W Hancock
Paul Cuffee was a teenager.
Slave to a Tory who hoped for liberty
A Rhyme and Bio
@ Children
of Liberty
Prince Esterbrooks (also
referred to as Estabrook)
Prince Estabrook
Prince Estabrooks of African heritage,
One of first to Stand and fight."
Blackman minuteman shot for liberty;
Lexington and Concord battles fought.
© 03-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
Prince Esterbrooks
by Roger W Hancock
Prince Esterbrooks of African heritage,
among the first at Lexington Green,
among the first, for freedom fought.
Stand again at Concord's North Bridge
among first against the British,
among the first, for freedom shot.
© 11-24-2011 Roger W Hancock
James Forten
James Forten was fifteen.
A Rhyme and Bio
@ Children
of Liberty
Samuel Fraunces
Samuel Fraunces owned a tavern,
secret patriot meetings and more.
'Black Sam' served patriots,
at the Tavern's address.
where Washington delivered,
his farewell address.
11-24-2011 Roger W Hancock
Jordan Freeman
Jordan Freeman brave black soldier,
stood strong against the British.
Major Mongomery weilding a sword,
was pinned to the earth by Freeman.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
Juba Freeman
Juba Negro changed his name,
after his freedom, to Freeman.
Joined the army, fought beside whites,
for half the pay and his freedom;
all for liberty.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Jude Hall
Jude Hall, runaway slave,
enlisted in the Colonial Army.
Tossed headlong by a cannon ball,
bravely fought to be called 'Old Rock'.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Primas Hall
Primas Hall, Colonel Pickering's body servant,
gave up his bed-roll for George's sleep.
Washington awoke in the dead of night,
found Primas Hall sitting, with head in hands.
Such would not do, said George to Hall,
There is room enough here for you and I.
Shocked at the thought, obliged to comply,
Primas slept beside, the General that night.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Hamet, slave to Washington,
served his master and his country.
Kept remembrane of both service,
among them, lock of Washington's hair.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
Lemuel Haynes
Lemuel Haynes, indentured servant,
completed his servant duty.
Haynes joined the Minutemen service,
to fight for life and liberty.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
"Ned" Hector
Edward, Ned Hector, freeman citizen;
born black, lived free, American patriot.
At Battle of Brandywine fought,
in retreat from enemy, he'd not entreat,
"I will save the horses or perish myself!"
© 03-28-2010 Roger W Hancock
Ebenezer Hill
Ebenezer Hill would ultimatly live,
old blackman to be one-hundred-ten.
Hill served throughout the war,
fighting for our freedom.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
George M. Horton
George Horton, poet slave,
wrote compelling poetry.
"Come, melting Pity, from afar,
And break this vast enormous bar,
Between a wretch and thee;
Purchase a few short days of time,
And bid a vassal soar sublime,
On wings of Liberty." (Raleigh, July 2, 1829)
George contributed to early literature,
during the youth of liberty.
© 06-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
Cato Howe
Cato Howe, freeman soldier
enlisted to serve for liberty.
Fought the battle of Bunker Hill,
and fought at Valley Forge.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
Agrippa Hull
Agrippa Hull had a patriot's devotion,
freeman eager to join the cause.
Agrippa enlisted 'for the duration',
was an orderly for two generals.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
Major Jeffrey
Regular soldier, blackman Jeffrey,
took the charge to rally the soldiers.
Rallied for victory, routed the enemy,
gave Americans control of the field.
General Jackson could not commission,
but gave the title to Major Jeffrey.
© 06-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
Pompey Lamb
Pompey Lamb, a trusting black man,
to the British fruits and vegetables.
Pompey earned commander's trust,
was given gateway password.
Pompey betrayed, for liberty's trust;
liberty's army fought a quick victory.
© 04-01-2010 Roger W Hancock
Lambert (Lambo) Latham
Lambert Latham without request,
proceded to the point of defence.
In cold blood Colonel Ledyard was slain,
had handed his sword to a British officer.
Lambo returned with a bayonett thrust,
British arrogance of the officer died.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Barzillai Lew
Barzillai Lew, years earlier,
had been a black British soldier.
Duty called for liberation,
so he joined the revolution.
Barzillai Lew played the fife,
at surrender of General Burgoyne.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
Benjamin Scott Mayes
"Daddy Ben"
Benjamin Mayes,
Colonel Scott's brave slave,
Patriot who would tell, not,
British sought Colonel Scott.
Hung slave Mayes 'til nearly dead,
in hopes the slave would cave.
First time nearly killed this slave,
second time to break slave Mayes,
third hanging still, Mayes stayed brave.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock

Awarded by Massachusettes Governor, John Hancock
to the Bucks of America. |
George Middleton
Colonel George Middleton led an army,
black men in the Continental army.
One of three Black patriot units,
black men served and fought for liberty.
The Colonel marched past John Hancock's house,
Governor gave Buck Unit a banner.
© 11-22-2011 Roger W Hancock
Salem Poor
American black slave, Salem Poor,
managed to buy his freedom.
Heroic deeds of Salem Poor,
officers' praised at Bunker Hill.
One of the first
heroes of revolution,
performed with gallent bravery.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Black Prince
Black Prince and several blackmen,
under cover of night with Colonel Barton.
Through the thick of enemy guards,
Black Prince followed Colonel Barton.
Disabled a guard, broke through a door,
surprise encounter, captures a general.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Cesar Prince
Cesar Prince a black man free,
born black, born free.
Mother Lucy Terry was the first,
Black American Woman to author a poem.
Ceasar Prince joined the Continentals,
In Massachusetts, in liberty's army.
© 06-27-2010 Roger W Hancock
John Redman
John Redman won his freedom,
Black patriot in a white man's war.
One of few Black men to serve,
in a Cavalry Unit.
Fought with Virginia's Light Dragoons,
on horseback
with, sabres and pistols.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Joseph Ranger
Joseph Ranger rendered longer,
years of seaman, black or white.
Ranger enlisted in year of declaration,
'till Virginia's last vessel decommissioned.
Joseph was aboard the vessel,
when the British blew up the Jefferson.
Eleven years on four vessels, service fought,
Hero, Dragon, Jefferson and the vessel Patriot.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
James Roberts
James Roberts fought Indians,
regretted his part in the oppression.
James fought under Washington,
in many battles including Yorktown.
Freedom promised was not seen,
sold away from family to a master mean.
Under General Jackson in War of 1812,
lost a limb, blood and nearly his life.
Betrayed by Jackson back into slavery;
later freed, spook of slavery's treachery.
© 06-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
James Robinson
Revoutionary slave James Robinson,
fighting hero for liberty served,
did not see the freedom promised.
Gallentry brave in Battle of Yorktown
awarded a medal for bravery,
but not his freedom.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
Negro man (Robinson)
General Stark had not enough rope,
to lash British captives, numbering 800.
Mrs. Robinson made offer for addional rope,
one condition she had, if Stark wanted more rope.
Negro man (Robinson), wide grin on his face,
led British captives, marching to Boston.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Peter Salem
Peter Salem reknowned marksman,
rebuffed by Washington then reinstated.
Compatriots lauded his shooting skills,
distinction awarded, a wool bounty coat.
British Major Pitcairn, ordered first shots,
among first fallen, was a negro man.
Peter Salem at Bunker Hill,
avenged the deaths, by shooting the Major.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Jack Sisson
Black American, Jack Sisson,
one of 40 volunteer citizens;
General Prescott's head quarters raided,
at Newport in Rhode Island.
© 03-28-2010 Roger W Hancock
Sullivan's Slave
New Hampshire's General Sullivan,
informed his slave they'd fight for freedom.
Slave said, "Indeed to fight for my liberty,
what satisfaction that would be!"
General Sullivan thought a moment,
considered the justice of the statement.
Then and there the General decided,
freedom belonged, to his friend.
© 06-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
Cuff Smith
Cuff Smith of Connecticut,
born into slavery, bought free by his father.
For liberty serve, joined the Continental Army;
returned home to a freeman's family.
© 06-27-2010 Roger W Hancock
Captain Mark
Captain Mark Starlin of the vessel Patriot.
A man of color, strongly a patriot.
Captained the ship in many battles,
an outstanding service record.
Captain Starlin helped win our freedom,
to be returned to his old master.
© April 1, 2010 Roger W Hancock
"Freedom" Thomas
"Freedom" was Thomas of Jamaica,
served in the Continental army.
Fought for American liberty,
hoping for liberty in Jamaica.
Freedom's last struggle, saved six men,
amid the river's, musket splatter.
© 03-31-2010 Roger W Hancock
Prince Whipple
Of royal blood, Prince Whipple,
captured from Africa's Amabon.
Served patriot William Whipple,
as slave who would serve for freedom.
Prince served with Master Whipple,
within New Hampshire militia.
© 03-28-2010 Roger W Hancock
Cuff Whitemore
Cuff Whitemore, Black
Fought the war at Bunker Hill.
Cuff said of the story told,
British Officer lost his sword.
© 11-26-2011 Roger W Hancock
Peter Willard
Peter Willard, Black man free,
enlisted soldier for cause of liberty.
White man, Black man together fought,
brothers together on Lexington Green.
© 02-19-2014 Roger W Hancock
www.Liberty.PoetPatriot.com |
Peter Williams
Peter Williams, man of the clergy,
Black New Jersey preacher for liberty.
One preacher the British, set out to seek,
Peter fled, hiding, amongst his sheep.
© 03-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
Captain Williamson
Williamson a faithful servant,
was bequethed his liberty.
Fervent lover of country,
honorable notice for his city's defence.
© 06-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
War of 1812 - Another War Against
the British
War of 1812
John Davis
On the vessel General Tompkins,
John Davis fought the British.
Mortally wounded on the deck,
said he was in the way of others.
John Davis with dying words,
asked to be tossed overbaord.
© 06-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
War of 1812
John Johnson
John Johnson abord the General Tompkins;
privateer vessel fought an english frigate.
John Johnson mortally wounded, called out,
"Fire away, my boys! -No haul a color down!"
© 06-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
(War of 1812)
Jordan B. Noble
Jordan B. Noble was fifteen.
A Rhyme and Bio
Jordan B.
Children of Liberty
. |
. |
Tribute to the
Patriot Black
Little recorded was the Patriot Black,
five thousand or so had fought the fight.
Blacks fought at Lexington as Minutemen;
Black bravery spent for liberty's cause.
Freemen, servants, and slaves were brave.
Whatever their motive; liberty's cause;
Black men fought in every battle.
Many names, were scarce recorded,
yet Black-men bled, American red.
© 03-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
Poor, Black, Royalty
Ephreram and Primas Black,
black-minutemen at Lexington.
Salem Poor, Jude Hall, and Peter Salem
fought together at Bunker Hill.
Prince Easterbrooks and Prince Vaugn,
royalty lost, served for liberty.
© 03-29-2010 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
The Bucks
The Bucks were a company of 'colored' soldiers,
that had displays of courage and patriotism.
When Victory won, Governor Hancock presented,
a banner to honor the black soldier brave.
Marching through Boston onto Beach Street,
Bucks came to halt in front of John's mansion.
John Hancock and son came out to greet,
presented the banner to Bucks for their courage.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock

The Bucks of America
was one of three Black Continental Army units.
Rhode Island First
Rhode Island First, all Black unit,
though retreat called, held the line.
Brave men to protect Colonel Green,
fought off British until they and Green died.
The remainder kept fighting,
'till just a remnant was left.
The 'First' was with Washington,
at Surrender of Yorktown.
© 11-22-2011 Roger W Hancock
Yankee Haitians
Five-hundred Haitians came to fight,
with colonial soldiers at Savannah Georgia.
Black freemen from French Haiti,
would risk their lives for our liberty.
Though British won the seige,
thought of independence won their thoughts.
Haitians returned to Haiti.
Inspired by, American rebellion
to fight the French for victory.
© 03-30-2010 Roger W Hancock
Names of 664 African American (Black) Patriots
In the little documentation that is known, are only a few names
of the 5,500+
Black/African American Patriots who served in various capacities
for liberty. |
Phillip Abbot |
Oliver Cromwell |
Isaac Hammond |
Peter Mix |
William Scott |
Andrew Abner |
Prince Crosbee |
Jack Hammond |
Jerimiah Moho |
Caesar Shelton |
Josiah Abshier |
Simeon Crossman |
Lazarous Harman |
George Monoggon |
Lewis Simms |
Silas Acro |
Charles Cuffee |
Edward Harris |
Ambrose Month |
Jack Sisson |
Adam Adams |
Paul Cuffee |
Gibson Harris |
Simeon Moore |
Ceasor Smith |
Alexander Ames |
William Cuffee |
James Harris |
Peter Morando |
Cuff Smith |
William Appleby |
(free man) Cubit |
John Harris |
Isaac Morgan |
Elijah Smith |
Jack Arabus |
Sampson Cuff |
William Harris |
Thomas Morgan |
James Smith |
Caleb Archer |
Daniel Cumbo |
Henry Hartless |
Charles Morris |
Johnson Smith |
Evans Archer |
Fortune Cumbo |
Peter Hartless |
Francis Morris |
Joseph Smith |
James Armistad |
Michael Cumbo |
William Hartless |
Anthony Morrison |
Lewis Smith |
Adam Armstrong |
Peter Cumbo |
Peter Haskell |
Ezekiel Moses |
William Smothers |
Admiral (Jenkins) |
Stephen Cumbo |
Joseph Hastings |
Henry Moss |
Edward Sorrell |
William Appleby |
Thomas Cumbo |
Job Hathaway |
Lent Munson |
James Sorrell |
Archibald Artis |
Austin Dabney |
Henry Hawkins |
Mark Murray |
Thomos Sorrell |
John Artis |
Richare Cumbo |
James Hawkins |
Prince Newport |
Bill Sowers |
Burwell Artist |
Pomp Cyrus |
Benjamin Hawley |
Ethelred Newsom |
Solomon Sowtice |
John Ashby |
Daniel Davis |
Joseph Hawley |
Luke Nickelson |
Aaron Spelman |
Crispus Attucks |
Richard Davis |
Peter Haws |
William Nicken |
Asa Spelman |
Primus Babcock |
Stephen Davenport |
William Haws |
Carter Nickens |
Abel Spriggs |
Caesar Bagdon |
Davis |
Cuff Haynes |
Edward Nickens |
Captain Mark Starlin |
Richard Bagnall |
Charles Davis |
Lemuel Haynes |
James Nickens |
Cato Stedman |
Humphrey Bain |
Richard Davis |
Ephraim Hearn |
Malachi Nickens |
Isaac Stephens |
Bristol Baker |
George Day |
Edward Hector |
Nathaniel Nickens |
Simon Stephens |
Brister Baker |
John Day |
Peter Hedgepeth |
Richard Nickens |
Stephen Stephens |
John Ball |
John Debrix |
Francis Herd |
Robert Nickens |
Ceasor Steward |
William Balontino |
Allen Demery |
Micajah Hicks |
Jordan B. Noble |
Cesar Steward |
James Baltrip |
Soloman Dick |
Isaac Higgins |
Jacob Norton |
Dempsey Stewart |
Jacob Banks |
Ceasar Dickenson |
Caleb Hill |
Obed Norwood |
Edward Stewart |
John Banks |
James Dinah |
Ebenezer Hill |
Theophilus / Foy Norwood |
Jordon Stewart |
William Barber |
Charles Dobbins |
John Hobson |
William Oats |
Samuel Stewart |
Charles Barnett |
William Dove |
Thomas Hollen |
Jo Otis |
Thomas Stewart |
James Bass |
Solomon Dick |
Bartholomew Holmes |
John Overton |
William Stewart |
Shadrack Battles |
Emanuel Driver |
William Holmes |
Johnathan Overton |
Hezekiah Stringer |
Isiah Bayoman |
Thomas Dring |
Charles Hood |
Lemuel Overton |
Mingo Stringer |
Solomon Beckett |
Joshua Dunbar |
William Hood |
Samuel Overton |
Phineas Strong |
Samuel Bell |
Samuel Dunbar |
George M. Horton |
Titus Overton |
Sullivan's Slave |
James Berry |
Luke Duncan |
Bristol Howard |
Elisha Parker |
Zeba Sutton |
Mum Bett |
Solomon Duncan |
Cato Howe |
Evan Payne |
Abraham Sweat |
Sylvester Beverly |
Wallace Dunstan |
David Howell |
Benjamin Payne |
Allen Sweat |
Edmund Bibby |
William Dunstan |
Isaac Howell |
Joshua Payne |
George Sweat |
John Biddie |
Prince Duplex |
Luke Hughes |
Robert Peagin |
William Sweat |
Humphrey Bine |
Juba Dyer |
William Hughes |
George Perkins |
Allen Taborn |
Epheram Black |
Charlestown Eaads |
Agrippa Hull |
Isaac Perkins |
Burrell Taborn |
James Black |
Alexander Eames |
David Hunt |
Jacob Perkins |
Joel Taborn |
Martin Black |
Prince Easterbrooks |
Hardy Hunt |
Joshua Perkins |
William Taborn |
Primas Black |
John Ellis |
David Ivey |
Nimrod Perkins |
Joel Taburn |
Pomp Blackman |
Henry Ellis |
Andrew Jack |
James Peters |
Sampson Talbot |
Pero Blakely |
John Epps |
Francis Jack |
Jesse Peters |
Benjamin Tann |
Cuff Blanchard |
Charles Evans |
William Jackson |
Pomp Peters |
Drury Tann |
Benjamin Blango |
Thomas Evans |
Ezekiah Jacobs |
Drury Pettiford |
Ephraim Tann |
William Blye |
John Farrar |
Primus Jacobs |
George Pettiford |
James Tann |
Negro Bob |
John Featherston |
Zachariah Jacobs |
Philip Pettiford |
Joseph Tann |
Steven Bond |
Andrew Ferguson |
Caesar Jahar |
William Pettiford |
Nathan Tanner |
Jacob Boon |
John Fields |
Benjamin James |
Francis Pierce |
Jesse Tate |
Peter Booth |
Ned Fields |
Elisha James |
Israel Pierce |
Jacob Teague |
Cato Bordman |
Cate Fisk |
Isaac James |
William Pierce |
Gamaliel Terry |
James Bowes |
William Flora |
Jeremiah James |
John Pinn |
Pompey Terry |
Charles Bowles |
Benjamin Flood |
Thomas James |
Rawley Pinn |
Hannah Till |
Stephen Bowles |
James Forten |
Jacob Jeffries |
William Pittman |
Buckner Thomas |
Zacharia Bowles |
John Fortune |
John Jeffries |
Obediah Plumly |
"Freedom" Thomas |
James Bowman |
Lewis Fortune |
Peter Jennings |
James Pompey |
James Thomas |
James Bowser |
Samuel Fortune |
Jesse |
Andrew Pompy |
John Thomas |
Augustine Boyd |
William Foster |
James Johns |
Pompy of Baintree |
Jack Thomas |
Daniel Bradley |
Joseph Fowler |
John Johnson |
Poor |
Spencer Thomas |
John Stuart Brandom |
Christopher Francis |
Prince Johnson |
Caesar Post |
William Thomas |
Thomas Brandom |
Charles Franklin |
Shubael Johnson |
Job Potama |
Toby Tolbert |
John Braveboy |
Ambrose Franklin |
Jabez Jolly |
Christopher Poynos |
Negro Tom |
Jacob Braveboy |
Phoebe Fraunces |
Jeremy Jonah |
Black Prince |
Jack Tomson |
Abraham Brown |
Dick Freedom |
Britton Jones |
Cato Prince |
Arthur Toney |
Calla Brown |
Ned Freedom |
Burwell Jones |
Cesar Prince |
John Toney |
Edward Brown |
Asher Freeman |
Francis Jones |
Festus Prince |
John Troy |
Freeman Brown |
Charles Freeman |
Jeremiah Jones |
Charles Proctor |
Cato Tuffs |
John Brooks |
Cuff Freeman |
Philip Jones |
Henry Proctor |
Charles Tuner |
Scipio Brown |
Doss Freeman |
Alex Judd |
Arthur Pugh |
Plato Turner |
George Buley |
Elizabeth Freeman |
___ , Kee |
David Pugh |
Bartlet Tyler |
Francis Bunday |
Jordan Freeman |
Jesse Kelly |
Quamany Quash |
George Tyler |
William Bunday |
Juba Freeman |
Cato Kent |
Lebbis Qui |
Asa Tyner |
George Brumagam |
Ned Freeman |
James Kersey |
John Ralls |
Anthony Valentine |
David Burnett |
Peter Freeman |
William Kersey |
Arly Randale |
Charles Valentine |
William Burnett |
Philo Freeman |
John Key |
Joseph Ranger |
Daniel Valentine |
Seymore Burr |
Thomas Freeman |
Lambert (Lambo) Latham |
Joseph Rantger |
Edward Valentine |
Cyrus Bustill |
Nathan Fry |
Pompey Lamb |
Abram Read |
Isham Valentine |
Henry Butler |
Peter Galloway |
Simon Lee |
John Redcross |
Peter Valentine |
John Butler |
Ephraim Game |
Barzillai Lew |
John Redman |
Sam Valentine |
Jack Butlers |
Anthony Garner |
Ambrose Lewis |
Richard Redman |
Prince Vaughn |
Moses Byrd |
Dennis Garner |
Charles Lewis |
William Redman |
Benjamin Viers |
Reuben Byrd |
Jeffrey Garnes |
Morgan Lewis |
Abram Reed |
Dick Violet |
Primuss Cabuss |
Samuel George |
Cuff Liberty |
Benjamin Reed |
Jesse Vose |
Sharp Camp |
Prince George |
Pomp Liberty |
Dempsey Reed |
Drury Walden |
William Cannady |
Peter Gibbs |
Jack Little |
Isaac Reed |
Robert Walden |
Noel Carriere |
Charles Gibson |
Winsor Little |
Jacob Reed |
James Wallace |
Isaac Carr |
Tobias Gilmore |
Thomas Lively |
Micajah Reed |
Joseph Wallace |
Isaac Carter |
Abraham Goff |
Thomas Lockett |
Shadrack Reed |
Salmon Washburn |
James Carter |
Daniel Goff |
James Locus |
Willis Reed |
Sipeo Watson |
John Carter |
Samuel Goff |
John Locus |
Pomp Reeves |
Aaron Weaver |
Joshua Carter |
Zachariah Goff |
William Lomack |
William Rich |
Elijah Weaver |
Moses Carter |
Drury Going |
Daniel Loney |
Jubiter Richards |
Elisha Weaver |
Noel Carriere |
Frederick Going |
Job Lott |
Benjamin Richardson |
John Weaver |
Jonathan Case |
Jacob Going |
Billing Lucas |
Esek Roberts |
Henry Welch |
Joseph Case |
Joshua Going |
Joseph Lucas |
Hezekiah Roberts |
Alexander West |
James Causey |
Jenkins Goins |
Thomas Maclin |
Ishmael Roberts |
James West |
William Causey |
Reeps Goins |
Thomas Mahorney |
James Roberts |
Phillis Wheatley |
Job Ceasar |
Sherard Going |
Major Jeffrey |
Johathan Roberts |
John Wheeler |
Tim Ceasar |
Benjamin Gould |
Arthur Manly |
Cato Robinson |
Prince Whipple |
Caesar Chapman |
Camaramsawde Gould |
Moses Manly |
James Robinson |
Alexander/Sawney Whistler |
Charles Charity |
David Gowen |
Christopher Manuel |
Negro man (Robinson) |
Archelaus White |
Samuel Charlton |
Edward Gowens |
Jesse Manuel |
Jack Rock |
Mingo White |
Anthony Chavis |
Charles Gowens |
Nicholas Manuel |
Charles Roe |
Cuff Whitemore |
Caesar Chavis |
Jenkins Gowens |
Kingston Marshall |
John Rogers |
Salem Whitemore |
Drury Chavis |
Zephaniah Gowens |
Absalom Martin |
Sharp Rogers |
Arthur Wiggins |
Henry Chavis |
Ezekiel Graves |
Jesse Martin |
Jack Roland |
Henry Wiggins |
Isaac Chavis |
Jack Green |
John Martin |
Toney Rose |
Matthew Wiggins |
John Chavis |
John Gregory |
Lewis Martin |
Reuben Ross |
Cato Wilbrow |
Lazarus Chavis |
Gideon Griffin |
William Martin |
David Ross |
Edward Wilkerson |
Ned Chavis |
Morgan Griffin |
Patrick Mason |
Cornelius Rouse |
John Wilkinson |
John Cleveland |
Ned Griffin |
Thomas Mason |
Peter Rouse |
Peter Willard |
Caesar Clark |
Moses Grimes |
Saul Mathews |
Charles Randolph Rowe |
Daniel Williams |
Prince Cobus |
Benjamin Grinnage |
Quash Mathrok |
James Rowe |
Harry Williams |
Titus Coburn |
Asaba Grosvenor |
Benjamin Scott
Mayes |
John Rowe |
Hector Williams |
Mason Collins |
Blaney Grusha |
John McCarter |
George Russell |
John Williams |
William Clark |
William Guy |
George McCoy |
Peter Salem |
Mathew Williams |
Henry Cook |
Peter Hackett |
James McCoy |
Robin (of) Sandown |
Uriah Williams |
George Cooper |
Cuff Haines |
Pomp McCuff |
Nehamiah Samson |
Peter Williams |
Grant Cooper |
Aaron Haithcock |
___, McGee |
Caesar Sankee |
Captain Williamson |
James Cooper |
Frederick Haithcock |
John McLean |
Caesar Santee |
John Womble |
Abraham Cottiler |
John Haithcock |
James Mealy |
John Saunders |
Cato Wood |
Francis Cousins |
Holiday Haithcock |
James Melton |
Hill Scipio |
Jesse Wood |
John Cowigg |
Peter Haley |
Daniel Mills |
Abraham Scott |
Parson Wood |
Cato Copeland |
Jude Hall |
Mingo |
Emanuel Scott |
Philip Wood |
Richard Cozzens |
Primas Hall |
Slave Mingo |
Isham Scott |
Thomas Wood |
Samuel Craft |
Prince Hall |
Titus Minor |
Jesse Scott |
Caesar (of) York |
Moses Credit |
Hamet |
Cuff Mitchell |
Nicholas Scott |
Congo Zado |
Haitian (500) Freemen |
Index |
Remembering All Black Patriot and
Black British Soldiers.
Estimations have it
that over 5,500 Blacks served in the Colonial Malitias and
Armies and many more in other capacities. It was the tendency of
the black soldier to work harder and fight with greater bravery,
although motivated by the hoped for freedom from slavery for all
blacks whether slave, servant or free man. Remembrance and honor
are due all those who paid a part. They are even more deservedly
due the honor in the light that tens of thousands of
slaves fled to serve the British Army, having been promised
their freedom. There were some who had no choice being placed in
the service of the British by their masters.
One slave who joined the British army was
a runaway slave. Titus had belonged to a quick tempered Quaker.
After runing away he changed his name to Tye. The British, out
of respect, gave him the non-commissioned title of Colonel.
Colonel Tye became the most respected and feared commander in
the war. After the war both sides argued that the war would have
been won more quickly by the patriots had Colonel Tye been on
the patriot side.
Those Blacks who served the British we
should also remember. Honor no, but remember yes.
Traitors? I think not. We cannot blame a person who seeks to
free himself from the injustice of slavery or those who had no
choice in the matter. This mention is in rememberance of those
who chose the wrong side in the fight for liberty. If not for
the injustice put upon them by White American Slave Masters,
that decision would not have been neccessary.
November 27, 2011 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
Black Bravery Inspires
Having become afraid of the terror of the war John Greenwood was
inspired by the bravery of a Blackman: "...
I felt very much frightened, and would have given the world if I had not
enlisted as a soldier; I could positively feel my hair stand on end."
Continuing, he says,
"Just as I came near the place, a negro man,
wounded in the back of his neck, passed me and, his collar being open
and he not having anything on except his shirt and trousers, I saw the
wound quite plainly and the blood running down his back. I asked him if
it hurt him much as he did not seem to mind it; he said no, that he was
only going to get a plaster put on it, and meant to return. You cannot
conceive what encouragement this immediately gave me; I began to feel
brave and like a soldier from that moment, and fear never troubled me
afterward during the whole war."
Such bravery was not uncommon among the black troups. Among the
gallentry it was not uncommon for Black soldiers to put themselves in
danger to protect their White commanders.
From the research I have done it is my opinion the Black troups
of the American Revolution may have had more gallentry in battle, than
others throughout the war.
November 27, 2011 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
Many slaves who served were
promised their freedom only to find themselves enslaved again. Some were able to petition and gain freedom while others lived to fill a slave's
grave. Simon Lee honorably served in the American Revolution to be sent
back into slavery.
The Black soldier killed in the line of duty was often not give due
respect. In New York the bodies of Black patriots were found under old
foundations having been placed together and covered over. Whether
Colonial or British the Black soldier was often viewed as a lessor
General La Fayette wrote in a letter to Clarkson, "I
would never have drawn my sword in the cause of America, if I could have
conceived that thereby I was founding a land of slavery."
April 2, 2010 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
Racism begins in ignorance, within the individual.
America's Racism began amidst the economic neccessity for cheap labor on the
plantations. Racism continued in the animosity against emancipation. Racism
continues today in the ignorance of the induvidual.
Now for the Black person: Racism began in slavery. Racism was maintained
by injustice. Racism continues today in the ignorance of the induvidual.
Essentially, American racism was born in ignorance, maintained for 200
years by greed to continue today in the ignorance of the individual.
Racism is owned by neither White nor Black.
"I am
not Black, but had no control that I am white. My attitudes are in my
control; formed by either ignorance or understanding." - Roger W
April 2, 2010 Roger W Hancock
www.Black.PoetPatriot.com |
Two Contemporary Black Patriots
African American Patriots of the Revolutionary War
"Black Americans and the Republican Party, ..."
Black Patriots of New Hampshire
Black Patriot Pension File
Black Revolutionary Seamen
Children Rhyme Links
- PoetPatriot.com
Colonel Tye - Black Slave - British Officer
Colored Patriots of
the American Revolution
Deeds of Desperate Valor: 1st Rhode Isl. Regiment
First Rhode Island Regiment
Fort Mose, Florida - Free
Black Colony |
Free Black Patriots
Memoirs of a Black Soldier * See Ch. 8 & 9
National Black
Republican Association
Patriotic Poetry - PoetPatriot.com
Patriotic Haiku Poetry -
Republican's for Black Empowerment
Revolution's Black Soldiers
Slavery and Liberty in the American Revolution
TimeLines of the Early
Presidents - PoetPatriot
TimeLines of Presidents
- PoetPatriot.com
Poetry - PoetPatriot.com |
Reciprocal Links
American Flags - American, State, World,
Featherd flags and more.
National Anthems
-Lyrics and Audio for Anthems of all Countries of the
Patriotic Websites of America -
Directory of Patriotic Websites - blogs,
news, videos, poems, fallen heroes, documents.
Waving Flag Images
- Free Flag Animations -
Military, State, Historical, Worldwide |
http://www.vanished.com/pages/african%20data/ASHPORT.html -
http://www.winthrop.dk/majpit5.html -
http://www.millburyhistory.org/photo_album.html -
Earlier sources were not kept however some names and
accounts are among the sources shown and the links above.
Sources are not usually kept for works of art. However, I should have
done so for this purpose. Oh well... |
Black American Patriots
- Rhymes
Founders -
- Holidays - Women Patriots
Political ~
| |
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