TimeLines of Liberty
American Wars -
Persian Gulf |

(2nd Persian Gulf War) The
Persian Gulf War
(Gulf War I)
Last updated August, 2005. |
Pre-war 1988-1989-1990 -
The War
Post War-1992-1993-1994-1995-1996-1997-1998-1999
Dates may be off by one day depending upon whether Eastern
Standard Time or Saudi time.
Gulf War Statistics
- Military Poetry |
1988 |
1988 |
May |
Dismayed by the increased use of chemical
warfare between Iraq and Iran, U.N. Resolution 612 was
passed on May 9th, condemning both Iraq and Iran for the
continued use of chemical weapons in the conflict between the
two countries. |
1988 |
Mar. |
Iraqi government forces use a Weapon of Mass Destruction on the
Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja on March 16th. The poison
gas attack caused a casualty count that may be as high as 7,000.
Chemical agents used include mustard gas and the nerve agents Sarin, Tabun, and VX. The chemical attack is the largest
against a civilian population in modern times. |
1988 |
Aug. |
U.N. Resolution 619, August 9th,
establishes the United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer
Group. |
1988 |
Aug. |
U.N. Resolution 620, August 26th,
condemns the use of chemical warfare by both countries of the
Iran-Iraq conflict. |
© Copyright 2005 Roger W
Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1989 |
1989 |
Feb. |
Resolution 631, February 8, extends the mandate of the
United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group for nearly 8
months. |
1989 |
Oct. |
National Security Directive 26 (NSD-26) the U.S.
Policy Toward the Persian Gulf was signed by President George H.
W. Bush on October 3rd. The directive states, "The United States
should propose economic and political incentives for Iraq to
moderate its behavior and to increase our influence." |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1990 |
1990 |
Mar. |
British journalist, Farzad
Bazoft is hung in Iraq. He was accused of spying. |
1990 |
Mar. |
Resolution 651, March 29, 1990, extends the mission of the
United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group for six months. |
1990 |
Apr. |
In April Saddam Hussein states in an announcement Iraq would, "make the
fire eat up half of Israel." |
1990 |
Jul. |
Saddam Hussein accuses
Kuwait of theft of oil from the Rumailia Oil Field and of
overproduction of oil, on July 17th. |
1990 |
Jul. |
On July 24th, Secretary of
the Navy Lawrence Garrett tells a congressional committee, "our
ships in the Persian Gulf were at a 'heightened state of
vigilance,' " Later his spokesman claims Garrett made a mistake. |
1990 |
Jul. |
State Department
spokeswoman Margaret Tutweiler states on July 24th, "we do not
have any defense treaties with Kuwait, and there are no special
defense or security commitments to Kuwait." |
1990 |
Jul. |
"We have no
opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border
disagreement with Kuwait." U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie
speaking in a meeting with Saddam Hussein on July 25th.
Some people have believed this statement was a "green light" to
Saddam with plans to invade Kuwait the next week. |
1990 |
Jul. |
The U.S.
House Foreign Affairs Committee is told by Assistant Secretary
of State John Kelly, on July 30, that the U. S. has no
obligation to aid Kuwait, should an invasion by Iraqi forces
occur. |
1990 |
Jul. |
A meeting in the "tank"
(Joint Chief of Staff's secure conference room) on July 31st was
chaired by General Colin Powell to discuss the situation.
The Defense Intelligence Agency insisted an Iraqi attack was
imminent. Lt. Gen. Thomas Kelly (director of operations for the
Joint Chiefs of Staff) states, "They're not going to invade.
This is a shakedown." General Norman Schwarzkopf had been told
by a senior Kuwaiti military official that Kuwait was not going
on alert to not, "play Saddam's game and give him an excuse to
attack." The consensus among the key leaders was that Saddam was
only bluffing. |
1990 |
Jul. |
During the night of July
31st Iraqi tankers fueled, preparing for the push into Kuwait.
When dawn breaks they begin rolling towards Kuwait. |
1990 |
Aug. |
By August the U.S. Air Force will have purchased 59 F-117
stealth aircraft. |
1990 |
Aug. |
Col. John Mooneyham (chief
of the U.S. military liaison office in Kuwait) receives a phone
call at 11 p.m. on August 1st. Westinghouse Company
civilian contractors observe, on radar, a massive armor
formation heading towards the Kuwaiti border. |
1990 |
Aug. |
Iraqi forces under orders
of Saddam Hussein invade Kuwait on August 2nd, just after
midnight. |
1990 |
Aug. |
In the early hours of
August 2nd, the Tawakalna mechanized and Hammurabi armored
divisions of the Iraqi Republican Guard attacked along Highway 6
that leads from Safwan. The Medina armored division heads
west through the Rumaylah oil fields. |
1990 |
Aug. |
Another early August 2nd
morning attack was executed by Iraqi warships firing upon Kuwait
City. Helicopters and small craft are used by Iraqi special
forces commandos to assault the city, attacking government
buildings and the emir's Dasman and Bayan palaces. |
1990 |
Aug. |
Daybreak of August 2nd
allows the Iraqi MiG-23 Flogger and Su-25 Frogfoot jets their
attack on the two Kuwaiti airfields. In the space of five
hours after the border crossing the Iraqi forces had secured
Kuwait City. |
1990 |
Aug. |
About the mid-day of
August 2nd elements of the Kuwait 35th brigade is pushed into
the neutral zone of Saudi Arabia by the Iraqi forces. It
is later revealed that many feared the Iraqi invasion of Saudi
Arabia. |
1990 |
Aug. |
The U.N. Security Council adopts
Resolution 660 on August 2nd, 1990, condemning Iraq's
invasion of Kuwait and demands the withdrawal of Iraqi troops.
It was passed by the U.N. Security Council with a vote of 14 to
0. |
1990 |
Aug. |
Iraqi military leaders
failed to consider the one-hour time difference between Kuwait
City and Baghdad which contributed to the botching of the plans
to capture the Kuwait royal family. The senior royal
family members had escaped to Saudi Arabia. |
1990 |
Aug. |
On August 3rd Kuwait Air
Force (KAF) A-4Q Skyhawk and French Mirage F1 pilots had been
flying sorties against the Iraqi units. After their bases
had been over ran they retreat to Saudi Arabia and Bahraiin.
1990 |
Aug. |
U.N. Security Council Resolution 661,
August 7th, Responds to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, ordering
a world wide trade embargo against Iraq. Iraq is barred from selling oil on
the international market. |
1990 |
Aug. |
Secretary of Defense Cheney visits Saudi Arabia on August 7th.
1990 |
Aug. |
The 82nd Airborne and several fighter squadrons are dispatched
to the gulf on August 7th. |
1990 |
Aug. |
Having not mentioned the
use of force the Soviet Union claimed the U.N. Charter and
Resolution 661 lacked authority to do more than compel voluntary
compliance. |
1990 |
Aug. |
On August 8th Iraq annexes Kuwait. |
1990 |
Aug. |
U.N. Resolution 662, August 9,
1990, "Demanding once again that Iraq withdraw immediately and
unconditionally all its forces to the positions in which they
were located on 1 August 1990." It also declares the annexation
of Kuwait by Iraq invalid. |
1990 |
Aug. |
On August 11th the first
seven B-52G bombers from Loring Air Force Base in Maine, sent by
the Strategic Air Command, arrived at Diego Garcia airbase in
the Indian Ocean with full conventional weapons loads. By August
16th the Strategic Air Command will have dispatched 20 B-52G
bombers to the war theater. |
1990 |
Aug. |
General Colin Powell
issues the first order to "quarantine" on August 11th. Hours
later the orders are changed to "interception." General
Schwarzkopf orders Operation Stigma, a maritime interception
operation. |
1990 |
Aug. |
An interdiction of Iraqi shipping program is announced by the
U.S. on August 12th. |
1990 |
Aug. |
Operation Stigma commences
on August 17th. |
1990 |
Aug. |
The USS England intercepts
two cargo ships, the Al Abid and the Al Bayaa, in the Persian
Gulf on August 17th. General Schwarzkopf allows two "empty"
cargo ships to continue to Iraq. Schwarzkopf is called by
General Colin Powell and is reprimanded for disobeying orders.
Schwarzkopf replies with, "Now that you've made it clear what
you want, the next tanker that comes through, we'll blow it
away." |
1990 |
Aug. |
On August 18th the first
shots of Operation Desert Shield are fired. |
1990 |
Aug. |
U.N. Resolution 664, August 18th,
1990, requires Iraq allow "third-State nationals access to their
consulates and that Iraq take no action against such persons. |
1990 |
Aug. |
Among interceptions of
Iraqi ships on late August 18th the frigate USS Reid intercepts
an Iraqi tanker, the Khaniqin, while in Iranian waters. With
confirmation to disable the civilian ship Vice Adm. Henry H.
Mauz tells Schwarzkopf he will wait until morning to avoid a
night engagement. President Bush decides to allow the
Khaniqin to continue and then the . |
1990 |
Aug. |
Interception operations
are suspended on August 19th with frantic diplomatic activity
following. |
1990 |
Aug. |
The first squadron of stealth bombers, numbering 18 F-117s, are
deployed to King Khalid Air Base at Khamis Mushait on August
21st. |
1990 |
Aug. |
The Armed Services Surgeons General agrees with intelligence
assessments that U.S. forces should be vaccinated against the
biological weapons Iraq had engineered which, it was believed,
included anthrax. |
1990 |
Aug. |
The Call up of the Reserves is authorized by President Bush on
August 22nd. |
1990 |
Aug. |
Beginning August 23rd Navy SEALs conduct nightly patrols along
the Kuwaiti shores. SEAL platoons and Saudi naval commandos will
have maintained a continual presence north of Al-Khafji, near
the Kuwaiti border, by October. |
1990 |
Aug. |
U.N. Resolution 665 is
approved on August 25th authorizing the enforcement of the
sanction of Resolution 661 using, "...such measures commensurate
to the specific circumstances as may be necessary under the
authority of the Security Council to halt all inward and outward
maritime shipping...." |
1990 |
Aug. |
Gen. Schwarzkopf issued an
order on August 30 that places restrictions on the troops to
accommodate Islamic Law and Arabic customs. Instructions were
given to remove any religious insignia in the presence of Saudi
personnel. Worship services were held in secret behind
closed doors away form Saudi citizens. |
1990 |
Sep. |
On September 5th Salman
Pak was identified in the New York Times as Iraq's biological
weapons facility. It would later be speculated that Salman Pak
would be a target for an air attack by allied forces. |
1990 |
Sep. |
The last special
operations AC-130 gunship, with 962 fixed-wing aircraft and over
1000 helicopters, arrives on September 12th at King Fahd airport
in Saudi Arabia. |
1990 |
Sep. |
U.N. Resolution
666, September 13, 1990, addresses
humanitarian concerns expecting "... Iraq to comply with its
obligations under resolution 664..." |
1990 |
Sep. |
Several diplomatic missions in Kuwait City are stormed on
September 14th, by Iraqi forces. |
1990 |
Sep. |
CIA Director William
Webster publicly acknowledged in September, Iraq had a "sizable
stockpile" of biological weapons. |
1990 |
Sep. |
U.N. Resolution
667, September 16, 1990, invokes the
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (April 18, 1963) in
condemning Iraq for the closures of the diplomatic and consular
missions in Kuwait and withdrawing the privileges and immunities
of the missions and their personnel. |
1990 |
Sep. |
The ground war offensive
planning began on September 18th under the cloak of secrecy. |
1990 |
Sep. |
U.N. Resolution
669, September 24, 1990, pertains to a
request by the Jordanian Government for relief from effects of
the implementation of resolution 661. |
1990 |
Sep. |
U.N. Resolution
670, September 25, 1990 pertains to
flights and shipping and rights of nations to inspect those in
route to Iraq or Kuwait passing through their territorial waters
or airspace. |
1990 |
Sep. |
U.N. Resolution
671, September 27, 1990, extends the
mission of the U.N. Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group for two
months. |
1990 |
Oct. |
Secretary Cheney (later
becomes Vice President Cheney) abandons efforts, on October 2nd,
to gain permission to base B-52s in the Gulf. Many Gulf
countries did not want any symbol of America's nuclear arsenal
in their country. Saudi Arabia eventually allows the B-52
bombers to be based at Jeddah but that the deployment be kept
secret and the aircraft not be delivered until the air attack
begins. |
1990 |
Oct. |
Unverified reports say
that Saddam Hussein visited Kuwait City on October 3rd and
orders the execution of renegade soldiers who pillaged and
plundered without authorization. |
1990 |
Oct. |
Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf at
his Central Command headquarters in Riyadh on October 6th
receives a phone call from General Colin Powell informing of the
need for a briefing on the state of offensive planning for Iraq. |
1990 |
Oct. |
At the White House on
October 11th, President Bush is briefed on the ground and air
efforts, by Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Robert Johnston,
Schwarzkopf's chief of staff, and Brig. Gen. Buster Glosson,
head of the Black Hole. This meeting generated the "left
hook" ground offensive and the deploying of the VII Corps of the
U.S. Army from Europe. |
1990 |
Oct. |
Secretary Cheney orders
development of options for an attack in western Iraq. These
plans emphasized the concentration on fixed and mobile Scud
missile launches. |
1990 |
Oct. |
U.N. Resolution 674, October 29, 1990,
again reiterates the condemnation of the invasion of Kuwait and
Demands Iraqi forces stop taking third-State nationals hostage
and "the mistreating and oppressing Kuwaiti and third-State
nationals..." |
1990 |
Oct. |
Tom Foley, House Speaker
presents President Bush a letter on October 31st, signed by 81
democrats. Raising concerns of an imminent offensive they write,
"We believe the consequences would be catastrophic, resulting in
the massive loss of lives, including 10,000-50,000 Americans."
They also stated they were, "emphatically opposed to any
offensive military action." |
1990 |
Oct. |
At a White House meeting
on October 31st President Bush approves a deployment of the
Army's VII Corp from Europe. He decides to wait until after the
congressional elections to make it public. |
1990 |
Nov. |
The deploying of the VII
Corps of the U.S. Army from Europe is announced on November 8th,
to give an "offensive option" to U.S. forces. |
1990 |
Nov. |
Public Opinion had been
divided over the war; after President Bush's announcement to
double the forces in in the Gulf, his approval rating dropped to
its lowest point. Those closer to the conflict were much
more supportive of action against Iraq than the public who were
not privy to all that led up to and continued the conflict. |
1990 |
Nov. |
The Kuwaiti resistance, by
November, was finding itself contained by the Iraqi occupying
forces. This limited Special Operations Forces forces attempts
to organize the resistance movement inside Kuwait. |
1990 |
Nov. |
The U.N. Security Council
Resolution 678 is passed on November 11th, ordering Saddam to
withdraw Iraqi forces from Kuwait and free all hostages by
January 15th, 1991. The order authorized military intervention
if Iraq did not comply. |
1990 |
Nov. |
During a CNN
interview, on November 16th President Bush says, "I am going to
preserve all options." |
1990 |
Nov. |
In Washington D.C. 45 Democrats file a law suit, on November
20th, to require the President to seek Congressional approval
prior to ordering military operations; the suit is eventually
thrown out of court. |
1990 |
Nov. |
On Thanksgiving President
Bush visited the Troops in Saudi Arabia and states, "Those who
would measure the timetable for Saddam Hussein's atomic weapons
program in years may be underestimating the reality of the
situation and the gravity of the threat," continuing his address
to the soldiers, "Every day that passes brings Saddam one step
closer to realizing his goal of a nuclear weapons arsenal, and
that's why more and more, your mission is marked by a real sense
of urgency." |
1990 |
Nov. |
U.N. Resolution 676, November 28,
1990, extends the mission of the United Nations Iran-iraq
Military Observer Group for two months. |
1990 |
Nov. |
U.N. Resolution 677, November 28,
1990. condemns Iraq for attempts "to alter the demographic
composition of Kuwait and to destroy the civil records
maintained by the legitimate Government of Kuwait." |
1990 |
Nov. |
Final authorization is given by the UN Security Council
in Resolution 678 on November 29th, to use
force should Iraq fail to withdraw from Kuwait by midnight EST
January 15 (8 a.m. Saudi time). |
1990 |
Nov. |
President Bush on November 30th, invites Tariq Aziz to
Washington D.C. offering to send Secretary of State James Baker
to Baghdad. |
1990 |
Dec. |
A Scud missile is test launched on December 2nd, the first since
the Iraqi invasion. Three missiles were launched from Al Amarah
New Airfield, south of Baghdad half way to Basra. |
1990 |
Dec. |
The Iraqi Air Force fly 209 sorties with one being a
reconnaissance mission looking for the possibility of Israeli
and coalition activity as a result of the Iraqi test launches of
Scud missiles. |
1990 |
Dec. |
A second squadron of stealth aircraft, numbering 20 F-117s, is
deployed to Saudi Arabia on December 3rd. |
1990 |
Dec. |
President Bush's concentration on the
threat of Saddam's nuclear weapons eased some public concerns as
reflected in a USA Today poll released on December 3rd showing
Bush's approval rating had climbed 6 points from the previous
week. |
1990 |
Dec. |
The last of 59 stealth (F-117) aircraft is delivered in early
December. |
1990 |
Dec. |
Iraq's highest level of sorties since the invasion has
Saddam's air
warriors flying 213 sorties |
1990 |
Dec. |
Sometime in December President Bush had privately decided not to
retaliate with nuclear weapons even if Saddam used chemical
Secretary of State James Baker later says, "There was obviously
no reason to inform the Iraqis of this." |
1990 |
Dec. |
The bio-defense vaccine plan is approved on December 19th by
Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. Special Operations Forces are
the first to receive the inoculations as they were administered
on a priority basis beginning on January 17, 1991. |
1990 |
Dec. |
The final war council of Desert Shield is held on December 20th
when Saudi Arabia military commanders sit down with
Secretary of
Defense Dick Cheney, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen.
Colin Powell, and Under Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. |
1990 |
Dec. |
Plans for a second front,
preliminary operations order for Combined Joint Task
Force Proven Force, is completed on December 21st. |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
The War |
1991 |
Jan. |
Baker and Aziz meet for 6 hours in Geneva with no results. |
1991 |
Jan. |
A resolution is passed by
the U.S. Congress on January 12th that authorizes President Bush
to use military force to repel Iraq from Kuwait. |
1991 |
Jan. |
Bush gathers a coalition of nations to help in the enforcement
of the U.N. Resolution 678. Saudi Arabia allows a U.S. led
Coalition Base to be set up within its borders. |
1991 |
Jan. |
The United Nations deadline for the
Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait expired on January 15th, with its
being ignored by Saddam Hussein. President Bush begins preparing for the start of Operation Desert Storm. |
1991 |
Jan. |
Seven B-52 bombers take
off from Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on January 16th,
for a 35-hour, 14,000-mile flight (the longest in Air Force
history) to Iraq. |
1991 |
Day 1 |
The U.S. Government makes the first statement of Operation
Desert Storm. |
1991 |
Jan. 17 |
Operation Desert Storm air
attacks begin at 3am
in Iraq on January 17. Massive air and missile
sorties target Iraq and Kuwait. President George Bush declares,
"We will not fail." |
1991 |
Jan. 17 |
"The liberation of Kuwait has begun..." states Marlin
Fitzwater, |
1991 |
Jan. 17 |
Special Operations Forces
are the first to receive the the bio-defense vaccinations on
January 17, 1991 Eventually 150,000 soldiers will receive the
inoculations. |
1991 |
Jan. 17 |
Looking back on January 17th Lt. Gen. Charles
Horner later says,
"We flew in
one day as many sorties as [Saddam] faced in eight years of war
with Iran," |
1991 |
Jan. 17 |
Schwarzkopf on January 17 defines the first military objective
to "attack Iraqi political/military leadership and command and
control." The only time in Operation Desert Storm the
objective stated to "attack" rather than "destroy." |
1991 |
Jan. 17 |
During the
night of the first air attacks 36 stealth f-117s would have
crisscrossed Kuwait and Iraq, dropping bombs on a variety of
targets. |
1991 |
Jan. 17 |
The Stealth
bombers attacked 30% of the strategic targets and were
responsible for 47% of targets destroyed. |
1991 |
Jan. 17 |
Attempting to provoke
Israel, Iraq launches the first Scud missile at Israel, on January 17th.
1991 |
Jan. 17 |
The worse
incident of collateral damage was when an air-launched cruise
missile missed its target by 300 feet hitting an 8 story
apartment building killing 11 civilians and injuring 49. |
1991 |
Jan. 17 |
On January
17th, when Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Colin
Powell and Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney arrived at the
Capitol to review the day's events, the members of Congress rose
and cheered. |
1991 |
Day 2 |
Pentagon announces on January 18th that 2000 sorties would be
flown daily during the initial phase to maintain 24 hour
pressure on the Iraqi government and forces. |
1991 |
Jan. 18 |
Iraqi President
Hussein declareson January 18th, "The great showdown has begun! The mother of
all battles is under way." |
1991 |
Jan. 18 |
The first anti-missile of
the war, a U.S. Patriot missile intercepts and downs a scud
missile launched at Saudi Arabia on January 18th. |
1991 |
Day 3
Jan. 19 |
of retaliation by Israel for the Scud attack is suppressed on
January 19th, when President Bush announces Israel's promise to
not retaliate. |
1991 |
Day 4 |
begins to defend Israel, using Patriot missiles, after the
second attack of 3 Scud missile kills 17 in Tel Aviv, Israel on
January 20th. Iraq will have launched several with only 8
Scud missiles making it into Israel during the war. |
1991 |
Jan. 20 |
The first
Iraqi prisoners of war are captured in a raid on Kuwait oil
platforms by U.S. troops on January 20th. |
1991 |
Day 5 |
Captured Allied Airmen are interviewed on Iraqi
TV on January 21sth. |
1991 |
Jan. 21 |
10 Scud missiles are fired at Saudi Arabia on
January 21st; none reach their target with nine destroyed by
Patriot Missiles and one falling off-shore. |
1991 |
Day 6 |
With 8000 sorties in five days U.S. officials
reveal on January 22nd the elusiveness of the Scud missile
launchers that still remain a threat. |
1991 |
Jan. 22 |
On January 22nd Iraq claim to be using Allied
prisoners of war as human shields in attempts to deflect Allied
air attacks. |
1991 |
Day 7 |
Iraq fires 6 Scud missiles into Saudi Arabia on
January 23rd. A Patriot missile intercepts, destroying one Scud
while the other 5 fall in areas of no consequence. |
1991 |
Jan. 23 |
Iraqi troops set oil tanks and oil wells on fire
on January 23rd. |
1991 |
Jan. 23 |
A Scud missile kills three people in Tel Aviv,
Saudi Arabia on January 23rd, when U.S. Patriot missiles fail to
take it down. |
1991 |
Day 8 |
Saddam Hussein claims the Allied planes bombed a
baby-formula plant on January 24th. The U.S. officials say it
was a chemical factory. |
1991 |
Jan. 24 |
Scuds are fired at Israel and Saudi Arabia on
January 24th resulting with no casualties. |
1991 |
Jan. 24 |
The U.S.
President, George H. W. Bush
on January 24th makes a statement suggesting Saddam Hussein
should be brought to "justice" and that the removal of Saddam as
Iraqi president be goal. |
1991 |
Day 9 |
Allied air sorties surpass 15,000 on January
25th. |
1991 |
Jan. 25 |
Two oil slicks moving south of Kuwait was
reported on January 25th by Saudi officials. Iraq lays blame on
the bombing while the Allies say the oil was released by Iraqi
troops. |
1991 |
Day 10 |
Japan announces on January 26th it will send
military aircraft for assistance in a non-combat capacity. |
1991 |
Jan. 26 |
On January
26th Iraqi warplanes land in Iran and are seized by the Iranian
military. |
1991 |
Jan. 26 |
Two people are killed by Scud missiles that are
fired on January 26th at Israel and Saudi Arabia. |
1991 |
Day 11 |
unpredicted ten days of low cloud cover with 3 times the normal
precipitation caused more then a third of planned F-117 strikes
to be diverted or cancelled during the first ten days. By the
end of the war half of all planned strikes would be affected by
the weather. |
1991 |
Jan. 27 |
U.S. F-15s down three Iraqi MiG-23s on January
27th in the first major dog fight of the war. |
1991 |
Jan. 27 |
It is confirmed by the Pentagon on January 27th,
the the USS Louisville is the first submarine to launch a cruise
missile in combat. |
1991 |
Jan. 27 |
Iraq fires more Scud missiles into Israel and
Saudi Arabia with no casualties resulting. |
1991 |
Jan. 27 |
On January 27th in Washington D.C. it is reported
that more than 75,000 protestors march. |
1991 |
Jan. 27 |
In an interviewed with Peter Arnett on January
27th, Saddam Hussein appeared on CNN and promises,
"blood ...
lots of blood ... let not the fickle politicians deceive you ...
by dividing the battle into air and land parts - war is war." |
1991 |
Jan. 27 |
Saudi Arabia's industrial and desalination plants
and the coast environment is threatened by the growing massive
oil spill. |
1991 |
Jan. 27 |
Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Colin Powell personally
orders General Schwarzkopf to direct British and American
Special Operations forces into full-scale Scud missile hunt. |
1991 |
Day 12 |
To stop Iraq from continued dumping of oil into
the gulf the Allies bomb the occupied oil facilities in Kuwait
on January 28th. |
1991 |
Jan. 28 |
Among many concerns about terrorism, the Super
Bowl XXV has no incidences. |
1991 |
Day 13
Jan. 29 |
Allied pilots injured in the bombing raids are
claimed by Iraq on January 29th to have been captured. |
1991 |
Day 14 |
troops advance into Saudi Arabia taking Khafji, on January 30th. |
1991 |
Jan. 30 |
A battalion
force of U.S. Marines fire artillery, mortars, TOW missiles at
Iraqi bunkers a half-mile away in Kuwait in the larges ground
battle yet on January 30th. There were no U.S. casualties. |
1991 |
Jan. 30 |
The U.S.
and Soviet Union present an offer of a cease-fire in exchange
for an unequivocal commitment to withdraw. Saddam Hussein
refuses the offer. |
1991 |
Jan. 30 |
As of January 30th U.S. forces exceed 500,000 in the Gulf. |
1991 |
Day 15 |
advancement of Iraqi tanks and thousands of troops into Saudi
Arabia is suppressed by U.S.,
Saudi, and Qatari troops on January 31st. Eleven Marines are
killed. |
1991 |
Jan. 31 |
U.N. Resolution
685, January 31st pertains to Iraq and Islamic Republic of
Iran and extends the mission of the U.N. Iran-Iraq Military
Observer Group. |
1991 |
Jan. 31 |
The Scud
threat is being reduced by the Allied air supremacy says General
Norman Schwarzkopf, on January 31st. |
1991 |
Day 16 |
Khafji, Saudi
Arabia is retaken by Saudi and Qatari troops backed by U.S.
artillery on February 1st. |
1991 |
Feb. 1 |
Sheik Abdul-Aziz Bin Baz,
the Saudi
leading interpreter of Islamic law calls Saddam Hussein an
"enemy of God." |
1991 |
Day 17
Feb. 2 |
A 10-mile
long Iraqi armored column headed into Saudi Arabia is bombed on
February 2nd by the Allied Air Forces. |
1991 |
Day 18
Feb. 3 |
launches 2 Scuds into Israel with no casualties. A Patriot
missile downs a Scud over Saudi Arabia that injures two people. |
1991 |
Day 19 |
The 40,000
sortie mark is reach on February 3rd, in the Allied air
campaign. (Only 30,000 missions were flown against Japan in the
last 14 months of World War II.) |
1991 |
Feb. 4 |
A Nasiriyah
marketplace is hit by a misguided bomb on February 4th. |
1991 |
Day 20 |
relations between the United States and Iraq is restored on
February 5th, after Iran offers to mediate peace talks with
Iraq. |
1991 |
Feb. 5 |
The Battleship Missouri fires into Kuwait at
Iraqi positions on February 5th. It is the first time a
ship has fired in combat since the Korean War. |
1991 |
Day 21 |
The Air Force begins to target tanks on February
6th, without spotters on the ground. The camouflaged tanks
would collect heat during the day and stand out at dusk with use
of the infrared sensors on the aircrafts. |
1991 |
Feb. 6 |
On February
6th, an Iraqi probe at the Saudi-Kuwait border is repelled by
the first combat action, of the war, by Syrian forces. |
1991 |
Feb. 6 |
Jordan's King Hussein on February 6th, condemns the American
bombardments expressing his support for Iraq. |
1991 |
Feb. 6 |
Heating and transportation problems are made
worse on February 6th, when Iraq suspends fuel sales to
civilians. |
1991 |
Day 22 |
The first U.S. ground Scud mission involved 16
Delta commandos on February 7th. |
1991 |
Feb. 7 |
120 Iraqi aircraft had already flown to Iran.
Four Iraqi jets try to join them and are shot down by U.S. F-15
fighter planeson February 7th. |
1991 |
Day 23 |
Defense Secretary Dick Cheney and Joint Chiefs
Chairman Colin Powell on February 8th, leave for the gulf
theater to assess the war. Cheney and Powell are the
President's top war advisors. |
1991 |
Feb. 8 |
The Battleship USS Wisconsin fires its 16-inch
guns at targets in Kuwait, joining the USS Missouri on February
8th. It is the first firing of the guns in combat for the
Wisconsin since the Korean War. |
1991 |
Day 24
Feb. 9 |
While in route to Saudi Arabia on February 9th,
Defense Secretary Dick Cheney gives the strongest indication to
date the ground war is coming closer to a close. |
1991 |
Day 25 |
Defense Secretary Dick Cheney, Joint Chiefs
Chairman Colin Powell, Desert Storm commander General Norman
Schwarzkopf and other military leaders meet for more than eight
hours on February 10th. |
1991 |
Feb.10 |
Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev sends an envoy
to Baghdad for talks with Saddam Hussein and warns military
operations against Iraq may exceed the U.N. mandate. |
1991 |
Day 26 |
The second time since the war began, Saddam
Hussein addresses his nation, pledging victory and praising the
people of Iraq for their "steadfastness, faith and light in the
chests of Iraqis." |
1991 |
Feb.11 |
mainstream media had been relaying Saddam's propaganda. White
House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said in a February 11th
briefing that Saddam "has a very extensive PR effort and it's
disturbing to find ... that somebody is buying it,". |
1991 |
Day 27 |
President Bush says the alliance is in no hurry
to begin the ground war after a meeting with two top military
advisors on February 12th. |
1991 |
Feb.12 |
News reports of February 12th state, the Iraq government
estimates more than 15,000 Iraqi troops killed. |
1991 |
Day 28 |
The largest action of warfare in the war so far is on February
13th when Allied forces begin a combined barrage from land, sea
and air against the occupying forces in Kuwait. |
1991 |
Feb.13 |
Officials estimate a cost of 1 billion dollars
over 6-months to fight the damage by the oil slick that has come
ashore along the Saudi coast. |
1991 |
Day 29 |
A Baghdad
underground bunker, the Amiriyah shelter,
identified by U.S.
military intelligence as a military facility, is destroyed by
two bombs, one a laser-guided "smart bomb" dropped by two U.S.
Stealth fighters, on February 14th. Hundreds are killed and
Iraqi officials claim the bunker was a bomb shelter.
Confirmation of it being a command post came in 1994 or '95 when
the head of Iraqi military intelligence defects to the west. |
1991 |
Feb.14 |
During the first weeks of February American public opinion had
rose to 45%, approving of the use of nuclear weapons to avoid
the massive U.S. deaths of a ground campaign. |
1991 |
Day 30 |
The Pentagon releases figures on February 15th
that more than 1,300 of Iraq's 4,280 tanks have been destroyed,
as well as 800 of 2,870 armored vehicles and 1,100 of 3,110
artillery components. |
1991 |
Feb.15 |
The United Nations Security Council discusses the
war in a closed session on February 15th. |
1991 |
Day 31 |
The suburbs of Baghdad are
bombed by American and British war planes on February 16th. 3
civilians were killed and at least 11 others injured. |
1991 |
Feb.16 |
Iraq says on February 16th it will withdraw form
Kuwait if certain conditions are met, among them include the
Israeli withdrawal from the Arab occupied territories,
forgiveness of Iraqi debts and Allied payment of costs of
rebuilding Iraq. President George Bush dismisses the offer
as a "cruel hoax." |
1991 |
Feb.16 |
Allied forces continue moving supplies to the
front preparing for a ground war. |
1991 |
Day 32 |
The first nighttime raids by U.S. attack
helicopters on Iraqi positions are on February 17th. |
1991 |
Feb.17 |
130 civilians are killed by British Tornado jet
strikes, claim Iraqi authorities. |
1991 |
Feb.17 |
The southern part of Israel is the first target
by Iraqi Scud missiles when two are launched but cause no
casualties. |
1991 |
Feb.17 |
Tariq Aziz, Iraq's foreign minister, travels to Moscow to
discuss a possible negotiated end to the war. |
1991 |
Feb.17 |
Abdul Amir al-Anbari, Iraq's ambassador to the
U.N., claims Iraq will use its Weapons of Mass Destruction if
the U.S. continues the bombing. |
1991 |
Feb.17 |
U.S. officials claim that Iraq purposely staged damage of civilian areas to
use in its propaganda. |
1991 |
Day 33 |
Iraq's occupation of Kuwait will end "very, very
soon," says President Bush on February 18th. |
1991 |
Feb.18 |
20 Iraqis surrender to an Apache helicopter crew
in one of seven clashes between U.S. and Iraqi troops along the
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait border. |
1991 |
Feb.18 |
Tariq Aziz, Iraq's foreign minister, says it's up
to the Allies to act on Iraq's peace proposal. His comment was
made while in route for talks in Moscow with Soviet President
Mikhail Gorbachev on February 18th. |
1991 |
Feb.18 |
The percentage of Iraq's forces in Kuwait that
have been killed or wounded is estimated at 15 percent, on
February 18th by officials of U.S. military intelligence. |
1991 |
Day 34 |
warships USS Tripoli and USS Princeton are damaged by mines in
the Persian Gulf on February 19th but remain operational. |
1991 |
Feb.19 |
A US. Air
Force helicopter search team on February 19th rescues a U.S.
pilot from Iraq, 40 miles north of the Saudi border. He had
parachuted to safety when his plane was disabled. |
1991 |
Day 35 |
Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz's return from
Moscow with a Soviet peace proposal is reported by Baghdad Radio
on February 20th. |
1991 |
Feb.20 |
The Soviet Proposal falls short of what Iraq
needs to concede to end the war, President Bush says, "well
short." |
1991 |
Feb.20 |
On February
20th Iranian news reports 20,000 Iraqis dead and 60,000 wounded
per an Iraqi official. |
1991 |
Feb.20 |
Targets inside Kuwait have been bombarded with
heavy artillery fire by U.S. Marines for two days straight. |
1991 |
Feb.20 |
Officials of the Saudi government report the gulf
oil slick is smaller than feared being only 60 million gallons
and not 400 million. |
1991 |
Day 36 |
In fighting along the Saudi border one American
is killed and seven wounded on February 21th. |
1991 |
Feb.21 |
60 miles into Kuwait on February 21st, U.S.
planes attack 300 Iraqi vehicles destroying 28 tanks. |
1991 |
Feb.21 |
Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz will "soon"
travel to Moscow with Saddam Hussein's reply to the Soviet's
peace proposal. |
1991 |
Feb.21 |
Iraq's military is on "verge of collapse," says
Allied commander Norman Schwarzkopf on February 21st. |
1991 |
Feb.21 |
An Iraq announcement of a specific timetable for
withdrawal from Kuwait is one required condition for peace, per
U.S. officials. |
1991 |
Day 37 |
Soviet spokesman Vitaly Ignatenko announces,
on February 22nd,
the Soviet's proposed cease fire agreement that would lead to a
withdrawal is accepted by Iraq. The U.S. rejects the agreement
but says it will not attack Iraqi forces that leave Kuwait
within 24 hours. |
1991 |
Feb.22 |
Saddam Hussein declares that Iraq still remains
ready to fight a ground war. |
1991 |
Feb.22 |
Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary says, on February
22nd, the Allies are prepping for "one of the largest land
assaults of modern times." |
1991 |
Feb.22 |
The worse not-combat accident so far occurs on
February 22nd when 7 U.S. soldiers are killed in a helicopter
crash. |
1991 |
Day 38 |
President Bush condemns the "scorched-earth" destroying of
Kuwait oil wells, on February 23rd, demanding Iraqs withdrawal
by noon February 24th to avoid a ground war. |
1991 |
Feb.23 |
President Bush rejects the Soviet peace plan on
February 23rd. |
1991 |
Feb.23 |
ground troops cross the Saudi Arabia border entering Kuwait on
February 23rd, the trek to the war's ground-phase. |
1991 |
Feb.23 |
Iraqi information officials call the U.S. demands
to withdrawal a "shameful ultimatum." |
1991 |
Feb.23 |
The Soviet Union announces an 8-day withdrawal
plan. |
1991 |
Feb.23 |
troops torch 1/6th of Kuwait's oil wells on February 23nd,
leaving 200 wells in flames. |
1991 |
39 |
U.S. Army,
U.S. Marines, and the other Allied
coalition forces, on February 24th at
4 a.m., begin the ground-phase attacks. |
1991 |
Feb.24 |
After the start of the ground phase, Defense
Secretary Dick Cheney cancels the news briefings concerning the
war. |
1991 |
Feb.24 |
Bush announces
at (10:02 p.m. on February 23rd EST) 2:02 p.m. on February 24th,
"The liberation of Kuwait has entered the final phase." |
1991 |
Feb.24 |
Commander Norman Schwarzkopf is authorized by
President Bush to, in the President's words, "use all forces
available, including ground forces, to expel the Iraqi army from
Kuwait." |
1991 |
Feb.24 |
U.S. officials state on February 24th, Iraqi
troops are rounding up Kuwaitis to torture and execute. |
1991 |
40 |
February 24th, the first day of the allied ground offensive is
hailed as a "dramatic success," by General Norman Schwarzkopf on
the 25th. The Allied casualties are very light with more
than 5,500 Iraqis captured. |
1991 |
Feb.25 |
Kill "with all your might," is urged by Saddam
Hussein in a radio speech on February 25th. |
1991 |
Feb.25 |
The Allied ground assault is the largest in
military history as more than 300 attack and supply helicopters
strike into Iraq, deeper than 50 miles. |
1991 |
Feb.25 |
On February
25th an Iraqi Scud missile hits a U.S. military barrack killing
28 U.S. soldiers and wounding 90, in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia. |
1991 |
Feb.25 |
In the first wartime broadcast of her 39-year
reign, Queen Elizabeth II, says she has prayed for victory. |
1991 |
Feb.25 |
Baghdad Radio reports on February 25th that
Saddam Hussein, in compliance with the Soviet peace
proposal, ordered the Iraqi troops to withdraw from Kuwait.
White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater says "The war goes on."
1991 |
Feb.25 |
Allied forces are reported on outside of Kuwait
City, poised to liberate the capital. Still surfacing are
more reports of Iraqis killing civilians and torching buildings. |
1991 |
Feb.25 |
No injuries are reported after Iraq launches two
more Scud missiles into Israel. |
1991 |
Day 41 |
Officials report on February 26th that in the first two days of
the ground assault 4 U.S. soldiers are killed and 21 wounded.
Almost 20,000 Iraqis were taken prisoner and 270 tanks were
destroyed. |
1991 |
Feb.26 |
Allied warships down an Iraqi launched Silkworm
anti-ship missile on February 26th. |
1991 |
Day 42 |
Iraqi forces are in "full retreat" with allied
forces pursuing, states Brig. Gen. Richard Neal in Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia on February 27th. |
1991 |
Feb.27 |
The U.S.
Marines and the Kuwaiti resistence leaders each report on February 27th the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait City
is again under their control. |
1991 |
Feb.27 |
Kuwait City residents celebrate the end of the
occupation. To control the city, resistance groups set up
headquarters. |
1991 |
Feb.27 |
On February 27th the Iraqi POWs taken number
30,000+, that number will later climb to 63,000 and then to
90,000 by war's end; eventually the official tally reaches
106,000. |
1991 |
Feb.27 |
excepts the terms of President Bush's proposed cease fire after
100 hours of ground fighting on February 27th. President Bush
orders the cease fire to be effective at midnight Kuwait time. The cease fire
agreement also called for disarmament. |
1991 |
Feb.27 |
Baghdad radio on February 28th, Saddam Hussein announces the
total withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait. |
1991 |
Feb.27 |
troops set fire to Kuwait oil wells along their retreat route. |
1991 |
Day 43 |
At 5 a.m. Iraq time on February 28th President Bush declares
"Kuwait is
liberated" and "Iraq's Army is defeated." |
1991 |
Feb.28 |
The Kuwait
emirate's flag is raised by Kuwaiti troops in Kuwait City on
February 28th. |
1991 |
Feb.28 |
The war ends with 90,000 Iraqi soldiers having been taken
prisoner. |
1991 |
Feb.28 |
President George H. W. Bush
suspends the combat offensive after Saddam Hussein complies with
his conditions for a cease fire to end the conflict. |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1991 |
Gulf War Statistics |
1991 |
Mar. |
In southern Iraq the Shiite Muslims begin, on March 2nd, to
rebel against Saddam's rule. The northern Kurds also
rebel. The Iraqi army successfully crushes both revolts. The
Kurds however with the protection of the Allied forces took
control of a large strip of northern Iraq. |
1991 |
Mar. |
U.N. Resolution 686 is approved on
March 2nd Placing requirements upon Iraq and the liability
resulting from the invasion. |
1991 |
Mar. |
U.N. Resolution 686 is approved
addressing the confirming of Iraq's agreement to comply fully
with all previous resolutions. |
1991 |
Mar. |
The cease fire terms are formally accepted by Iraqi leaders on
March 3rd. |
1991 |
Mar. |
Iraq releases 35 Prisoners of War on March 5th. |
1991 |
Mar. |
March 10th begins
Operation Phase Echo with the redeployment of 540,000 American
troops from the Persian Gulf. |
1991 |
Mar. |
During March and April
Iraqi forces suppress rebellions in the southern and northern
sections of Iraq. The inhumane treatment of Iraqi
civilians in the areas crate a humanitarian disaster on the
Turkey and Iranian borders. |
1991 |
Apr. |
The U.N. Security Council
passes Resolution 687, the Cease Fire Agreement, on April 3rd.
The agreement calls for destruction or removal of all Iraqi
chemical and biological weapons; all stockpiled agents and
components; all research, development, support, manufacturing
and production facilities of ballistic missiles with ranges
greater than 150km; and for Iraq to end its support of
terrorism. The resolution passed 12 to one (Cuba) with Ecuador
and Yemen abstaining. |
1991 |
Apr. |
U.N. Resolution
688, April 5th. "Condemns the repression of the Iraqi
civilian population in many parts of Iraq, including most
recently in Kurdish-populated areas, the consequences of which
threaten international peace and security in the region." |
1991 |
Apr. |
excepts the terms of U.N. Resolution 687 on April 6th. |
1991 |
Apr. |
U.N. Resolution 689, April 9th, is
concerned with the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation
Mission. |
1991 |
Apr. |
On April 18th as required
by Resolution 687, Iraq declares some of its chemical weapons
and materials to the U.N. while claiming it does not have a
biological weapons program. |
1991 |
Apr. |
Iraq's refusal to comply with the U.N. resolutions in April, was
behind the continuation of the American presence in the Gulf.
North and South no-fly zones and a no-drive zone in the south
became a low-level war against Iraq's air defenses and 4 bombing
campaigns over the next nine years. |
1991 |
May |
U.N. Resolution 692, May 20th,
requires Iraq to foot the bill for the environment impact of its
actions in Kuwait. |
1991 |
Jun. |
U.N. Resolution 699, June 17th,
"Confirms that the Special commission and the International
Atomic Energy Agency have the authority to conduct activities
under section C of resolution 687 (1991) for the purpose of the
destruction, removal or rendering harmless of the items
specified . . . " |
1991 |
Jun. |
In violation of Resolution
687 some time between June 23rd and 28th, Iraqi soldiers fire
warning shots in the air to prevent U.N. inspection teams from
intercepting their Iraqi vehicles that carried Nuclear related
equipment. |
1991 |
Jun. |
U.N. Resolution 700, June 17th, is in
response to the inhibiting if the inspections of the Nuclear
related equiptment. |
1991 |
Aug. |
U.N. Resolution 705,
August 15th addresses compensation to be paid by Iraq. |
1991 |
Aug. |
U.N. Resolution 706
approved on , August 15th, addresses humanitarian concerns
with an offer to allow Iraq to sell limited quantities of oil to
use the money to provide for the needs of the Iraqi people, Iraq
declines the offer. The resolution also addresses the return of
"all Kuwaitis and third-State nationals or their remains present
in Iraq on or after 2 August 1990 ..." |
1991 |
Aug. |
U.N. Resolution 707
approved August 15th requires a meeting with the government of
Iraq to gain "written assurance that Iraq will fully and
immediately cooperate in the inspection of the locations
identified by the Special Commission and present for immediate
inspection any of those items that may have been transported
from those locations." |
1991 |
Sep. |
U.N. Resolution 712
is approved on September 19th, containing another offer to
allow Iraq to sell limited quantities of oil to use the money to
provide for the needs of the Iraqi people. Iraq declines
this second offer as well. |
1991 |
Sep. |
Inspections during
September from the 21st to the 30th find files on Iraq's hidden
nuclear weapons program. Iraqi officials confiscate those and
demand other documents refusing to allow the U.N. weapons
inspectors to leave the facility. The four-day standoff
ends with the U.N. team leaving with the documents after the
U.N. Security Council threatens military enforcement. The
inspection team say that Iraq was close to building a bomb. |
1991 |
Oct. |
Resolution 715 is passed
by the U.N. Security Council on October 11th demanding Iraq
"accept unconditionally the inspectors and all other personnel
designated by the Special Commission". The resolution is
rejected by Iraq, calling it "unlawful". |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1992 |
1992 |
Feb. |
Iraq's refusal to abide by the U.N. Security Council Disarmament
Resolutions is detailed on February 18th by the Executive
Chairman of UNSCOM |
1992 |
Jul. |
The U.N. inspection team is denied access to the Iraqi Ministry
of Agriculture on July 6th. UNSCOM claims possession of reliable
information proving the site contained documents showing illegal
weapons activities. |
1992 |
Jul. |
a 17-day "sit-in" by U.N. Inspectors is staged
just outside the building sometime between July 6th and July
29th; the inspectors leave after they are threatened by Iraqi
soldiers. |
1992 |
Aug. |
A "No fly zone" is imposed over the southern Iraq
to stop Iraq's air attacks on Shiite Muslim rebels. The U.S. and
the allies begin air patrols to enforce the zone. |
1992 |
Aug. |
Resolution 773, August 3rd, established the first precise
coordinates between Iraq and Kuwait as agreed upon by both
nations October 4th 1963. |
1992 |
Oct. |
The U.N. Security
Council passes Resolution 778 on October 2nd, to condemn
"Iraq's coninued failure to comply with its obligations under
relevant resolutions." The resolution also addresses the
handling of funds from the export of petroleum products. |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1993 |
1993 |
Jan. |
UNSCOM inspectors are refused by Iraq to use its
own aircraft to fly into the country on January 19th. |
1993 |
Jan. |
Iraq begins military operations in the
demilitarized zone between Iraq and
Kuwait, and the northern
No-Fly Zone on January 19th. |
1993 |
Jan. |
After US forces fire nearly 40 Tomahawk cruise
missiles at
Baghdad factories that were linked to Iraq's illegal nuclear
weapons program, Iraq informs UNSCOM that it will be able to resume
using its own planes. |
1993 |
Feb. |
U.N. Resolution 806, February 5th,
addresses concerns of Iraq's violations of resolutions. |
1993 |
Apr. |
George H.W. Bush visits Kuwait on April 13th, afterwards the
Kuwaiti government reveals it had uncovered an Iraqi plot to assassinate the
former American president. The day before President Bush's visit
14 arrests are made for plotting the assassination. Two Iraqis confess to driving a car-bomb for
the Iraq Secret Service, into Kuwait. Washington claims the plot
was organized by Iraqi Intelligence. |
1993 |
May |
U.N. Resolution 833, May 27th,
establishes the demilitarization zone between Iraq and Kuwait. |
1993 |
Jun. |
UNSCOM weapons inspectors are refused by Iraq on June 18th, to
install remote-controlled monitoring cameras at two missile
engine test stands. |
1993 |
Jun. |
Eight people die in a retaliatory strike by U.S. warships firing
24 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the intelligence headquarters in
the Al-Mansur district of Baghdad on June 27th. The attack
was ordered by President Clinton in retaliation for the
assassination plot to kill former President Bush. |
1993 |
Jul. |
The Inspection teams leave Iraq on July 5th. Iraq later
agrees to the UNSCOM demands leading to the return of the
inspection teams. |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1994 |
1994 |
Mar. |
U.N. Resolution 899, March 4th,
addresses compensation to private Iraqi citizens whose
properties were found to be on the Kuwait side of the
established demarcation between Iraq and Kuwait. |
1994 |
Jun. |
It is learned by UN weapons inspectors Ritter and Smidovitch
that Israeli intelligence had reported that Qusay Hussein,
Saddam's son, is the head of the Iraqi government's efforts to
hide Iraq's alleged illegal weapons. |
1994 |
Oct. |
As Iraq threatens on October 7th, to again stop
the cooperation with the U.N. inspectors and again begins to
deploy troops toward Kuwait. |
1994 |
Oct. |
U.N. Resolution 949, October 15th,
demands that Iraq withdrawal all military units recently
deployed to southern Iraq to their original positions. |
1994 |
Oct. |
President of the UN Security
Council states
Iraq must immediately begin cooperate with weapons inspectors
and withdraw the troops from the Kuwait border. |
1994 |
Oct. |
President Clinton dispatches a carrier group with warplanes and
54,000 troops to the Gulf. |
1994 |
Oct. |
Under the threats by the U.N. Security Council
and the U.S., The Iraqis pull back their forces. |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1995 |
1995 |
Jan. |
Late 1994 or early 1995 the head of Iraqi military intelligence
defects to the west. During the debriefing he states the bunker
that was bombed on February 14th, 1991, in Nasiriyah, where 400
civilians were killed, was one of his command facilities. |
1995 |
Apr. |
The U.N. Security Council Resolution 986 establishes the
Oil-for-Food Program on April 14th as a "temporary measure to
provide for the humanitarian needs of the Iraqi people, until
the fulfillment by Iraq of the relevant Security Council
resolutions, including notably resolution 687 of 3 April 1991".
Due to non-compliance of Irag the program is not implemented
until December 1996 after the signing of the Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) between the U.N. and Iraq on May 20,
1996. |
1995 |
Jun. |
As France and Russia become more interested with making
financial deals with Iraq rather than disarm Saddam Hussein.
According to UNSCOM the unity of the Security Council becomes
weak because of the economic interests. |
1995 |
Jul. |
Iraq threatens to end all cooperation with UNSCOM and IAEA
unless sanctions against Iraq are lifted before August 31st. |
1995 |
Jul. |
After the revealing of UNSCOM's evidence, for the
first time Iraq admits the existence of an offensive biological
weapons program but denies production of such weapons. |
1995 |
Aug. |
On August 8th Hussein Kamel al-Majid, the head of Iraq's secret
program to build Weapons of Mass Destruction, with his brother
and their wifes defect to Jordan. The wifes are daughters
of Saddam. |
1995 |
Aug. |
Saddam reveals more details of the extent of
Iraq's biological and nuclear weapons programs. |
1995 |
Aug. |
The previous Iraqi declaration of prohibited
biological weapons to the U.N. is withdrawn and Iraq turns over
volumes of new documents on the WMD programs. |
1995 |
Nov. |
Israel and Jordan help U.N. inspector Ritter on November 10th to
intercept 240 Russian gyroscopes and accelerometers being
shipped to Iraq from Russia. |
1995 |
Nov. |
The Barcelona Conference opens on November 27th with reported
goals to battle religious fundamentalism worldwide; creat a free
trade zone in the Mediterranean by 2010; and reducing America's
presence in the Mediterranean. |
1995 |
Nov. |
27 attending nations sign the Barcelona Treaty on November 28th.
The U.S. does not vote having been granted "observer status
only." |
1995 |
Dec. |
The Tigris River near Baghdad is dredged under supervision of
UNSCOM. Over 200 prohibited Russian made missile components and
instruments are found. |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1996 -
Oil for Food on hold. |
1996 |
Jan. |
Economic austerity measures are set in motion on
January 6th, by Saddam Hussein to deal with sky-rocketing
inflation and nation wide shortages caused by the U.N.
sanctions. |
1996 |
Feb. |
Recently defected Iraqi weapons program leader
Hussein Kamel, Saddam's son-in-law, is welcomed back by Saddam
and returns to Iraq on February 20th. During the defection
period Kamel had provided the U.N. and the U.S. with information
about Iraq's arsenal, the means of Saddam avoiding the Security
Council resolutions and the organizational operations of
Saddam's government. |
1996 |
Feb. |
A few days after
Hussein Kamel returns to Iraq, Saddam has him along with his
brother, father, sister and her children killed. Kamel and his
brother were Saddam's son-in-laws. |
1996 |
Mar. |
UNSCOM inspection teams are refused access to
five sites designated for inspection by Iraqi forces.
Access is eventually gained after delays of up to 17 hours. |
1996 |
Mar. |
Resolution 1051, March 27th, addresses the International
Atomic Energy Agency and the developing a mechanism to
monitor sales or supplies by other countries to Iraq. |
1996 |
May |
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the
U.N. and Iraq is signed on May 20, 1996. The agreement
leads to the implementation of the Oil-for-Food program in
December. |
1996 |
May |
A deal is reached, between Iraq and the U.N. on
May 22nd, to sell $2 billion in oil for 180 days to buy food and
medicine. |
1996 |
May |
From May into June the destruction of Iraq's main production facility of biological
warfare agents, Al-Hakam, is supervised by UNSCOM inspectors. |
1996 |
Jun. |
During June the U.S. fails to build support for military action
against Iraq in the U.N. Security Council as Iraq continues to
refuse access to numerous inspection sites. |
1996 |
Jun. |
Resolution 949, June 12th, deplores Iraq's refusal to allow
access to designated inspection sites and demands full
cooperation. |
1996 |
Jun. |
Iraq agrees to a deal to allow humanitarian aid to the Kurdish
communities in the north in exchange for being allowed to sell
Oil on the international market and use some of the money to buy
food and medicine. This plans becomes known as the "oil
for food deal." |
1996 |
Jun. |
A bombing in Saudi Arabia on June 25th kills 19
U.S. airmen. In the hearings that follow Defense Secretary
William Perry says "America has, I believe, the strongest
military in the world," addressing the House National Security
Committee, potential adversaries "are not able to counter them
effectively with direct military attack, and so terrorism
becomes the weapon of choice. Therefore, we can expect more
terrorism, in quantity and in quality in the nature of the
terrorism. We have not seen the last and the worst examples of
terrorism." |
1996 |
Jul. |
U.N. Inspector Ritter is blocked by Iraqi officials in July,
when he attempts to conduct a surprise inspection on the
Republican Guard facility at the airport. |
1996 |
Aug. |
U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was
on the verge of giving the final go-ahead for Iraq to resume oil
sales under an agreement Baghdad accepted last June after
rejecting it for years. |
1996 |
Aug. |
With U.S. warnings looming Saddam sends tanks,
helicopters and troops into northern Iraq and captures Irbil, a
key city within the Kurdish area protected by U.S. led forces. |
1996 |
Aug. |
Saddam's troop occupation of Irbil, causes the U.N.
Secretary-General to hold off allowing Iraq to resume
international oil sales. |
1996 |
Aug. |
The sending of 46 U.N. personnel to Iraq, as
monitors of the sales of Iraqi oil and the distribution of food
and medicine purchased with the profits, was delayed for their
safety, as announced by Boutros-Ghali. |
1996 |
Aug. |
The United States responds to Saddam's troop
deployment by firing cruise missiles at Iraqi military targets.
1996 |
Aug. |
"Everywhere they[, the people,] are glad; they
are shouting for America, for President Clinton," tells Jala
Talabani, leader of the rival group, the Patriotic Union of the
Kurdistan faction, to the BBC. |
1996 |
Aug. |
President Clinton served notice that the
"oil-for-food" deal is on hold. "Until we are sure these
humanitarian supplies can actually get to those who need them,
the plan cannot go forward, and the Iraqi government will be
denied the new resources it has been expecting," stated
President Clinton. |
1996 |
Sep. |
U.S. officials say attempts will continue in
seeking a settlement with the Kurdish factions. The
administration has asked the Kurds to refrain from seeking help
from Iran or Iraq. "Do not accept the offers of either the
Iranian leadership or of Saddam Hussein for friendship, because
neither of them can be trusted, and neither of them is going to
act in the interest of the Kurdish people," says State
Department spokesman Nicholas Burns. |
1996 |
Sep. |
U.S. ships and airplanes fire upon military
targets with dozens of cruise missiles on September 2nd. in a
move to punish the Iraqi troops and discourage them from
following Saddam. |
1996 |
Sep. |
Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is warned on
September 10th that if he continues building anti-aircraft
batteries in southern Iraq he will face renewed military action. |
1996 |
Sep. |
Defense Secretary William Perry promises, on
September. 11, a "disproportionate" response should Iraqi attack
U.S. planes though many of the allies disapprove. |
1996 |
Sep. |
The Senate Intelligence Committee is informed on
September 18th by CIA Director John Deutch that, "Saddam
Hussein's position has been strengthened in the region,"
1996 |
Sep. |
A force of 219 soldiers leave Fort Hood in Texas
for Kuwait on September 18th in a chartered commercial jet, in a
new U.S. effort to pressure Iraq. |
1996 |
Sep. |
Having been in the Adriatic with its planes
patrolling the no-fly zones of former Yugoslavia, the USS
Enterprise arrives in the gulf on September 19th. |
1996 |
Sep. |
U.S. warplanes roar off the deck of the aircraft
carrier USS Enterprise on September 21st to patrol the skies
over Iraq armed and ready to retaliate if fired upon. |
1996 |
Dec. |
An assassination attempt fails but seriously injures Saddam's
Uday Hussein, on December 12th. |
1996 |
Dec. |
The Oil-for-Food program begins in December
allowing Saddam to resume oil sales in the international market.
From December 1996 to March 20th, 2003, 3.4 billion barrels of
oil valued at $65 billion were exported by Iraq. |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1997 |
1997 |
Mar. |
Under the Oil-for-Food program the first
shipments of food arrive in Iraq in March. |
1997 |
Apr. |
A plan to blow-up an Israeli El-Al airliner above
Tel Aviv, by terrorist Imad Mughniyeh, was foiled on April 12th, just two hours
before the execution of the plan, when the bomb intented to be
used goes off in a hotel room.
Andrew Jonathan Neumann was seriously wounded but reveals his
operation was supposed to be a special "gift" to Israel from
Imad Mughniyeh. |
1997 |
Jun. |
U.N. Resolution 1111, June 21st,
addresses the "... new Plan submitted by the Government of Iraq,
guaranteeing equitable distribution and including a description
of the goods to be purchased with the revenues of the sale of
petroleum and petroleum products authorized by the present
resolution." |
1997 |
Jun. |
U.N. Resolution 1115, June 21st,
condemns the repeated refusal to allow access to designated
sites, demanding full cooperation with the Special Comission. |
1997 |
Jun. |
In June, Iraqi military escorts threaten the safety of the crew
when they physically prevent the pilot of a UNSCOM helicopter
from navigating to the planned destination. |
1997 |
Sep. |
U.N. Resolution 1129, September 12th,
addresses the administering of monies from the Oil-for-Food
program for the humanitarian needs of the Iraqi people. |
1997 |
Sep. |
While in flight on a UNSCOM helicopter a weapons inspector
attempts to photograph unauthorized movement of vehicles inside
a designated inspection site on September 13th and is attacked
by an Iraqi military officer. |
1997 |
Sep. |
During the delaying of access to an inspection site on September
17th the inspectors witness and videotape Iraqi guards moving
and burning documents and dumping waste cans into a river. |
1997 |
Sep. |
Iraqis are caught smuggling log books of prohibited bacteria and
chemical development out a back door by U.N. Inspector Dr. Diane
Seaman on September 25th. |
1997 |
Oct. |
U.N. Resolution 1134, October 23th,
again demands that Iraq cooperate unconditionally with the
weapons inspectors. |
1997 |
Oct. |
Iraq says on October 29th it will begin shooting down the U-2
plains used for surveillance by the UNSCOM inspectors. |
1997 |
Nov. |
"We must recognize that there is no indication that Saddam
Hussein has any intention of relenting. So we have an obligation
of enormous consequence, an obligation to guarantee that Saddam
Hussein cannot ignore the United Nations. He cannot be permitted
to go unobserved and unimpeded toward his horrific objective of
amassing a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. This is not
a matter about which there should be any debate whatsoever in
the Security Council, or, certainly, in this Nation. If he
remains obdurate, I believe that the United Nations must take,
and should authorize immediately, whatever steps are necessary
to force him to relent--and that the United States should
support and participate in those steps." - Speech on the Senate
floor on November 9th by John Kerry. |
1997 |
Nov. |
U.N. Resolution 1137, November 12th,
states the unacceptability of Iraq's decision to implement
conditions on its cooperation with the Special Commission. |
1997 |
Dec. |
U.N. Resolution 1143, December 4th,
addresses the humanitarian concerns and the adequacies of the
distributions. The resolution establishes a "... thorough review
of all aspects of the implementation..." |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1998 |
1998 |
Feb. |
Resolution 71 is passed by the U.S. Senate in February to urge
Bill Clinton to "take all necessary and appropriate actions
to respond to the threat posed by
Iraq's refusal to end it's weapons of mass destruction
programs." |
1998 |
Feb. |
President Clinton on February
19th gives his take on the terrorists,
"They actually take advantage of the
freer movement of people, information and ideas, and they will
be all the more lethal if we allow them to build arsenals of
nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and the missiles to
deliver them. We simply cannot allow this to happen. There is no
more clear example of this threat than Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
His regime threatens the safety of his people, the stability of
the region, and the security of all the rest of us." |
1998 |
Feb. |
U.N. Resolution 1153, February 20th,
addresses the nutritional needs of the Iraqi people. |
1998 |
Feb. |
Saddam Hussein negotiates with U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan
on February 20th for a deal that allow the weapons inspectors to
return while preventing military action by the U.S. and Britain. |
1998 |
Mar. |
U.N. Resolution 1154, March 2nd, "...
to accord immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access to
the Special Commission and the IAEA in conformity with the
relevant resolutions..." |
1998 |
Mar. |
U.N. Resolution 1158, March 25th,
expresses concern over the "resulting humanitarian consequences
for the Iraqi people of the shortfall in the revenue from the
sale of petroleum and petroleum products during the first 90-day
period of implementation..." |
1998 |
Apr. |
The U.N. Security Council is informed by UNSCOM on April 8th
that the declaration of Iraq's biological weapons program is
incomplete as well as inadequate. |
1998 |
May |
The inspection team learns on May 15th that an Iraqi delegation
has traveled to Bucharest meeting with scientist that may be
able to provide missile guidance systems. |
1998 |
Jun. |
U.N. Resolution 1175, June 19th,
pertains to humanitarian distributions and contract funding. |
1998 |
Aug. |
All cooperation with the UNSCOM teams is officially suspended by
Iraq on August 5th. |
1998 |
Aug. |
The U.S. strikes the al-Shifa plant in
Afghanistan on August 20th, later revealing the Iraqi link to
the plant as well as other Iraqi connections. |
1998 |
Aug. |
Scott Ritter says "Iraq
is not disarming," "Iraq
retains the capability to launch a chemical strike."
Ritter resigns from UNSCOM on August 26th, criticizing the U.N.
Security Council and the Clinton administration for failing to
insist that Iraq destroy its Weapons of Mass Destruction. |
1998 |
Sep. |
U.N. Resolution 1194, September 9th,
addresses "... the refusal by Iraq to cooperate in any activity
involving investigation of its clandestine nuclear programme and
other restrictions of access placed by Iraq on the ongoing
monitoring and verification programme of the IAEA." |
1998 |
Sep. |
The U.S. Congress on September 29th passes the Iraq Liberation
Act that set the U.S. policy to remove Saddam Hussein from power
and replace him with a democratic government. |
1998 |
Oct. |
Iraq, again on October 31st says it will not longer cooperate
with the U.N. weapons inspectors. |
1998 |
Nov. |
U.N. Resolution 1205, November 5th,
addresses Iraq's decision "... to cease cooperation with the
United Nations Special Commission, and its continued
restrictions on the work of the International Atomic Energy
Agency." |
1998 |
Nov. |
Air strikes against Iraq are ordered by President Clinton on
November 13th and called off at the last minute on November 14th
when Iraq again promises to unconditionally cooperate with the
inspection teams. |
1998 |
Nov. |
UNSCOM inspectors return to Iraq on November 18th.
1998 |
Nov. |
U.N. Resolution 1210, November 24th,
addresses the need "... to provide for the humanitarian
needs..." "... for equitable distribution of humanitarian
supplies..." and "... to ensure respect for the security and
safety of all persons directly involved in the
implementation..." |
1998 |
Nov. |
Iraq again ends cooperation with U.N. inspectors according to
UNSCOM on November 26th after alternately intimidating and
withholding information from the inspectors. |
1998 |
Dec. |
Iraq announces on December 11th it will no longer allow
inspection on Fridays, the Muslim day of rest. Test data
from missile and engine production is refused to the inspectors
by Iraq. |
1998 |
Dec. |
U.S. President Clinton on December 16th orders airstrikes by the
USAF and the British RAF as UNSCOM withdraws all weapons
inspectors from Iraq. |
1998 |
Dec. |
Taha Yassin Ramadan,
Iraqi vice-president, announced on December 19th that Iraq will
no longer cooperate, declaring that UNSCOM's "mission is over." |
1998 |
Dec. |
U.N. Security Council members France, Germany, and Russia call
on December 21st for the sanctions against Iraq to end. The same
members also call for UNSCOM to be disbanded or its mission
redefined. The U.S. promises to veto any such proposal. |
1998 |
Dec. |
Iraq announces on December 26th that it will fire upon USAF and
British RAF warplanes that pass into the no-fly zones of
northern and southern Iraq. |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
1999 |
1999 |
Jan. |
An ABC newscast on January 14th, reports on the
embassy bombings and ties bin Laden to Iraq in secret meetings
with President Saddam Hussein's top men. |
1999 |
Jan. |
In late January, Saddam Hussein
offers asylum to Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden openly supports Iraq
against the Western nations. |
1999 |
Feb. |
By February Saddam Hussein had already opened
talks with Osama bin Laden
on February 6th, concerning further terror attacks.
U.S. Intelligence and Iraqi opposition fear a greater threat of
terrorist attacks using chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. |
1999 |
May |
U.N. Resolution 1242, May 21st,
addresses the administration "... to provide for the
humanitarian needs of the Iraqi people..." and the "...
equitable distribution of humanitarian supplies..." while
ensuring "... respect for the security and safety of all persons
directly involved in the implementation..." |
1999 |
Oct. |
U.N. Resolution 1266, October 4th,
Determines, "to improve the humanitarian situation in Iraq." and
to reaffirm, "the commitment of all Member States to the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq." |
1999 |
Nov. |
U.N. Resolution 1275, November 19th,
extends provisions within Resolution 1242. |
1999 |
Dec. |
U.N. Resolution 1280, December 3rd,
extends provisions within Resolution 1242 & 1266. |
1999 |
Dec. |
U.N. Resolution 1281, December 10th,
addresses "... whether Iraq has
ensured the equitable distribution of medicine, health supplies,
foodstuffs, and
materials and supplies for essential civilian needs..." |
1999 |
Dec. |
U.N. Resolution 1284, December 17th,
addresses "... the goal of establishing in the Middle East a
zone free from weapons of mass destruction and all missiles for
their delivery and the objective of a global ban on chemical
weapons..." |
1999 |
Dec. |
Replacing UNSCOM, the
United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection
Commission (Unmovic) is created on December 17th by Resolution
1284. The U.N. once
again orders Iraq to immediately allow inspection teams
unconditional access to any weapons facilities. Iraq again
refuses, rejecting the resolution. |
© Copyright 2005
Roger W Hancock www.PoetPatriot.com |
2000 |
Continuing refusal by Saddam Hussein to comply
with U.N. resolutions continue.
See the TimeLine of Liberty on the
Iraq War for more events that relate to post Persian Gulf
Those same events also lead up to the 2003 Iraq war. |
Gulf War Statistics
- Military Poetry
http://www.un.org/Docs/sc/unsc_resolutions.html -
http://www.un.org/Docs/scres/1991/scres91.htm -