TimeLines of Liberty
American Holidays |

Martin Luther King Jr. Day -
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a civil
rights leader most noted for his "I have a dream" speach.
Reverend King was a minister who participated in peaceful
demonstrations for civil rights. King was the leading
spokesman for nonviolent activism within the civil rights
movement. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in
Tennessee on April 4th,
"I have a dream that my four little
children will one day live in a nation where they will not
be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of
their character."
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day TimeLine |
1929 |
Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta,
Georgia. |
1957 |
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was
established by Dr. King to train leaders for the future of the
civil rights movement. |
1961 |
In Albany, Georgia a movement led
by the desegregation coalition (of the SCLC) was held in 1961.
King was a participant and was arrested with other protestors.
He refused bail and release hoping for the change of segregation
policies of the city. |
1963 |
Dr. King participated in a sit-in demonstration held by Black
college students in protest over lunch counter segregation of
the races. |
1963 |
A peaceful demonstration was held at the Lincoln Memorial on
August 28, 1963 demanding equality of justice for all Americans.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his "I have a dream." speech at
this event. |
1964 |
civil rights |
The 1964 Civil Rights Act is passed with the opposition being
from the Democratic Party members of Congress. |
1964 |
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. |
1968 |
Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated
on April 4th, 1968 in Memphis
Tennessee by sniper, James Earl Ray. Riots broke out across
the nation. |
1968 |
Lobby |
Just 4 days after King's death
Michigan Democrat Congressman John Conyers introduced the
first legislation for a holiday to comemorate Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. |
1969 |
unions |
In an act of disobedience 1,200 automotive-workers in North
Tarrytown, New York stayed home in observance of Martin Luther
King, Jr.'s birthday on January 15, 1969. Suspensions were given
to 60 workers with many more threatened with disciplinary
actions. |
1970 |
unions |
Soon after King's death, Labor unions began to negotiate Martin
Luther King, Jr. Day as a holiday in contract negotiations. |
1972 |
Lobby |
Michigan Democrat Congressman
John Conyers introduced legislation for a holiday to comemorate
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Following the failure of the
bill , a petition endorsing the holiday containing six million
names had been submitted to Congress. Opposition to the holiday
held two main arguments; one was that a paid holiday for federal
employees was too expensive and second that honoring a private
citizen would be against American holiday tradition (King had
never held a public office). |
1970 |
Lobby |
A petition drive raised 6 million signatures in support of
the holiday. The petition was delivered to Congress in 1970 |
1970 |
schools |
In Washington, State
Representative George Fleming initiates hearings to consider
King's birthday as a state holiday.
The Seattle School Board designates Dr. King's birthday a school
holiday to be observed beginning in 1971. |
1973 |
Lobby |
Congressman John Conyers and New
York Democrat Congresswoman Shirley Chrisholm began to
resubmit legislation for a Dr. King holiday every legislative
session. |
1973 |
state |
The first state to adopt Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a
holiday was Illinois. |
1979 |
Lobby |
The Holiday bill came up for a vote in 1979, but died by 5
votes. |
1980 |
awareness |
Performer Stevie Wonder released his single "Happy Birthday" to
make the public more aware of the movement for a Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day holiday. |
1981 |
unions |
Six workers are fired from Todd Shipyards, in Seattle, in two
separate incidences for distributing pamphlets supporting the
holiday. |
1981 |
awareness |
To raise more awareness for the MLK holiday movement, Stevie
Wonder hosted the Rally for Peace Press Conference. |
1982 |
pressure |
During the 1982 and '83 civil rights marches in
Washington D.C. public
pressure was raised for a national holiday to honor Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. |
1983 |
Law |
Opposition to the holiday considered King's birthday, January
15th, too close to Christmas and New Year's Day. A Compromise
sets the holiday to the third Monday in January and the bill
proposed by Katie Hall of Indiana
passes in 1983. |
1983 |
Law |
President Ronald Reagan
signed the MLK Day bill into law on November 2nd, 1983 while in
the White House Rose Garden. |
1984 |
state |
The Washington State
Legislature passes a state school holiday on February 24th,
1984. |
1984 |
state |
In Washington State the
Seattle City Council designates the third Monday as a holiday
for city employees, marking King's birthday. |
1984 |
state |
Virginia began to observe a
holiday for Robert E. Lee's birthday (January 19, 1807) in 1889.
In 1904 the Virginia
legislature included the birthday of Thomas J. "Stonewall
Jackson" (January 21, 1824) calling it the Lee-Jackson Day.
Since 1978 Virginia celebrated
King's birthday with New Years Day. When the MLK Day holiday was
enacted as a national holiday
Virginia simply tacked it onto its existing Lee-Jackson
holiday creating the Lee-Jackson-King Day. |
1986 |
Law |
Martin Luther King Jr. Day goes into effect being Nationally
observed on January 20th, 1986 for the first time. |
1986 |
Law |
The law creating MLK Day also established a Federal Holiday
Commission. |
1986 |
state |
Evan Mecham, the new Governor of
Arizona, makes his first act in office; the recinding of
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The act sets off a tourist boycott
of the state of Arizona. |
1989 |
Law |
Coretta Scott King was appointed a life-time member, of the
newly created Federal Holiday Commission, by President George H.
W. Bush in May, 1989 |
1989 |
state |
As of 1989, 44 states have adopted Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. |
1991 |
state |
Due to the tourist boycott of Arizona,
the Super Bowl site for 1993 is moved to Pasadena,
California. |
1991 |
state |
The New Hamphsire legislature
enacted 'Civil Rights Day' abolishing "Fast Day" in 1991. |
1992 |
state |
After the tourist boycott, Arizona
voters approved
Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 1992. The Super bowl is
scheduled in Tempe, Arizona in
1996. |
1993 |
state |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is recognized, even if under a
different name and not always as a paid state holiday, in all 50
states by 1993. |
1999 |
state |
New Hamphsire changed Civil
Rights Day naming it
Martin Luther King Jr. Day, becoming the last State to
adopt the holiday as a paid State Holiday. |
2000 |
state |
Utah is the last state to
recognize Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by name, changing it from
Human Rights Day. |
2000 |
state |
In 2000, Virginia separates
Lee-Jackson-King Day celebrating the Lee-Jackson Day the Friday
before the third Monday of Martin Luther King Day. |
2000 |
state |
South Carolina is the last
state to make Martin Luther King, Jr. Day a paid state holiday
for all state employees. Before this individual state employees
were able to choose to celebrate of 4 holidays; MLK Day or 3
Confederate associated holidays. In 2000 all 50 states recognize
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by its name and observed on the
third Monday of January. |
© Copyright 2010
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
Other Information on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
In the Japanese city of Hiroshima, Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba holds a
banquet at the mayor's office to unify King's message of human
rights with the city's call for peace.
In Jerusalem, Israel the U.S. Navy Chaplain, Rabbi Arnold
Resnicoff conducted the first Israeli Presidential ceremony
commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, with in the Israeli
President's residence.
Israel has a national forest named in honor of Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. |
Other Links to see at PoetPatriot.com:
TimeLine of Kwanzaa
Black Patriots of the American Revolution -
TimeLine of Christmas
Women Patriots of the American Revolution -
Sources for the
TimeLine of Martin Luther King Jr. Day
http://www.factmonster.com/spot/mlkhistory1.html -
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King,_Jr._Day -
http://www.cardfountain.com/holiday_info/martin-luther-king-jr-day.php |