TimeLines of Liberty
American Holidays -
Hanukkah |

Hanukkah -
Festival of Lights
Observed eight days
from the 25th of Kislev.
Varies from late
November to late December (Gregorian calendar)
TimeLine -
Traditions -
Links |
Hanukkah is the commemoration of the rededication of
the Jewish (Beit HaMikdash) Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The Holy Temple was cleansed and
prepared for the redidication. It was determined there was not
enough oil to light the oil lamps used to represent eternal
light (N'er Tamid) for all the Jewish households. Once lit the
flame should never be allowed to die. Enough undefiled oil was
found to light the lamps for one day. The flames burned for
eight days when a new supply of oil was acquired.
Hanukkah TimeLine |
168 BC |
Temple |
The Syrian King Antiochus IV directed policies aimed at the
Jewish faith. In 168 BC the Jewish Holy Temple (Beit HaMikdash)
in Jerusalem was changed to a Greek temple with all the pagan
idolatry. |
BC |
Revolt |
Judah Maccabee and four brothers were the sons of the priest
Mattathias. The brothers began three-year campaign to rid the
Holy Temple of the Syrian desicration in 167 BC. |
164 BC |
Revolt |
Judah Maccabee's revolt against the Syrians to cleanse the temple
was victorious. In 164 BC the Holy Temple was reclaimed. |
164 BC |
Holiday |
The Holiday of Sukkot was not observed in early fall due to the
rebellion. The Maccabees chose to observe the holiday after the
Holy Temple had been cleansed and rededicated. |
164 BC |
Light |
In the preparation for the dedication of the Holy Temple it was
found that there was not enough undefiled oil to keep the
'eternal flame' burning. With only enough for one day's light
miraculously the flame burned for eight days until a new supply
of oil was obtained. |
164 BC |
Holiday |
The Holy Temple was rededicated on the 25th of the Jewish month
of Kislev in the year of 164 BC. The seven days of the delayed
observance of Sukkot became the timeframe that was adopted for
the celebration of the Temple rededication. |
100+ AD |
Light |
Nearly 250 years after the rededication of the Holy Temple
Flavius Josephus the Jewish historian wrote of the origins of
the celebration for the temple dedication. Josephus called it
the 'Festival of Lights.' |
200 +- AD |
Law |
About 200 AD the Mishah was compiled to include the oral
rabbinic law that was later to be included in the Talmud. About
this time the 'Festival of Lights' became known as Hanukkah
which means 'Dedication'. The Mishah gave no information
concerning the observance of Hanukkah. |
? AD |
Light |
The Gemara (Mishnah commentary) of the Babylonian Talmud tells
of the holday Hanukkah giving some details of the celebration,
origin and stories associated with it. The Tractate Shabbot
gives three lines on the origin of Hanukkah with three pages
detailing the lighting of the N'er Tamid (eternal candle). |
450 + AD |
Holiday |
The Talmud was completed 600 years after the Maccabee revolt.
Extant version of the Story of the Jar of oil that burned for
eight days was included. The mentioning was in context that on
Hanukkah, fasting and grieving were not allowed.
Some speculation has it that the Rabbis in compiling the Talmud
embellished on oral legends of a mircle of the lights to justify
the holiday. |
1800s |
Zionism |
the Zionist movement began in the latter part of the nineteenth
century. The push for the reinstatement of a Jewish Nation
(Israel) gave the Jews a nationalistic character rather than
faith in God and belief in the Torah. The early Jewish fighter
connected to the message of Hanukkah; Freedom and liberty. |
1940s |
Zionism |
After the Jewish Holocaust Hanukkah took on meaning to those who
experienced oppression to begin the experience of an identity,
religious freedom adn expression. It gave many the need to fight
for national independence. Hanukkah provides connections to the
historical oppression of the Jewish people. |
1943 |
Zionism |
Israel became a Nation in 1943. |
© Copyright 2010
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
Other Information/Traditions
of Hanukkah
During Hunnakkah one candle of the eight-branch Menorah
candelabra is lit each of the eight days during the Hannakkah
holidays from the 25th day of the Hebrew month Kislev.
Hannakkah was mostly unknown outside of the Jewish community
until the late 20th century. |
Due to the celebration being close to the Christian/secular
Christmas, gift giving has been taken on as new tradition. |
Hanukkah is not mentioned in the Bible;
it is one of the few Jewish holidays that are not mentioned. |
Hannakkah means 'dedication' in Hebrew. |
Different translators have spelled Hanukkah differently;
Chanukah, Hanakah and Hannukah. |
Traditional Foods |
Most of the traditional foods are fried in oil as symbolic of
the eight days burning of the Hanukkah eternal candle. |
Cheese is often used to celebrate the victory of the Maccabees. |
Deep-fried puffs dipped into honey or sugar called Louikoumandes
are served with Soofganiyot and zelebi representing the cakes
the Maccabees ate. |
Pancakes symbolize the cakes hastily prepared for the Maccabees
to eat during battle. The pancakes were fried in oil as a
reminder of the long lasting oil of the eight-day flame. |
Latkes were symbolic of the cheesecakes that were served by the
widow Judith. Latkes later became the potatoe/vegetable fried
latkes that are known today. Various cheese and dairy foods are
eaten in memory of Judith. |
In the United States the baking of butter cookies or pretzels in
Hanukkah shapes are baked. A new tradition has emerged that the
cookies and pretzels are made and consumed while children are
told the stories. |
© Copyright 2010
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
Other Links:
TimeLine of Christmas
Sources for the TimeLine of Hanukkah:
Bible; Mathew 2: 1-14; Luke 1: 8-13, 23,24 - Bible; Luke 1:
5-47, 56-60 -
http://www.allthingschristmas.com/traditions.html -