TimeLines of Liberty
American Holidays |

Inauguration Day -
Observed every
fourth year after the Presidential Election on January 20th.
Held on January 21st when the 20th is on a Sunday.
The oath of office is always to be given on January 20th.
Inauguration Day -
TimeLine -
Trivia - Links |
Inauguration Day
Inauguration Day is to celebrate the election of a new
President. The swearing in of the President is usually during
the ceremonies. When the 20th is a Sunday the celebration is on
the following Monday, with the President taking a 'ceremonial'
oath of office having made the official oath the previous day on
January 20th.
When the person to be President ascends to the Presidency other
than by election there is no Inauguration, however the oath of
office is given as soon as practical.
© Copyright 2010
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com
Inauguration Day
TimeLine |
1700s |
GW |
Celebrations of George Washington's
birthday began while he was still alive.
See Washington's Birthday -
TimeLine of Liberty |
1865 |
AL |
President Abraham Lincoln
was assassinated while in the attendance of the play "Our
American Cousin" in Ford Theater. He was shot by John Wilkes
Booth on Good Friday, April 14, 1865 in City, State.
See Lincoln's Birthday -
TimeLine of Liberty |
1885 |
Hol |
President Chester Arthur signed the
bill that made Washington's
Birthday Federal Holiday. Some felt that Lincoln deserved
a day of honor as well. Some states enacted Lincoln's Birthday
as a holiday and eventually some created a President's Day to
honor both Washington and Lincoln. |
1950s |
Mon |
A Uniform Monday Plan was first
suggested by NATO (National Association of Travel Organizations)
in the early 1950s; calling to combine Washington and Lincoln's
birthdays to the third Monday in February to be named
President's Day; Memorial Day to the fourth Monday in May;
Independence Day to the first Monday in July; and Veterans Day
tot he second Monday in November. The plan was adopted in a few
states but not all. The effort shifted to lobbying for a Federal
Holiday Bill. |
1968 |
Mon |
HR 15951 was enacted that set the
date for many of the federal holidays to simplify the holiday
calendar while creating more three day weekends. Washington's
Birthday was shifted to the third Monday in February each year. |
1971 |
Mon |
The holidays affected by the 1968
legislation begin to be celebrated on their respective Mondays.
President Nixon signed Executive Order 11582, in 1971, that
concerned the Observance of holidays by Government agencies. |
© Copyright 2010
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
Inauguration Trivia
Presidents not elected took the
oath of office but were not inaugurated. Those were,
John Tyler,
Millard Fillmore,
Andrew Johnson,
Chester A. Arthur and
Gerald R. Ford These men were ellevated to the Presidency by
the death or resignation of their predecessor.
Three other Presidents gave the oath of office, but were not
inaugurated until they were elected to a second term of office.
Those were:
Theodore Roosevelt,
Calvin Coolidge and
Harry S. Truman
TimeLines of the Presidents.
Inauguration Speeches
TimeLines of the first Presidents
Party Platforms
Distinctions of the Presidencies
Political Firsts
TimeLine of American History
Founding Father Rhymes
Washington's Birthday -
TimeLine of Liberty Patriotic
Birthday - TimeLine of Liberty
Patriotic Rhymes
Patriotic Haiku poems
Sources for the TimeLine of President's Day:
http://www.ideamarketers.com/?The_Origin_of_Presidents_Day&articleid=440968 |