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American History American Wars War Statistics
(2nd Persian Gulf War)      Iraq  War      (Gulf War II)
  Last updated November, 2005.  Unless stating the date, events within the year may not be in order.
 Pre War - 2000-2001-2002     The War - 2003      Post War - 2004-2005

Iraq War Statistics   -    Military Poetry
2000 Since the Persian Gulf War Saddam Hussein had never fully cooperated or complied with U.N. resolutions or his agreements after his earlier defeat.
See the TimeLine of Liberty on the Gulf War for earlier events preceding the Iraq War.
2000   The U.S. Navy launches the USS Iwo Jima, LHD-7 in 2000.
2000 Nov. Iraq rejects another new U.N. Security Council weapons inspections proposal in November.
2000 Mar. U.N. Resolution 1293, March 31st, addressing the $600 million in an escrow account associated with the Oil-for-Food program.
2000 Dec. U.N. Resolution 1302, June 8th, Pertains to the disbursements of monies in the Oil-for-Food program with concerns for the humanitarian needs of the Iraqi people.
2000 Dec. U.N. Resolution 1330, December 5th, addresses "... the sum produced from the import by States of petroleum and petroleum products originating in Iraq, including financial and other
essential transactions..."
2000 Dec. After December 72% of the Oil-for-Food money is designated for humanitarian aid throughout Iraq. 25% was allocated for Gulf War reparations. 2.2% went to U.N. administration and operational costs for the program. The last 0.8% went to administering the weapons inspection program.
2001 Feb. In part a response to Iraq's violation of the no flight zone in Northern Iraq and attacks on U.S. planes, British and U.S. forces effect bombing raids in an attempt to disable Iraq's air defense network.
2001 Feb. A Baghdad suburb is bombed on February 16th by U.S. and U.K. planes killing 3 people.
2001 Jun. U.N. Resolution 1352, June 1st, addresses "... new arrangements for the sale or supply of commodities and products to Iraq and for the facilitation of civilian trade and economic cooperation with Iraq in civilian sectors..."
2001 Jun. An American missile hits a soccer field in northern Iraq on June 19th killing 23 and wounding 11.
2001 Jul. U.N. Resolution 1360, July 3rd, addresses "... the sum produced from the import by States of petroleum and petroleum products originating in Iraq, including financial and other essential transactions..." and "should continue to be allocated on a priority basis..."
2001 Jul. On July 21st it is reported that rouge nations like Iraq slip intelligence operatives into bomb conspiracies, by terrorist organizations, availing their expertise then pulling them out leaving the small fries to carry out the plans or be caught by the FBI or CIA.
2001 Nov. U.N. Resolution 1382, November 21st, "Stresses the obligation of Iraq to cooperate with the implementation of this resolution and other applicable resolutions, including by respecting the security and safety of all persons directly involved in their implementation..."
2001 Dec. Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, writes the poem "Veteran's Day" on December 28th.
See the poem "Veteran's Day".
2002 Jan. Thinking of those who have died for our liberty the PoetPatriot, Roger W Hancock, writes the poem "Those Now Gone" on January 26th.
See the poem "Those Now Gone".
2002 Jan. President Bush gives the State of the Union address on January 29th calling Iraq a part of the "axis of evil," vowing the U.S. "will not permit the world"s most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the world's most destructive weapons."
2002 Jan. In response to an anti-war poem the PoetPatriot, Roger W Hancock, writes the poem "Valiant Peace" on February 10th.
See the poem "Valiant Peace".
2002 May U.N. Resolution 1409, May 14th, extends the terms of previous resolutions.
2002 Jun. The new defense doctrine of preemption is introduced publicly by President Bush on June 2nd asserting the U.S. must sometimes strike first against a threatening nation to prevent a potential threat from becoming an actual one.
2002 Jul. Again Iraq rejects new U.N. weapons inspections proposals on July 5th.
2002 Aug. Iraq, on August 2nd, invites chief weapons inspector Hans Blix to discuss remaining disarmament issues.
2002 Aug. On August 19th the U.N. Secretary General rejects Iraq's August 2nd proposal, recommending that Iraq allow weapons inspectors to return in accordance with previous U.N. resolutions.
2002 Sep. On September 12 President George W. Bush challenges the U.N. members to confront the "grave and gathering danger," Iraq poses or to stand aside as the United States and other willing nations take action.
2002 Oct. The U.S. Congress passes a joint resolution on October 2nd authorizes the President to use the U.S. military as he deems necessary and appropriate in dealing with Iraq.
2002 Oct. From the Senate floor John Kerry states in an October 9th speech, ". . . Why is Saddam Hussein attempting to develop nuclear weapons when most nations don't even try, and responsible nations that have them attempt to limit their potential for disaster? Why did Saddam Hussein threaten and provoke? Why does he develop missiles that exceed allowable limits? Why did Saddam Hussein lie and deceive the inspection teams previously? Why did Saddam Hussein not account for all of the weapons of mass destruction which UNSCOM identified? Why is he seeking to develop unmanned airborne vehicles for delivery of biological agents? . . . A brutal, oppressive dictator, guilty of personally murdering and condoning murder and torture, grotesque violence against women, execution of political opponents, a war criminal who used chemical weapons against another nation and, of course, as we know, against his own people, the Kurds. He has diverted funds from the Oil-for-Food program, intended by the international community to go to his own people. He has supported and harbored terrorist groups, particularly radical Palestinian groups such as Abu Nidal, and he has given money to families of suicide murderers in Israel."
2002 Oct. The Israeli military, on October 10th at a Broadcast Media Conference, is accused of targeting CNN personnel on various occasions, one of which lead to a death.
2002 Oct. President George W. Bush signs the Iraq war resolution on October 16th.
2002 Nov. The U.N. Security Council unanimously approves U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441 on November 8th requiring Saddam Hussein to disarm or face "serious consequences."
2002 Nov. Iraq claims to agree on November 13 to the terms of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441.
2002 Nov. CNN reports on November 13th that the U.S. has found through the U.N. that Iraq had ordered 1.25 million doses of atropine, an agent used to counter effects of nerve gas as well as other medical conditions. The number of doses ordered and Iraq's contact with other nations to procure more has raised suspicions.  It is concerned that Iraq intends to use nerve gas and needs the atropine to protect its own forces.
2002 Nov. U.N. Resolution 1443, November 25th, extends the term of resolution 1409.
2002 Nov. U.N. inspectors led by Hans blix return to Iraq after four years of Saddam's refusals.
2002 Dec. U.N. Resolution 1447, December 4th, addresses, "necessary adjustments to the Goods Review List (S/2002/515) and the procedures for its implementation..."
2002 Dec. Iraq files with the U.N. Security Council on December 7th a 12,000 page weapons declaration that is less than thorough.
2002 Dec. U.N. Resolution 1454, December 30th, provides for "... a thorough review of the Goods Review List and the procedures for its implementation..."
2003 Jan. In the State of the Union address on January 28th, President Bush says the U.S. is ready to attack Iraq with or without a U.N. mandate.
2003 Jan. Britain, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Poland, Denmark and the Czech Republic release on January 30th a letter by the eight nations, declaring support for the United States' plans to invade Iraq.
2003 Feb. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell addresses the UN Security Council on February 5th concerning the U.S. plan to invade Iraq.
2003 Feb. Chief U.N. weapons inspector reports, on February 14th, little progress in Iraq's cooperation with the weapons team.
2003 Feb. The largest war protest before the war occurs on February 15th with more than 6 million people in 600 cities world wide.
2003 Feb. Steve Kroft of "60 Minutes" interviews Dr. Hussein Shahristani, Iraq’s former top nuclear scientist for a report to be broadcast on February 23rd. Shahristani says that Iraq has built "subway" tunnels for the purpose of moving and hiding their Weapons of Mass Destruction. The tunnels can also be used for Saddam Hussein to hide or escape through.
2003 Feb. President Bush says on February 26th, "The United States has no intention of determining the precise form of Iraq's new government. That choice belongs to the Iraqi people. Yet, we will ensure that one brutal dictator is not replaced by another. All Iraqis must have a voice in the new government..."
2003 Feb. Lobbying efforts by the U.S. and Britain, from February 24th to March 14th, among the U.N. Security Council members gain only two supporters, Spain and Bulgaria.
2003 Feb. Revealing his vision of a post-invasion democracy in Iraq, President George W. Bush, on February 26th, says it will be "an example" to other nations in the middle east.
2003 Mar. The United Arab Emirates, on March 1st and later echoed by Bahrain and Kuwait, calls for Saddam Hussein to step down to avoid the war.
2003 Mar. 19 abstentions on a March 1st vote in Turkey's Parliament prevents enough majority votes to carry (264 for and 250 against) the proposal to allow the U.S. into the country or entering its airspace.
2003 Mar. Allied aircraft attack a mobile air defense radar on January 24th.
2003 Mar. Allied aircraft attack a mobile air defense radar on February 8th.
2003 Mar. Allied aircraft attack a mobile SAM system killing 2 and injuring 9, on February 10th.
2003 Mar. Allied aircraft bomb a support vehicle and an Ababil-100 SSM launcher, on February 11th.
2003 Mar. Allied aircraft attack attack 2 SAMs on February 14th.
2003 Mar. Allied aircraft attack a mobile air defense radar on February 15th.
2003 Mar. Allied aircraft attack 5 cable repeater sites on February 16th.
2003 Mar. Allied aircraft attack a mobile air defense radar on February 17th.
2003 Mar. Allied aircraft bomb four unmanned underground military communication sites on March 8th.
2003 Mar. Allied aircraft bomb five unmanned underground military communication sites on March 9th.
2003 Mar. A target acquisition radar system and three unmanned underground military communication sites are bombed by Allied aircraft on March 10th.
2003 Mar. Iraqi fighters threaten two U.S. U-2 surveillance planes on March 11th, forcing the mission by U.N. weapons inspectors to be aborted with the return to base. Iraq claimed a "technical mistake" by the U.N. inspectors though Iraqi officials had previously been notified about the flight.
2003 Mar. Arab media reports on March 11th that Saddam Hussein opened camps to train Arab volunteers willing to attack U.S. forces with suicide bombings in the event of a U.S. led invasion took place.
2003 Mar. Britain's Prime Minister, Tony Blair, proposes an amendment to a proposed new 18th U.N. resolution, on March 12th, that would call for Iraq to meet defined benchmarks proving compliance with disarming. France rejects the amendment and promises to veto any new resolution. It is learned later that France had been supplying goods to Iraq in violation of an international embargo.
2003 Mar. Allied aircraft strike at an Iraqi site on March 13th.
2003 Mar. On March 14th U.S. Representative James P. Moran Jr., regional Whip for the House Democrats steps down after being called out for what he called "insensitive" remarks about Jews pushing the U.S. into war with Iraq.  At an anti-war rally in Reston, Virginia on March 3rd Moran said, "If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this."
2003 Mar. Leaders of the U.S., Britain, Portugal and Spain meet at the Azores Islands on March 16th, where President Bush calls March 17th the "moment of Truth" where the "coalition of the willing" would make a final effort to pull a resolution from the U.N. Security Council to give Iraq an Ultimatum to disarm or to be disarmed by force.
2003 Mar. The largest coordinated vigil worldwide is held on March 16th as part of the global protests against the war on Iraq.
2003 Mar. American President George W. Bush on March 17th gives the ultimatum for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his sons to either leave Iraq or face military action at a time of the U.S.'s choosing.
2003 Mar. From June of 2002 until March 19th Coalition air forces had dropped 606 bombs on Iraqi targets.
2003 Day 01
Mar. 20
At 5:30 Baghdad time (9:30 EST, March 19) on March 20th The Iraq war begins. Operation Iraqi Freedom begins when land troops from the U.S., U.K., Australia, and Poland roll into Iraq.
2003 Day 02
Mar. 21
Heavy aerial attacks on Baghdad and other cities begin the major phase of the war on March 21st. The barrage of the "shock and awe" campaign on Military targets in Baghdad is massive with the use of cruise missiles fired from U.S. Navy warships, U.K. Royal Navy submarines and B-52 bombers; and laser guided missiles fired by Stealth Bombers.
2003 Mar. 21 Encountering strong resistance from Iraqi soldiers and paramilitary troops Coalition Troops march within 50 miles of Baghdad.
2003 Mar. 21 The Iraqis fire 12 missiles at Kuwait on March 20th.
2003 Day 06
Mar. 25
Air strikes take out the Iraqi TV transmissions for a few hours on March 25th.
2003 Day 07
Mar. 26
"But as soon as possible, we want to have working alongside the commander an interim Iraqi authority, people representing the people of Iraq. And, as that authority grows and gets greater credibility from the people of Iraq, we want to turn over more and more responsibilities to them." states Colin Powell on March 26, 2003.
2003 Mar. 26 1,000 paratroopers are dropped in Kurdish controlled Iraq on March 26 to open a front on the north.
2002 Mar. U.N. Resolution 1472, March 28th, reaffirms "the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq."
2003 Day 11
Mar. 30
The first attack on Iraq's Republican Guard is by U.S. Marines and Army troops on March 30th about 65 miles outside Baghdad.  Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld dismisses criticism that the U.S. did not deploy enough ground troops.
2003 Day 14
Apr. 02
Private first class Jessica Lynch is rescued on April 2nd from a hospital in Nasiriya by Special operation forces. She and 12 others were captured on March 23rd.
2003 Day 17
Apr. 05
With resistance lighter than expected, U.S. tanks roll into the Iraqi capital engaging in firefights with Iraqi troops on April 5th.
2003 Day 19
Apr. 07
Iraq's second largest city Basra falls to British forces on April 7th.
2003 Day 20
Apr. 08
U.S. Marines capture the Rashid Airfield on April 8th.
2003 Day 21
Apr. 09
The regime of Saddam Hussein is officially ended when U.S. forces seize control of Baghdad on April 9th.  Saddam will show up in Arab videos still inciting continued fighting among his troops and citizens who might still be loyal to his regime.
2003 Apr. 09 A large statue of Saddam Hussein with symbolism is toppled to the ground on April 9th by Iraqi citizens, who solicit the help of soldiers who use a tank to break the statue loose from its foundations.  Government buildings, museums, hospitals, and stores are looted by the Iraqi people.  It is discovered much of the museum pieces were simply taken for safe keeping and most were recovered.
2003 Day 23
Apr. 11
Kirkuk is taken by Kurdish fighters on April 11th.
2003 Apr. 11 Eason Jordon, in a New York Times Op/Ed on April 11th, admitted to covering up Saddam Hussein's tortures and atrocities to keep open a CNN office in Baghdad and to protect his employees.  The information was withheld during the building up to the war.
2003 Day 25
Apr. 13
5 of 12 soldiers captured on March 23rd in Nasiriya are rescued by U.S. Marines on April 13th; also rescued are two pilots shot down on March 24th near Karbala.
2003 Apr. 13 "Rush To War" is a poem written by Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, in response to the liberal and democrat criticism that America had rushed into the war with Iraq, though Saddam had 12 years to comply with U.N. resolutions.
Read the poem "Rush To War" that was written on April 13th.
2003 Day 23
Apr. 21
Retired U.S. Army General Jay Garner is made Interim Civil Administrator of Iraq on April 21st.
2002 Day 26
Apr. 24
U.N. Resolution 1476, April 24th, extends provisions of prior resolutions.
2003 Day 30
Apr. 28
"As freedom takes hold in Iraq, the Iraqi people will choose their own leaders and their own government. America has no intention of imposing our form of government or our culture. Yet, we will ensure that all Iraqis have a voice in the new government..." George W. Bush in a Speech in Dearborne, Michigan on April 28th.
2003 Day.33
May 1
Transported on May 1st in a Lockheed S-3 Viking, President George W. Bush lands on the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln.  Bush give a speech declaring the end of major combat in Iraq. A banner in the background displays, "Mission Accomplished". The banner's message was criticized as being premature.
2003 Iraq War Statistics
2003 May "Joint Effort" a poem written by Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot addresses the fact that although the military maintain our liberty and peace that we at home have our duty also.
Read the poem "Joint Effort" that was written on May 11th.
2003 May "Demonstrators S.O.T." is a poem written after the author participated in support rallies at an overpass of I-5 near an entrance to Fort Lewis.
Read the poem "Demonstrators S.O.T." that was written on May 11th by Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot.
2003 May On May 12th Diplomat Paul Bremer is named to replace Jay Garner as Iraqi Interim Civil Administrator.
2003 May Operation Planet X is launched on May 15th to search out fugitives of the former regime. 260 people are detained with 230 being released the next day. Iraqi General Mahdi Al-Duri Al-Tikrit Adil Abdallah on of the most wanted Iraqi officials was captured along with two sons of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri and five Special Security Office bodyguards.
2003 May U.N. Resolution 1483, May 22nd, reaffirms "... the right of the Iraqi people freely to determine their own political future and control their own natural resources..."
2003 Jun. Two U.S. military convoys are ambushed north of Baghdad, wounding 10 soldiers and some Iraqi bystanders in a bus nearby in a series of raids across Iraq to find resistance and heavy weapons called Operation Desert Scorpion that began on June 15th.
2003 Jun. A sniper's bullet kills a soldier riding in a Humvee from the 1st Armored Division's 1st Brigade in Baghdad on June 16th.
2003 Jul. U.N. Resolution 1490, July 3rd, expresses the, now, unnecessary monitoring by the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission.
2003 Jul. Under the authority of American Administrator Paul Bremer, 25 Iraqis appointed by U.S. and British officials were inaugurated on July 13th to Iraq's interim governing council.
2003 Jul. Commander of the allied forces in Iraq, General John Abizaid on July 16th says the continuing attacks have taken on a "guerrilla-type campaign" also saying replacement troops may be deployed for year-long tours.
2003 Jul. Dr. David Kelly is found dead a few miles from his home on July 18th. An independent judicial inquiry into the event prior to his death would confirm the suicide that fails to dispel rumors of conspiracy. Kelly was employed by the British Ministry of Defense and was an expert in biological warfare. He was a U.N. weapons inspector visiting Iraq 37 times. His uncovering Iraq's biological weapons program led to his being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
2003 Jul. A firefight, at the Mosul Palace on July 22nd, results in the death of Uday and Qusay Hussein, Saddam Hussein's sons.
2003 Aug. On August 4th the poem "American Hero" is written by the PoetPatriot, Roger W Hancock.
Read the poem "American Hero".
2003 Jul. U.N. Resolution 1500, August 14th, "Welcomes the establishment of the broadly representative Governing Council of Iraq on 13 July 2003, as an important step towards the formation by the people of Iraq of an internationally recognized, representative government that will exercise the sovereignty of Iraq..."
2003 Aug. Sergio Vieira de Mello, the top U.N. envoy, and 21 others are killed on August 19th in a Truck bomb explosion at the the U.N. inspectors headquarters at the Canal hotel in Baghdad, Iraq.
2003 Aug. Implying no short term end to the occupation Bush exclaims on August 26th, "No Retreat." from Iraq.
2003 Aug. A car bomb blast kills Shiite cleric Ayatollah Mohammed Baqr al-Hakim after leaving his mosque having attended Friday prayers on August 29th. 84 others are also killed
2003 Sep. President George W. Bush makes the announcement, on September 7th, that 87 billion dollars is needed to pay for additional military and reconstruction costs.
2003 Sep. A Gallup poll released on September 23rd shows a majority of Iraqi citizens expect a better life in 5 years; about two-thirds say the removal of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was worth the hardships they've been forced to endure.  The poll does not show that many prefer the hardships with the hope of liberty to the hardships endured under Saddam Hussein.
2003 Oct. As of October 3rd Iraq Survey Group lead by David Kay fails to find evidence of WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction). Inspections by the UN that began in 2002 were not given free access to locations where WMD were thought to be or were being developed. Saddam had stated ownership of such programs. A network of biological laboratories and a lethal strain of botulinum had been found by the UN Inspectors. It is believed that Saddam had much of the evidence of the WMD buried or transported out of the country prior to the invasion.
2003 Oct. U.N. Resolution 1511, October 16th, recognizes "... the sovereignty of Iraq resides in the State of Iraq, reaffirming the right of the Iraqi people freely to determine their own political future and control their own natural resources, reiterating its resolve that the day when Iraqis govern themselves must come quickly..."
2003 Oct. The Madrid Conference is held on October 23rd and 4th as an international conference to raise funds from the International community for the reconstruction of Iraq. Falling short of the target of 56 billion dollars over half is raised, 33 billion dollars.
2003 Oct. The 6 month nighttime curfew on the 5 million residents of Baghdad is lifted on October 26th in time to accommodate the Ramadan observations.
2003 Oct. The war takes on a twist becoming a war against terrorists rather than a war against an army.  Many of the "insurgents" are terrorists from other nations rather than the remnants of Saddam Hussein's armies.
2003 Oct. On October 27th four coordinated suicide attacks in Baghdad kill 43 and wound 200 with the targets being the HQ of the Red Crescent and 3 police stations. The "Insurgents" begin to target Iraqi security forces as well as U.S. troops; increasingly they engage in the cowardly act of targeting Iraqi civilians and aid agencies.
2003 Nov. North of Baghdad near Kirkuk on November 2nd a blast damages an oil pipeline.
2003 Nov. An American Helicopter is shot down by guerrillas on November 2nd Killing 16 U.S. soldiers and wounding 21 others.  Other attacks in November bring the month's toll to 75 U.S. soldiers dead.
2003 Nov. A U.S. Black Hawk helicopter crashes, on November 3rd, killing 6.
2003 Nov. The first Italian casualties number 19 when killed on November 12th, in Nasiriya, Iraq, by a suicide bomb attack on an Italian police base, 14 Iraqis are also killed.
2003 Nov. In a November 14th deal with the Iraqi Governing Council Bush's administration reverses it policy to agree to transfer power to an interim government much sooner than originally planned.
2003 Nov. On November 19thin a forum on the safety of reporters in Iraq, Eason Jordon makes the allegation some reporters were being tortured and wrongly imprisoned.
2003 Nov. Avoiding ground fire, in Mosul on November 3rd, two Black Hawk helicopters collide killing 17.
2003 Nov. Among massive protests on November 18th U.S. President George W. Bush makes a state visit to London, England.
2003 Nov. U.N. Resolution 1518, November 24th, determines, "... that the situation in Iraq, although improved, continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security."
2003 Nov. United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw made an unannounced and short visit to Iraq on November 26th.
2003 Nov. President Bush makes a secretly planned flight on Air Force One to the Baghdad International Airport on Thanksgiving Day (November 27) to boost morale among the troops and the Iraqi people.  He was accompanied by National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice.
2003 Nov. In the City of Samarra in central Iraq on November 30th, the U.S. military kills 26 Militants, wounding 18 in various clashes.
2003 Dec. A plan to send nearly 1000 soldiers to help Iraq reconstruction was approved by Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's Cabinet on December 9th becoming the largest troop deployment overseas since World War II.
2003 Dec. A diplomatic controversy is created when Paul Wolfowitz, deputy secretary of defense, on December 9th, issues a directive that bans France, Germany and Russia from bidding on profitable contracts in rebuilding Iraq.
2003 Dec. Iraqi ex-president Saddam Hussein is captured by the U.S. 4th Infantry Division on December 13th in the village Adwar near Saddam's hometown city of Tikrit. Saddam was found hiding in a small hole and surrendered without resistance during Operation Red Dawn.
2003 Dec. The U.S. 4th Infantry Division begins Operation Ivy Blizzard on December 17th that lasts from down to mid-morning and results in the arrest of guerilla fighters and possible terrorists.
2003 Dec. 8 Iraqis are killed and more than 30 others wounded in a Car bomb explosion outside a restaurant in Baghdad on December 31st. 3 of the wounded were correspondents from the Los Angeles Times.
© Copyright 2005 Roger W Hancock
2004 Jan. Britains Prime Minister Tony Blair make a trip to Basra, Iraq unannounced to deliver a speech to British troops on January 3rd.
2004 Jan. 9 are dead on January 8th when the Black Hawk they were on was shot down near Falluja.
2004 Jan. Shiite cleric, the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the most influential in Iraq, asserts the members of the nation's interim government must be chosen by a direct vote, opposing the American plan to hold regional caucuses. The the tight timetable of handing control of the government on June 30th to the Iraqis had the U.S. arguing the difficulty in assuring free and safe elections.
2004 Jan. A peaceful demonstration in Basra on January 15th in support of direct elections, is attended by thousands of Shiites.
2004 Jan. The United Nations is asked by the United States on January 19th to moderate the dispute over the election process.
2004 Jan. A truck bomb driven into a U.S. military post near a bridge in Khaldiya by a suicide bomber on January 24th kills 3 servicemen and wounds 6 others.
2004 Jan. Japanese troops participate in the most risky military mission since World War II on January 26th.
2004 Jan. On January 27th Eason Jordon asserts repeatedly that American military had targeted and killed journalists in Iraq. Jordan unable to substantiate resigns on February 11th.
2004 Jan. Former head of the U.S. weapons inspection teams in Iraq, David Kay tells a senate committee on January 28th that no WMDs have been found and that nearly all prewar intelligence was wrong about Hussein's arsenal.
2004 Jan. On February 1st in the northern Iraqi city of Arbil 109 are killed and 235 wounded in attacks of two Kurdish buildings by suicide bombers.
2004 Feb. Succumbing to pressure from both Republicans and democrats, President Bush calls for a study of intelligence inadequacies by an independent commission, on February 2nd.
2004 Feb. The CIA after reinvestigating the original reports with current intelligence concludes and revealed on February 3rd that the threat from weapons of mass destruction before the invasion of Iraq, was not imminent.
It was subsequently found that Iraq was "developing" Weapons of Mass Destruction. WMDs were not found leaving the presumption they did not exist in spite of Saddam Hussein's claim to possess them. Saddam had claimed, refusing to provide proof, he had the chemical weapons destroyed.  Saddam had previously used chemical weapons on the Iraqi population in the north.
2004 Brit The Prince of Wales on February 7th starts a tour visiting troops in Iraq, the earthquake zone at Bam, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
2004 Terror Becoming a regular target, a Police station in Baghdad is hit by a car bomb on February 10th killing 54 Iraqis applying for jobs with the Iraqi security forces.  The next day 47 are killed in an attack outside an army recruiting center.
2004 Feb. The poem "It's the Veteran" is written on February 16th, by the PoetPatriot Roger W Hancock, to give honor and to remember those who maintain our liberty and our peace.
Read the poem "It's the Veteran"
2004 Feb. At a Coalition base in Baghdad on February 18th is hit by dual attacks by suicide bombings that kill 8 Iraqis.
2004 Feb. The Red Cross is allowed to visit Saddam Hussein on February 21st, the first since his capture in December.
2004 Feb. United Nations envoy Lakhdar Brahimi submits a report on February 23rd that concludes the earliest date credible direct elections could be held would be in early 2005.
2004 Mar. Mohammed Bahr al-Uloum is selected on March 1st to be President of Iraq.
2004 Mar. On Shiite Islam's most holy day of feast attacks in Karbala has suicide bombers killing more than 85 and wounding 233 others on March 2nd. It is believed perpetrators are attempting to build unrest between the Shiites and Sunnis.
2004 Mar. A series of bomb blasts on March 4th are thought to be an attempt to de-stabilize Iraq.
2004 Mar. The Interim Iraqi Governing Council signs the interim constitution on March 8th.
2004 Mar. Five British men are released on March 10th from detention at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay. Arriving at RAF Brize Norton four are arrested by Metropolitan Police and taken to Central London's Paddington Green high security police station for questioning.
2004 Mar. The new government of Spain announced on March 15th that it will pull the 1,300 Spanish troops from Iraq.
2004 Mar. The start of the war in Iraq is protested by thousands on March 20th, the 1-year anniversary.
2004 Mar. Four American contractors are killed in an ambush in Fallujah and their bodies mutilated on March 31st.
2004 Apr. Four private American security contractors who were ex-special forces are shot and burnt inside their cars in Fallujah on April 1st. The bodies of two are dismembered while two are hung from a bridge over the Euphrates River.
2004 Apr. April 4th begins an assault on Falluja by U.S. troops in response to the March 31st and April 1st killiings.  Shiite militias led by Moktada al-Sadr launch coordinated attacks in the cities of Kufa, Karbala, Najaf, al-Kut, and Sadr City.
2004 Apr. Riots on April 6th break out in Najaf and Baghdad's slum of Sadr City by followers of Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr.
2004 Apr. Three Japanese citizens are taken hostage on April 8th in Iraq.
2004 Apr. Thomas Hamill, an American contract worker, is taken hostage on April 9th. More than 20 foreigners have been kidnapped during the Iraq war as hostage-taking become a regular tactic of the terrorists.
2004 Apr. A U.N. proposal to replace the Iraqi Governing Council with a caretaker government when sovereignty is returned to the Iraqis on June 30th is agreed to by President Bush's administration on April 15th.
2004 Apr. U.N. Resolution 1538, April 21st, Expresses "... the desire to see a full and fair investigation of efforts by the former Government of Iraq, including through bribery, kickbacks, surcharges on oil sales, and illicit payments in regard to purchases of humanitarian goods, to evade
the provisions of resolution 661..." "and subsequent relevant resolutions." also stating "... any illicit activity by United Nations officials, personnel and agents..." "is unacceptable."
2004 Apr. Some Iraqi Baath Party officials who were forced from their jobs after the fall of Saddam will be asked to resume their positions to help refill the drain of skilled workers when nearly 400,000 lost their jobs. The U.S. announced the rehire on April 22nd.
2004 Apr. In the rubble of the bombed headquarters of Iraq's intelligence service, the Mukhabarat, documents are found on April 26th showing an al-Qaeda envoy was secretly invited to Baghdad in March, 1998.
2004 Apr. Iraqi intelligence documents discovered in Baghdad made public on April 27th, show the first evidence of a direct link between Osama bin Laden's alQaeda network and Saddam Hussein's regime.
2004 Apr. Photographs of the physical and sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad are released by the U.S. media on April 30th sparking outrage world wide.
2004 May The decapitation of American contractor Nicholas Berg on May 8th by Iraqi militant terrorists allegedly linked to al-Qaeda is video taped distributed on the internet within days and viewed across the world by the media. The terrorists claim it is retaliation for the Abu Ghraib prison abuse. Beheadings of foreign contract workers become a regular tactic by the terrorists.
2004 May In the United Kingdom, Piers Morgan, editor of the Daily Mirror is fired on May 14th after the British army proves fake the published photographs depicting British soldiers abusing detainees,
2004 May The holder of the leadership of the Iraqi Governing Council, Ezzedin Salim, on May 17th is killed along with 6 others by a suicide bomb blast in Baghdad.
2004 May In Court-martial proceedings on May 19th, Jeremy Sivits pleads guilty in connection with alleged abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad.
2004 May A Truce is reached on May 27th after 7 weeks of battling in Najaf between U.S. forces and militias loyal to al-Sadr.
2004 May Iyad Allawi, a Shiite neurologist with ties to the CIA, is designated on May 28th to be Prime Minister of the interim government in Iraq.
2004 Jun. After reading an email that was circulating the internet that told of an incident with detainees during a sand storm, Roger W Hancock, the PoetPatriot, writes the poem "Civilized Compassion" on June 6th.
See the poem "Civilized Compassion".
2004 Jun. Ghazi al-Yawar, a Sunni is chosen as president on June 1st, then the Governing Council decides that rather than wait for handover of sovereignty to dissolve itself immediately.
2004 Jun. U.N. Resolution 1546, June 8th, recognizes "... the dissolution of the Governing Council of Iraq, and welcoming the progress made in implementing the arrangements for Iraq’s political
2004 Jun. On June 28th in a surprising move a secret ceremony is held two days earlier transferring power to an interim Iraqi government.
2004 Jun. The preliminary hearings begin, on June 30th, to decide the guilt of Saddam Hussein for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
2004 Jul. Prime Minister Allawi on July 7th signs a law permitting him to impose martial law.
2004 Jul. The Senate Intelligence Committee reported on July 9th that no "formal relationship" between Iraq and al Qaeda existed. The investigation ignored numerous CIA intelligence reports showing an informal relationship.  Saddam has not been tied to 9-11 other than his financing of terrorism in general.
2004 Jul. The 9/11 Commission  (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States) releases its final report on July 22nd. No definitive ties to Iraq or Saudi Arabia, in that help in planning or executing the September 11, 2001 attacks, were found. New evidence did show an increased contact between al-Qaeda and Iran which lead to Iran's efforts to squash al-Qaeda cells operating with the country.
2004 Jun. The Philippine President, Gloria Arroyo confirms on July 20th the release of hostage Angelo de la Cruz. His captors had demanded a month-early withdrawal of all of the 51 Filipino troops.
2004 Jul. Terrorist in Iraq abduct three Indians, two Kenyans and an Egyptian on July 21st, then threaten to behead them unless their countries announced the withdrawal of their troops.  It is unknown how the countries responded but not one of them had troops in Iraq.
2004 Jul. The PoetPatriot, Roger W Hancock, writes the poem, "Baghdad Tears" on July 22nd.
Read the poem "Baghdad Tears".
2004 Aug. U.N. Resolution 1557, August 12th, recognizes "... that the United Nations should play a
leading role in assisting the Iraqi people and government in the formation of
institutions for representative government."
2004 Aug. The Schlesinger report, is released on August 24th and although Pentagon-sponsored, finds in its investigation into the Abu Ghraib scandal that "fundamental failures throughout all levels of command from the soldiers on the ground up to Central Commad an into the Pentagon," It calls the prisoner abuse brutal with purposeless sadism rejecting the idea the abuse was simply the work of a few aberrant soldiers.
2004 Aug. Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani negotiates a settlement to end on August 27th, a three week battle in Najaf between U.S. forces and militia of militant cleric al-Sadr.
2004 Sep. At the Republican National Convention on September 1st democrat Zell Miller proclaims in the keynote speech, "For more than twenty years, on every one of the great issues of freedom and security, John Kerry has been more wrong, more weak and more wobbly than any other national figure. As a war protestor, Kerry blamed our military. As a Senator, he voted to weaken our military. And nothing shows that more sadly and more clearly than his vote this year to deny protective armor for our troops in harms way, far-away."
2004 Sep. The U.S. death toll as of September 7th reaches 1000 with wounded at about 7000.  There is no official record of Iraqi deaths, however estimates range from 12 to 14 thousand.
2004 Sep. President requests that 3.4 billion dollars be diverted from the Iraq reconstruction budget, of 18.4 billion dollars, to improving the country's security.  Pockets of insurgents control the areas where they are most concentrated and threatens to disrupt Iraqi national elections.
2004 Sep. U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan states, in a BBC interview, the war against Iraq was illegal violating the U.N. Charter. His conclusion is vehemently denied by the U.S., U.K. and Australia.
2004 Sep. Lord Hutton publishes his report into the death of UN weapons inspector Dr. David Kelly in September. The report found the British Broadcasting Corporation report that the British government embellished on intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction as unfounded. The release of the inquiry prompted the resignation of BBC's chairman, its Director General, and the reporter who initiated the allegation. Kelley had committed suicide.
2004 Oct. It is made public on October 4th that Iraqi intelligence documents collected by U.S. forces reveal many instances of cooperation, targeting Americans, between Saddam's regime and various terror organizations including al Qaeda.  Mustard Gas and Anthrax, both weapons of mass destruction, are mentioned in the documents that cover the summer of 2000, when U.N. weapons inspectors were not present in Iraq. Also revealed by the documentation is the training of terrorists inside Iraqi borders.
© Copyright 2005 Roger W Hancock
2005 Jan. Chairman of the Diyala Provincial Council and his brother were killed in an attack in a parking garage on January 1st.
2005 Jan. Two insurgents drive a suicide car bomb into a bus carrying Iraqi national guard troops on January 2nd killing themselves, 21 soldiers and a woman nearby.
2005 Jan. On January 3rd an Insurgent attack kills 20 people.
2005 Jan. Baghdad's deputy Police Chief was killed on January 10th.
2005 Jan. The United States on January 12th ends the search for WMDs in Iraq. It is believed that all had been destroyed or transported out of the country. Before the American invasion, Saddam had claimed possession then when threatened with military action claimed to have destroyed the WMDs without providing evidence while denying access to U.N. inspectors.
2005 Jan. Charles Graner was found guilty on January 14th of mistreating detainees at Abu Ghraib in early 2004.
2005 Jan. Iraqi Security Forces are accused on January 24th of systematically abusing detainees according to the Human Rights Watch.
2005 Jan. 30 U.S. Marines and one Navy corpsman are killed in a chopper crash during bad weather on January 26th near the Iraq, Jordan border.  January 26th is the deadliest day since the war began with 37 dead.
2005 Jan. On January 29th, the eve of Iraq's first free election since Saddam, 8 Iraqis are killed by insurgents trying to scare the Iraq citizens from the polls.
2005 Jan. Amid threats and actual attacks Iraqis on January 30th attend polls in the first free election in 50 years with a turnout higher than expected.
2005 Jan. On January 30th 10 are killed when a Royal Air Force Hercules transport plane is downed near Baghdad.
2005 Jan. U.K. troops are killed in a crash on January 31st.
2005 Feb. In Mosul on February 7th, a suicide bomber summons a group of Iraqi policemen and then detonates the bomb killing 12 and wounding 4.   Later a taxi blows up killing 15 more people.
2005 Feb. Results from the January 30th elections come in on February 14th showing the United Iraqi Alliance, the Shiite backed party, winning a plurality of votes, falling short of a full majority. The turnout for the vote was 58 percent.
2005 Feb. Corporal Daniel Kenyon and Lieutenant Corporal Mark Cooley were convicted on February 23rd of abuse of detainees at Camp Bread Basket in Basra during May, 2003.
2005 Feb. Saddam Hussein's half-brother and former personal adviser was captured by joint coalition and Iraqi forces sometime shortly before February 27th. Sab'awi Ibrahim al-Hasan al-Tikriti, Saddam Hussein's brother was No. 36 and one of the 12 still at large on the U.S. list of the 55 most-wanted Iraqis.
2005 Feb. 125 people are killed by a car bomb in Hilla, waiting in line for physicals prior to being hired.
2005 Mar. On March 4th after attempting to war the occupants of a car, American soldiers fire upon the vehicle wounding a reporter and killing a bodyguard.
2005 Mar. Four soldiers of the U.S. 1st Marine Expeditionary Force were killed on March 4th in western Anbar Province.  Since the beginning of the war 1,506 have died with 355 from non-combat causes.
2005 Mar. A two hour firefight on March 22nd near Lake Tharthar, over 80 enemy, Iraqi and other, are killed. 7 Iraqi police commandos were killed; the U.S., providing helicopter support, had no casualties. 
2005 Apr. On April 21st a commercial helicopter is hit by a missile, crashes killing 11 people onboard. 6 of the dead are American security contractors.
2005 Apr. Two cars with bombs are used to kill Tikrit police on April 23rd.
2005 Apr. A car bomb on April 27th in Baghdad kill 28 people of which 3 were U.S. troops, 100 other are wounded.
2005 May On May 3rd Iraq's Prime Minister continues with the swearing in of cabinet members though 7 positions still remain vacant. Though an embarrassment for Prime Minister Jaafari, he says there is no hurry to fill the positions that the most important thing is to find consensus.
2005 bomb 60 People are killed in the Kurdish city of Erbil on May 4th in a suicide blast aimed at police recruits.
2005 May Insurgents kidnap Raja Nawaf, governor of the western province of Anbar at a roadblock between the town of Qaim and Ramadi, the provincial capital, on May 10th. The Kidnappers demand the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Qaim.
2005 May A suicide bomber kills 20 Iraqi civilians who were in line to join the Iraqi army on May 11th in Hawija.
2005 May A car bomb on May 11th in Tikrit kills 30 Iraqis wounding anther 40.
2005 May A car bomb at a southern Baghdad police station kills 3 Iraqis on May 11th.
2005 May 1 Iraqi is killed by a car bomb at the emergency police patrol at Jordan Square in Baghdad on May 11th.
2005 May In the northern city of Tal Afar to car bombs kill 34 civilians on May 23rd.
2005 May Car bombings at a Baghdad restaurant and a mosque on May 23rd kill 12 people.
2005 May 8 American soldiers are killed on May 24th in the Iraq War.
2005 Jun. A video and statement is released by an Iraqi special tribunal investigation on June 12th showing the questioning of three people including Saddam's half-brother Sab'awi Ibrahim al-Hassan.
2005 Jun. A suicide bomber kills 19 Iraqis outside a bank on June 13th
2005 Jun. A suicide bombing occurs on June 14th at a restaurant on an Iraqi military base in Khalis that kills 23 Iraqi soldiers.
2005 Jun. In Za'faraniya area near al-Kubaisi market on June 14th a bomb destroys three vehicles killing 2 officers in an Iraqi police patrol.
2005 Jun. 2 Marines are killed by roadside bombs on June 14th during combat in Anbar province, west of Baghdad. These 2 deaths bring the toll of U.S. troops killed in the war to 1,706.
2005 Jun. On June 15th in a night mortar attack 5 Iraqi civilians are killed in Southwest Baghdad.
2005 Jun. Australia's John Howard tells his parliament on June 15th that Australian Douglas Wood, who was taken hostage six weeks ago in Iraq, had been rescued in an Iraqi military operation a while back and is undergoing medical exams but is dong well. An Iraqi captive was rescued in the same operation.
2005 Jun. 16 American soldiers are killed when on June 28th a Chinook helicopter is downed by a rocket-propelled grenade, near the Afghan-Pakistan border. A Taliban representative called CNN's Pakistan bureau the next day claiming responsibility.
2005 Jul. The Iraqi Special Tribunal on July 17th files its first charges against Saddam Hussein for crimes against the Iraqi people, during his reign. Judge Raed Juhi, chief investigative judge of the tribunal announced the charges.
2004 Aug. U.N. Resolution 1619, August 11th, reaffirms "... the United Nations should play a leading role in assisting the efforts of the Iraqi people and Government in developing institutions for representative government, and in promoting national dialogue and unity."
2005 Aug. The deadline for the Iraqi constitution was extended from August 15th to the 22nd in hope of working out the differences between the south Shiite majority, north Kurdish majority and the Sunni Arabs. Kurdish and Sunni Arab leaders were leaning towards a centralization while the Shiites wanted an autonomous region in the Shiite south. Transitional law sets October 15th for the referendum on the new Iraqi constitution.
2005 Aug. U.S. military deaths climb to 1,862 when a member of the 42nd Military Police Brigade was hit by a homemade bomb on August 20th outside Baghdad, he later died at the 86th Combat Support Hospital.
2005 Aug. 7 Iraqi police officers were wounded on August 20th during a battle killing two insurgents and arresting two, one a Jordanian carrying medical supplies, a sniper rifle and a video with executions of local nationals on it.
2005 Sep. In Humvees and Bradley Fighting Vehicles Iraqi and U.S. forces have swept through a third of Baghdad as of September 10th going house to house to root out the terrorist militants.
2005 Nov. U.N. Resolution 1637, November 8th, recognizes "... the Transitional Government of Iraq to work towards a federal, democratic, pluralistic, and unified Iraq, in which there is full respect for political and human rights."
© Copyright 2005 Roger W Hancock 


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The greatest ability in business is to get along with others and to influence their actions. - John Hancock

Liberty is maintained by Responsible Freedom.  -  Roger W Hancock


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